"I'm the first to admit, if you catch me in a mood like this I can be tiring, even embarrassing"
I really don't know quite what was going on in my head yesterday.
How bizarre.
However, look at all those lovely comments! Perhaps I should do it more often!
Flash's Tuesday Tirade?
Midweek moaning from the Flashman?
What d'you think?
No, me neither.
There is something I feel I need to point out though. My birthday is in January.
It hasn't been my birthday but to all the people who wished me a happy one, I say cheers!
How embarrassing that I happen to get 3 new people commenting on a day like yesterday.
I hope they come back.
On checking my Soundclick stats for yesterday I found that the whole of "Confessions of an idiot" was downloaded & "White celebration" was downloaded 3 times. Yay!
Got me thinking though, I'm not sure "White celebration" should be at the top of the list. I don't think it's the song I want people to hear first.
buoyed by this, I actually properly started work on Album2* this morning. The first song is coming together well. It hasn't actually got a melody or a lyric yet but it think it may become "Skin hunger".
*Album2 is gonna be the working title even though I have a proper title for it. I'm just not telling yet.
As nothing much is happening in my life at the moment I don't really have anything to tell you & I'm not in story-telling mood but I do feel all interactive & like I want to do something bloggy.
So, because I can't think of anything new, does anyone fancy another round of Ask Flash?
I really enjoyed it last time & now there's so many more of you.
Here's the deal then, if you wanna play (whoever you may be) just ask me a question in the comments & I'll endeavour to answer it with wit, wisdom & honesty. Failing that I'll just answer it!
And by the way, I'm so giddy about being called "sweet superhero" that I wish it was MY birthday. Bless ya Spins!
Come on then, let's 'ave it!
How bizarre.
However, look at all those lovely comments! Perhaps I should do it more often!
Flash's Tuesday Tirade?
Midweek moaning from the Flashman?
What d'you think?
No, me neither.
There is something I feel I need to point out though. My birthday is in January.
It hasn't been my birthday but to all the people who wished me a happy one, I say cheers!
How embarrassing that I happen to get 3 new people commenting on a day like yesterday.
I hope they come back.
On checking my Soundclick stats for yesterday I found that the whole of "Confessions of an idiot" was downloaded & "White celebration" was downloaded 3 times. Yay!
Got me thinking though, I'm not sure "White celebration" should be at the top of the list. I don't think it's the song I want people to hear first.
buoyed by this, I actually properly started work on Album2* this morning. The first song is coming together well. It hasn't actually got a melody or a lyric yet but it think it may become "Skin hunger".
*Album2 is gonna be the working title even though I have a proper title for it. I'm just not telling yet.
As nothing much is happening in my life at the moment I don't really have anything to tell you & I'm not in story-telling mood but I do feel all interactive & like I want to do something bloggy.
So, because I can't think of anything new, does anyone fancy another round of Ask Flash?
I really enjoyed it last time & now there's so many more of you.
Here's the deal then, if you wanna play (whoever you may be) just ask me a question in the comments & I'll endeavour to answer it with wit, wisdom & honesty. Failing that I'll just answer it!
And by the way, I'm so giddy about being called "sweet superhero" that I wish it was MY birthday. Bless ya Spins!
Come on then, let's 'ave it!
At 7:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
Fav Food?
Fav Card Game?
Fav Board Game?
If you can remember...fav sexual position?
At 7:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Alright then>
New DM single-to-be "Precious" whatcha reckon?
It's a grower I think. Sounds like an Ultra or Exciter album track though with a hint of ETS and a bit of a retro vibe. Dave sounds good as well!!
At 7:45 pm,
Flash said…
Where do I hear that mate?
Tell me, tell me, tell me NOW.
At 7:48 pm,
Anonymous said…
It's all o'er t'interweb.
There's an "unfinished video" knocking about that I ain't got but I got an mp3 rip of it if tha wants ;)
At 7:50 pm,
Dzesika said…
Who would play you in the movie of your life?
