"It's just Sunday evening, so what's with this sinking feeling?"
My weekend has been very nondescript.
Nothing bad, in fact reasonably pleasant but not exciting. Sadly they rarely are these days.
I NEED some excitement.
It's not gone unnoticed that there have been a few new faces round these parts lately, which is very welcome. I feel the need to advertise myself a little for the benefit of any new folk.
Last Monday I "released" my "album". I've recorded a collection of 12 original songs that goes by the name of "Confessions of an idiot" & it's pretty damn good, even if I do say so myself (which I do). If anyone fancies a copy, they just have to e-mail me with a postal address & I'll send a copy out. Gratis.
Those of you who have a copy already, c'mon tell me what you think!
I know Charby seems happy with it, but there's been a marked silence from everyone else.
Anyway, that's today's "Confessions..." bit over.
I realised earlier that I haven't bought a CD for 6 months now.
It's a most peculiar feeling, being one of those buy-every-album-I-want-on-the-day-it-comes-out types. Thing is, my beloved pod has rendered my CD collection a very large & expensive group of ornaments. They simply never leave the shelves. There came a point when I said to myself; Stop. It just wasn't making sense anymore. It has been very difficult though.
I mean I have all 12 of Duran duran's albums (stop sniggering at the back) & the completist in me demanded that I bought the 13th (astronaut) to keep up the collection. Somewhere a line had to be drawn. It was drawn right after "Kleptomania" by Mansun.
Mansun were a fine band. Inventive, full of feeling & a little bit mad. I was a big fan & was gutted when they called it a day. They were also extremely good at maintaining the channels of communication with their fans. One of these methods was the "Mansaphone". A phone number printed on all their releases allowing one to leave a message about anything band related.
One night during the glorious gigging years I phoned it up after seeing in the NME that they were doing some "secret" gigs. I should mention that I'd shared a few "fat ones" with Temper Tantrum & Reckless prior to making the call...
This is the mansaphone please leave your message after the beep (something like that)
Yes, hello. My name is Flash & I've just seen in the NME that your doing some secret gigs & to be honest I'm not bloody happy. I never find out where these things happen till it's too late & me & my friends want to go! How can we when we don't know where or when they're happening? Anyway, sorry to moan at you. My name is Flash & my number is ************. Thanks again, sorry to be a pain, etc.
We all had a bit of a giggle about it & that was that.
Days later, it's Sunday evening & we're just watching telly when the phone rings.
I answer it ...
Hello, is that Flash?
Yeah, speaking
Hi, it's Stove from Mansun here
Alright mate! (In most surprised tone that alerts Temper Tantrum that it's not one of usual callers)
Yeah, I was just returning your call...
uh uh ( mouthing incredulously "it's STOVE from MANSUN")
..and thought I better let you know..
mmm (hand over mouthpiece, jumping up & down "It's Stove from bloody Mansun, he's phoned me up!!")
that we're playing Milton Keynes on the 8th (or something), that's in your area, right?
Yes mate, it is.
Then we chatted for a couple of minutes & he was off.
Temper Tantrum & I were giddy with delight. Giddy, I tell you.
The next day I told everyone that would listen that a proper rock star had phoned ME up at home. They tried to be impressed but in truth most of the people I know didn't have the foggiest idea who I was on about. I was impressed though, even though he had a frightfully silly name he'd taken the time out of his life to ring me up & tell me the news I needed. He didn't have to do that & I've always thought it was chuffing ace of him.
Stove King, I salute you.
Just had a break to watch Joey.
I didn't laugh once. Not even a little titter. Long time readers will know that I adored Friends. Loved it. So I have to remain faithful to Joey & hope it gets better. Obviously it was the whole ensemble that made it work & one can't pull it off alone. I'm sure this would be the case if it was any of the characters. Though Rachel would be worth watching with the sound off.
As is customary at this stage of the weekend, I'm starting to feel fed up. Sunday evenings are just crap. I know I have to go to bed at a reasonable hour, which in itself fills me with trepidation as I've found getting to sleep really difficult lately. I'm alright once I'm off but I've been lying there, tossing & turning, mind racing & just not being able to drift away. It's a bit scary when you know you have get up at 5am (or stupid o'clock as I prefer to call it).
On top of that there's the familiar sinking feeling knowing that I've had no excitement this weekend & I've now got another week of routine boredom ahead.
Anyway that's me about done for today, but to leave you on a more upbeat note; at least being on dayshift gives me lot's of opportunities for flirting with the 3 girls at work.
Hmmm, not much to get giddy about really, is it?
Now if a random rock star were to give me a ring about now...
Nothing bad, in fact reasonably pleasant but not exciting. Sadly they rarely are these days.
I NEED some excitement.
It's not gone unnoticed that there have been a few new faces round these parts lately, which is very welcome. I feel the need to advertise myself a little for the benefit of any new folk.
Last Monday I "released" my "album". I've recorded a collection of 12 original songs that goes by the name of "Confessions of an idiot" & it's pretty damn good, even if I do say so myself (which I do). If anyone fancies a copy, they just have to e-mail me with a postal address & I'll send a copy out. Gratis.
