"Mother are you anxious?, father are you gracious?"
Do you know what time you were born? Or how much you weighed?
I would imagine you do.
I never did until yesterday.
I had my meeting at Northants social services with a lovely old dear. It was an illuminating, fascinating & overwhelming experience.
Prior to yesterday the only knowledge I had of my birth & my birth parents was what was on my original birth certificate. Which really isn't a lot.
I had always speculated as to why I was put up for adoption & though I still don't know for sure, I have a much better idea now & I can also rule out a lot of the theories that I held.
So I found out yesterday that...
I was born at 3.45pm
I weighed 7lbs 12oz
My mother (whose name I've always known) was 28 years old at the time (making her 63 now)
She was 5ft tall with brown hair & grey eyes (Guess who else has brown hair & grey eyes!)
She was born in Ireland, being 1 of 6 children
Her hobbies were knitting, sewing, dancing & swimming.
She was a hairdresser & married at 18.
At the time of her pregnancy with me she was separated from her husband who was NOT my father.
Her parents & family were not aware of the pregnancy.
She made the decision to have her baby adopted to give me 2 parents & a settled home life.
My birth mother & her husband had 4 children at the time of my birth, a girl of 6 & boys of 8,5 & 18 months. So there's 4 sibelings.
My father is described as the putative father (which means "generally regarded as such").
He was 25 at the time, married but separated from his wife with whom he had 2 children, so there's another 2 sibelings.
he was 5ft 6in tall, medium build with fair hair & blue eyes.
As paternity was not legally established, no further information can be given out about the putative father (including his name).
The only bit that seems quite strange to me is that in 1970, after I was born & given up, my birth mother was known to have moved to Bradford where she was co-habiting with my "putative" father & 2 of her children.
So while that not mean much to anybody reading it, this information has been a revelation to me. It's incredible to think that I've gained at least (who knows what's happened since 1970) 6 sibelings overnight.
I really don't know what I'm going to do next &, as yet, I'm really not sure how to articulate how I feel about this. As I said at the start, it's all very overwhelming.
I would imagine you do.
I never did until yesterday.
I had my meeting at Northants social services with a lovely old dear. It was an illuminating, fascinating & overwhelming experience.
Prior to yesterday the only knowledge I had of my birth & my birth parents was what was on my original birth certificate. Which really isn't a lot.
I had always speculated as to why I was put up for adoption & though I still don't know for sure, I have a much better idea now & I can also rule out a lot of the theories that I held.
So I found out yesterday that...
I was born at 3.45pm
I weighed 7lbs 12oz
My mother (whose name I've always known) was 28 years old at the time (making her 63 now)
She was 5ft tall with brown hair & grey eyes (Guess who else has brown hair & grey eyes!)
She was born in Ireland, being 1 of 6 children
Her hobbies were knitting, sewing, dancing & swimming.
She was a hairdresser & married at 18.
At the time of her pregnancy with me she was separated from her husband who was NOT my father.
Her parents & family were not aware of the pregnancy.
She made the decision to have her baby adopted to give me 2 parents & a settled home life.
My birth mother & her husband had 4 children at the time of my birth, a girl of 6 & boys of 8,5 & 18 months. So there's 4 sibelings.
My father is described as the putative father (which means "generally regarded as such").
He was 25 at the time, married but separated from his wife with whom he had 2 children, so there's another 2 sibelings.
he was 5ft 6in tall, medium build with fair hair & blue eyes.
As paternity was not legally established, no further information can be given out about the putative father (including his name).
The only bit that seems quite strange to me is that in 1970, after I was born & given up, my birth mother was known to have moved to Bradford where she was co-habiting with my "putative" father & 2 of her children.
So while that not mean much to anybody reading it, this information has been a revelation to me. It's incredible to think that I've gained at least (who knows what's happened since 1970) 6 sibelings overnight.
I really don't know what I'm going to do next &, as yet, I'm really not sure how to articulate how I feel about this. As I said at the start, it's all very overwhelming.
At 12:52 am,
Mark said…
I know that song... I know that song... dammit... what is it? I keep thinking the next line is "I am coming home".
Depeche Mode. "Deaths Door". That's who it is.
Those are amazing revelations. You can't make it up, really. I can't imagine how I would feel myself if thats what I learnt.
At 3:28 am,
shorty said…
* Hug *
* Squeeze*
I'm sure it is very overwhelming. This is what you have waited 35 years for.
Knowledge is power.
At 1:14 pm,
Hyde said…
Hey Flash,
Wow. I can't imagine what it's like to get that kind of information all at once. It will probably take a while to process, but I'm really excited for you. I'm sending you a "Swedish hug!" (Hope you remember that one...) Do you think you're going to pursue tracking down your family?
By the way, thanks for your comment on my blog. I really appreciate the support and really need it right now. (Also, it helps keep Narc in perspective to be able to see him "from the outside.")
Lots of love,
At 1:19 pm,
Hyde said…
BTW, what's your birthday? What's your star sign? Just curious...
At 2:29 pm,
Mike Davis said…
Flash...My parents separated when I was 2 years old. I only found my Father two years ago after 30 years without contact.
I was nervous. How would he react to me? How would my new brothers/sisters/nephews/nieces react to me? Should I even bother to get in touch?
It was all very terrifying. I took the step and it was the best thing I could ever have done. The hardest thing is letting my Mom and Step Dad know it doesn't affect how I feel about them.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do next.
At 2:30 pm,
Mike Davis said…
I can't believe I wrote "Mom".
Aaarghhh...I'll be saying "Y'all" next!
At 6:21 pm,
Anonymous said…
Great news Flash
PS you forgot to put (and guess who else is 5'6") after the comment on your birth father ;-)
PPS yeah I know you're slightly taller than 5'6" but then there's no joke...
At 9:20 pm,
Charby said…
I can't imagine how you must be feeling after finding out that kind of information.
Lots of hugs and keep us updated on what you do with all this new information!
At 9:35 pm,
Erika said…
What an astounding thing to learn all of a sudden, that you have six siblings. Much love and strength as this part of your life unfolds.
At 2:20 pm,
LB said…
that is amazing. what a load of information to take in all of a sudden....
mindboggling. no doubt it'll take you a while to decide what you do next....
At 4:57 pm,
Anonymous said…
How are those plane tickets coming along?
At 8:51 pm,
GJC said…
Late to the party as usual, but..
Wow. That's a hell of a lot to take in all at once...:::hugs:::
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