"...picture of Manhatten skyline"
I right feel like a good ramble (no, I'm not donning my wellies to go for a long walk)...
but first, as promised, some pictures;
That's the rather staggering view from Hyde's apartment. Imagine that! It was like the first thing I saw every morning! Albeit in a more blurry & wobbly fashion.

That's the Empire State building from which I took literally grillions of pictures, I'll share 2 or 3...

I took several from the Staten Island ferry, at the time they looked fine on the camera's display screen. Sadly, most have turned out to be blurred. Shame because it was sunset as we passed the Statue of Liberty, D'oh!
Still I did manage to get one decent shot of the old bird...

So, that last one is cack because dumbass here couldn't figure out the flash on the camera but if you look hard enough you'll recognise the apartment building where all the Friends lived (at some time or another).
On our final drunken night together I managed to get Hyde & Hammer to pose together for me...
I had the best time with those girls!
Nice is currently in the good old US of A. She flew out on Friday morning with some friends for a two week holiday in Orlando, Florida. It's a little strange because we've been apart loads already, but usually it's because I've been away. This time I've got 2 very normal weeks in Crapsville ahead of me & I'm gonna miss her a lot. While we're on the subject of Nice, I should tell you a couple of things. Firstly, we are still very happy together & are still having as much fun (& sex) as we always have. It's all good. Secondly, Nice is aware of this very blog, I sometimes let her read the odd post under my supervision. Here's the thing; she really doesn't like her Blog name. She says it's too boring. I have told her that names are not changeable (which I know is kind of ironic in her case) but she's very keen for a new one & she suggested that I put it to my lovely readers. Shall I grant her wish & if so, any ideas?
I have some ideas but most of them are filthy!
Nice's absence should give me lot's of free time to devote to Album2 which has slowed right down since my little burst a couple of weeks ago.
Speaking of tunes, I'm very happy to tell you that I've gotten hold of Muse's new single "Supermassive Black Hole". It's hella cool but it does bear more than a passing resemblance to Adam Ant's "Room at the top". Well, I think so anyway. Most of my recent listening time has been spent on Snow Patrol's "Eyes open" album. I really like it. Other than that I've really been enjoying Placebo's recent album; "Meds". It's nothing of a departure for them, in fact it's textbook Placebo but it's very good textbook Placebo. And that'll do for me.
Other than that I've been feeling my way into the recent albums by The Vines, Morrissey, The Kooks, Embrace, Morning Runner & The Delays. It takes time to soak them all up, I tell thee.
On Friday night I went over to Reckless & Dream Girl's. Crikey, the place as changed a bit! New 7 seater sat on the drive, laminate flooring, new leather sofas that do that reclining thing, plasma screen TV, new coffee table & a new computer. Bless them.
I'm immeasurably pleased for them as it's often a struggle with a family of 6. It was a night of much fun & happiness.
As per usual we got pretty drunk, as is a little less usual we did a few lines of Charlie & as is thankfully much less normal these days I fell off my Dream Girl wagon in spectacular fashion. Not that she seemed to mind though, it must be nice having two people who love you implicitly.
I should point out that I never "did" anything. No, my line-crossing is almost always verbal & no more. It's nothing she doesn't know anyway. As she said, referring to a very fine song on the subject, "We both know".
That reminds me, I have gotten myself a page at MySpace to further spread the Gnu Cnu cause. If anyone would care to have a nose or a listen it's here.
It's time to have a bit of a clean up over on my blogroll. Some of the blogs on there are rarely updated, dead or simply (without any offence at all) not floating my boat anymore. I have set myself a strict limit of 30 as well. So I'm gonna have room for a few new ones, I feel like I could do with some new blood.
Wasn't the cup final the best in absolutely yonks? I did feel a little sorry for the Hammers but let's all hope Steven Gerrard can keep that sort of form going through the world cup, eh?
Ooh, here's one thing I never told you about my trip to NYC. I was watching the Leeds game in Cheers during the afternoon. When I went to the (possibly the smallest in the world) toilet, someone had kindly dumped a whole load of icecubes into the urinal. Guys, it's the most fun you can have peeing, I swear! (Unless you're one of those frighteningly strange golden shower types, I suppose. Brrr, perish the thought!)
And because I was virtually the only person in there, they were still there on subsequent trips. Happy days!
I've been with The Boy a lot since I got back which has been great. Today we went swimming which was a load of fun. Last night we sat down on the sofa together to watch Doctor Who. He's really got into it & it's really nice just to sit there with him. He hasn't hidden behind the sofa yet as I used to when I was his age, but I reckon he's been close. It's very good telly though, isn't it? And Billie Piper is very easy on the eye too. I missed most of the last series so I couldn't really form an opinion on Christopher Eccelston as The Doctor. I do however think that David Tennant is very good indeed. My favourite was always Tom Baker but I liked Jon Pertwee too, even though he will always live in the memory as Wurzel Gummidge. Now that was good telly for kids.
I'm sure there was something else I was going to bring up but I'm jiggered if I can remember what it was.
So I'll be off then, Cheerio!
but first, as promised, some pictures;