Those of you who have a copy already, c'mon tell me what you think!
I know Charby seems happy with it, but there's been a marked silence from everyone else.
Anyway, that's today's "Confessions..." bit over.
I realised earlier that I haven't bought a CD for 6 months now.
It's a most peculiar feeling, being one of those buy-every-album-I-want-on-the-day-it-comes-out types. Thing is, my beloved pod has rendered my CD collection a very large & expensive group of ornaments. They simply never leave the shelves. There came a point when I said to myself; Stop. It just wasn't making sense anymore. It has been very difficult though.
I mean I have all 12 of Duran duran's albums (stop sniggering at the back) & the completist in me demanded that I bought the 13th (astronaut) to keep up the collection. Somewhere a line had to be drawn. It was drawn right after "Kleptomania" by Mansun.
Mansun were a fine band. Inventive, full of feeling & a little bit mad. I was a big fan & was gutted when they called it a day. They were also extremely good at maintaining the channels of communication with their fans. One of these methods was the "Mansaphone". A phone number printed on all their releases allowing one to leave a message about anything band related.
One night during the glorious gigging years I phoned it up after seeing in the NME that they were doing some "secret" gigs. I should mention that I'd shared a few "fat ones" with Temper Tantrum & Reckless prior to making the call...
This is the mansaphone please leave your message after the beep (something like that)
Yes, hello. My name is Flash & I've just seen in the NME that your doing some secret gigs & to be honest I'm not bloody happy. I never find out where these things happen till it's too late & me & my friends want to go! How can we when we don't know where or when they're happening? Anyway, sorry to moan at you. My name is Flash & my number is ************. Thanks again, sorry to be a pain, etc.
We all had a bit of a giggle about it & that was that.
Days later, it's Sunday evening & we're just watching telly when the phone rings.
I answer it ...
Hello, is that Flash?
Yeah, speaking
Hi, it's Stove from Mansun here
Alright mate! (In most surprised tone that alerts Temper Tantrum that it's not one of usual callers)
Yeah, I was just returning your call...
uh uh ( mouthing incredulously "it's STOVE from MANSUN")
..and thought I better let you know..
mmm (hand over mouthpiece, jumping up & down "It's Stove from bloody Mansun, he's phoned me up!!")
that we're playing Milton Keynes on the 8th (or something), that's in your area, right?
Yes mate, it is.
Then we chatted for a couple of minutes & he was off.
Temper Tantrum & I were giddy with delight. Giddy, I tell you.
The next day I told everyone that would listen that a proper rock star had phoned ME up at home. They tried to be impressed but in truth most of the people I know didn't have the foggiest idea who I was on about. I was impressed though, even though he had a frightfully silly name he'd taken the time out of his life to ring me up & tell me the news I needed. He didn't have to do that & I've always thought it was chuffing ace of him.
Stove King, I salute you.
Just had a break to watch Joey.
I didn't laugh once. Not even a little titter. Long time readers will know that I adored Friends. Loved it. So I have to remain faithful to Joey & hope it gets better. Obviously it was the whole ensemble that made it work & one can't pull it off alone. I'm sure this would be the case if it was any of the characters. Though Rachel would be worth watching with the sound off.
As is customary at this stage of the weekend, I'm starting to feel fed up. Sunday evenings are just crap. I know I have to go to bed at a reasonable hour, which in itself fills me with trepidation as I've found getting to sleep really difficult lately. I'm alright once I'm off but I've been lying there, tossing & turning, mind racing & just not being able to drift away. It's a bit scary when you know you have get up at 5am (or stupid o'clock as I prefer to call it).
On top of that there's the familiar sinking feeling knowing that I've had no excitement this weekend & I've now got another week of routine boredom ahead.
Anyway that's me about done for today, but to leave you on a more upbeat note; at least being on dayshift gives me lot's of opportunities for flirting with the 3 girls at work.
Hmmm, not much to get giddy about really, is it?
Now if a random rock star were to give me a ring about now...
At 11:48 am,
Soaring said…
I can always get the drummer from Pure Reason Revolution to ring you up... Sundays chez moi are pretty good becuase we have Salsa at Bar Med in Reading till about 12.30. OK, makes it difficult for an 8am start, but hey, you can't have it all. What's this getting old nonsense. Mondays wouldn't be mondays without feeling dodgy, would they? Next Easter Sunday they've got a live salsa band on - come down if you're not doing anything... You don't have to be at work the next day!!
At 4:26 pm,
shorty said…
It's time! I'd like to make a request.
Would you mind taking a moment from the timeline and elaborating on it?
At 6:41 pm,
Flash said…
Try me!
At 7:20 pm,
shorty said…
31 Dec 1999: Bring in the new millennium with my little family in Reading in the company of It's A London Thing & Used To Be Wild.
How about this one?
Or your choice if you don't feel in the mood to write about this event.
At 9:13 pm,
Hyde said…
Sorry you're bored with things lately! Still waiting on the CD and will let you know when it arrives. (And sorry that "joey" is such a let down!)
Hope you're having some adventures today...
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