At 7:51 pm,
Anonymous said…
Update > it's on its way. Give it 20 mins ;)
At 8:10 pm,
LB said…
i have been meaning to ask you how you coped with the Boy going to live with his mum and stuff, but the comments section of your blog might not be the best place for a response.
what about the story of your first snog?
At 8:49 pm,
Erika said…
Wow. WOW. What did I miss? Had a rough week, did you, mate?
Happy half-birthday, anyway.
At 9:11 pm,
LoRi~fLoWer said…
Most embarassing moment
At 9:36 pm,
Charby said…
Oooh, a question!
I dunno what else to ask?
Place/thing you'd most like to see/do before you become too old and crinkly to enjoy? (other than reaching No1, when the rest of the world realises just how cool you are?)
At 9:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
You know the answer to that one : )
At 10:51 pm,
Anonymous said…
Well, I don't pop my nose round the door for a couple of days and I find myself amongst brawling bloggers.
Pretending it's your birthday to start a fight ?!?. Well you know you're not going to get girly hugs and sympathy from me you big fraud.
You see Flash, I can see what's happening. The famous Flash harem is teetering on the brink of collapse and you're not man enough to cope with the rejection.
Nero and Rome spring to mind.
Sunshine has all but stuck pins in the image she used to worship, Hyde is having more sex than is good for her, and Charby is trying to tell you in her own way that she now has a boyfriend of her own age and she only ever saw you as a father figure anyway.
What do you say to that ?!.
Manly response please, no self pity and blubbing.
At 11:01 pm,
Anonymous said…
R said...
Pretending it's your birthday to start a fight ?!?. Well you know you're not going to get girly hugs and sympathy from me you big fraud.
Erm he didn't pretend it was his birthday. It was MY frigging birthday on Monday *rolls eyes*
Monday, July 18, 2005
Now I'd like all readers new & old to join me in wishing my oldest surviving friend & top notch commenter, The one & only Duke Of Jokes, a very, very happy 35th Birthday.
All together now...
Happy birthday to you.....
At 11:33 pm,
Charby said…
Oi! R.
Why have you abandoned me?
And he's just under 3 years younger than me!!
At 1:34 am,
sunshine said…
How could I NOT worship the original super hero of blogland?
Flash and I have had some very good times and had a lot of laughs and I by no means stuck pins in him at all.
We both were having bad days on the same day, which may have come across to all you other readers as tension.
He and I are as tight now as we ever were.
I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not intending on replacing Flash with you.
I doubt Charbs or Hyde had any intentions of leaving him for you either.
Though I know that was the plan.
Better luck next time.
At 3:36 am,
GJC said…
I think everyone's monthlies have synced up from spending so much time in Blogland together.
Yours too, Flash. Or maybe "yours especially, Flash." :)
Midol will help with all that. (So will NIN, vodka and Vicodin, but those three together will help with almost ANYTHING, so there you go.)
At 5:20 am,
Hyde said…
R--I wasn't aware I was a memeber of a "harem," but with fellow harem girls like Sunshine and Charby, I couldn't be happier!
Flash--I'll have to brainstorm on the questions and get back to you on that one...
At 5:21 am,
Hyde said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 1:43 pm,
Mike Davis said…
Blimey! And I thought I had a hectic day yesterday.
Flash, here's a question: Who will be the coming season's top scorer in the Prem?
Answers on a postcard to:
"Didier Drogba Competition"
P.O. Box 1
Tel.: 555-5555 5
At 1:43 pm,
LB said…
because DOJ has mentioned his birthday again, does that mean I have to say "happy birthday, DOJ" otherwise Flash will go into irate meltdown again?
At 6:15 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Questions for Flash:
Who would you have dinner with, living or dead? And what's the burning question you'd ask them?
At 6:17 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Oh, and pleased I could provide a pick-me-up with my previous comment.
At 9:42 pm,
Anonymous said…
When will you be famous?
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