That's the Empire State building from which I took literally grillions of pictures, I'll share 2 or 3...

I took several from the Staten Island ferry, at the time they looked fine on the camera's display screen. Sadly, most have turned out to be blurred. Shame because it was sunset as we passed the Statue of Liberty, D'oh!

Still I did manage to get one decent shot of the old bird...

So, that last one is cack because dumbass here couldn't figure out the flash on the camera but if you look hard enough you'll recognise the apartment building where all the Friends lived (at some time or another).
On our final drunken night together I managed to get Hyde & Hammer to pose together for me...

I had the best time with those girls!
Nice is currently in the good old US of A. She flew out on Friday morning with some friends for a two week holiday in Orlando, Florida. It's a little strange because we've been apart loads already, but usually it's because I've been away. This time I've got 2 very normal weeks in Crapsville ahead of me & I'm gonna miss her a lot. While we're on the subject of Nice, I should tell you a couple of things. Firstly, we are still very happy together & are still having as much fun (& sex) as we always have. It's all good. Secondly, Nice is aware of this very blog, I sometimes let her read the odd post under my supervision. Here's the thing; she really doesn't like her Blog name. She says it's too boring. I have told her that names are not changeable (which I know is kind of ironic in her case) but she's very keen for a new one & she suggested that I put it to my lovely readers. Shall I grant her wish & if so, any ideas?
I have some ideas but most of them are filthy!
Nice's absence should give me lot's of free time to devote to Album2 which has slowed right down since my little burst a couple of weeks ago.
Speaking of tunes, I'm very happy to tell you that I've gotten hold of Muse's new single "Supermassive Black Hole". It's hella cool but it does bear more than a passing resemblance to Adam Ant's "Room at the top". Well, I think so anyway. Most of my recent listening time has been spent on Snow Patrol's "Eyes open" album. I really like it. Other than that I've really been enjoying Placebo's recent album; "Meds". It's nothing of a departure for them, in fact it's textbook Placebo but it's very good textbook Placebo. And that'll do for me.
Other than that I've been feeling my way into the recent albums by The Vines, Morrissey, The Kooks, Embrace, Morning Runner & The Delays. It takes time to soak them all up, I tell thee.
On Friday night I went over to Reckless & Dream Girl's. Crikey, the place as changed a bit! New 7 seater sat on the drive, laminate flooring, new leather sofas that do that reclining thing, plasma screen TV, new coffee table & a new computer. Bless them.
I'm immeasurably pleased for them as it's often a struggle with a family of 6. It was a night of much fun & happiness.
As per usual we got pretty drunk, as is a little less usual we did a few lines of Charlie & as is thankfully much less normal these days I fell off my Dream Girl wagon in spectacular fashion. Not that she seemed to mind though, it must be nice having two people who love you implicitly.
I should point out that I never "did" anything. No, my line-crossing is almost always verbal & no more. It's nothing she doesn't know anyway. As she said, referring to a very fine song on the subject, "We both know".
That reminds me, I have gotten myself a page at MySpace to further spread the Gnu Cnu cause. If anyone would care to have a nose or a listen it's here.
It's time to have a bit of a clean up over on my blogroll. Some of the blogs on there are rarely updated, dead or simply (without any offence at all) not floating my boat anymore. I have set myself a strict limit of 30 as well. So I'm gonna have room for a few new ones, I feel like I could do with some new blood.
Wasn't the cup final the best in absolutely yonks? I did feel a little sorry for the Hammers but let's all hope Steven Gerrard can keep that sort of form going through the world cup, eh?
Ooh, here's one thing I never told you about my trip to NYC. I was watching the Leeds game in Cheers during the afternoon. When I went to the (possibly the smallest in the world) toilet, someone had kindly dumped a whole load of icecubes into the urinal. Guys, it's the most fun you can have peeing, I swear! (Unless you're one of those frighteningly strange golden shower types, I suppose. Brrr, perish the thought!)
And because I was virtually the only person in there, they were still there on subsequent trips. Happy days!
I've been with The Boy a lot since I got back which has been great. Today we went swimming which was a load of fun. Last night we sat down on the sofa together to watch Doctor Who. He's really got into it & it's really nice just to sit there with him. He hasn't hidden behind the sofa yet as I used to when I was his age, but I reckon he's been close. It's very good telly though, isn't it? And Billie Piper is very easy on the eye too. I missed most of the last series so I couldn't really form an opinion on Christopher Eccelston as The Doctor. I do however think that David Tennant is very good indeed. My favourite was always Tom Baker but I liked Jon Pertwee too, even though he will always live in the memory as Wurzel Gummidge. Now that was good telly for kids.
I'm sure there was something else I was going to bring up but I'm jiggered if I can remember what it was.
So I'll be off then, Cheerio!
At 7:04 pm,
Jessica said…
You never told us about the peeing on ice thing! Did you melt the cubes or something?
At 7:39 pm,
Stef said…
When I was in NYC a few years ago I went to a bar that had loads of ice in the urinals. Weird!
Supermassive Black Hole is a great song but it also sounds like a Britney Spears track. So much so Jo Whiley did a 'contrast and compare' feature.
Is the Kooks album any good? I love the single to bits.
Hyde and Hammer look awfully familiar.. ;-) Maybe I bumped into them when I was in NYC. Or something. ;-)
At 8:42 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Ummm...hammer's getting a little friendly with Hyde's tits in that picture. Hmmm...
A name for Nice? Maybe she'd like it better if you said it to her in an especially appreciative way. Nice! Let me give it some thought.
Great pictures...you look happy.
At 10:23 pm,
shorty said…
Rules are rules. I think it should stay.
I know I don't update often, but I hope I'm not removed from the blogroll, perhaps this will inspire me.
At 12:23 am,
adem said…
Great picture of Hyde & Hammer!!!
I'm glad I made it through the blogroll cut, and I think Nice should remain with the same moniker.
At 12:51 am,
Cody Bones said…
Thats funny, I always pictured Hyde as a Red-Head. Go figure., Oh, and Flash, I'm listening to White Celebration right now. Very good, feels a little like New Order, but very original just the same. Nicely done, and keep it up.
At 2:02 am,
Hyde said…
Flashy! What did I say about posting a picture of me??? You look cute in your Central Park pic. I hope Nice is having fun in FL. I'll brainstorm some names...
At 6:52 pm,
Stef said…
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about the new name for Nice...
She Who Must Be Obeyed?
On second thoughts I should probably bow out of this before I embarrass myself any more.
At 10:01 pm,
Charby said…
I saw Golden Shower Porn once.
I was mentally scarred for ages. Peeing on ice cubes sounds like fun though!
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