Beware of the pixies!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"I had the best intentions, yeah honestly"

I'm sorry. I really did mean to update a lot more frequently. I actually started a big old detailed post about Nice & I's trip to Amsterdam. I ended up shying away from the post because it was going to take so damn long to do.
(sigh) achievable goals Flash, achievable goals.

Anyway, let me distill our trip into a bitesize selection of photos & words...

The little short building with the 2 windows & a sign above was our favourite coffeeshop viewed from the rear. It was taken just as we started one of the canal cruises.

This was the main entrance to the same place. It was just up our street (literally & metaphorically) & we ended up going back there several times during our weekend.
As you no doubt know, I'm quite partial to a doobie now & again. In this place, I first experienced the liberation of being able to sit in a public place with like-minded folk whilst enjoying a spliff or two.

This huge painting (sadly obscured by the light fittings) was in the back of the place where we often sat & I became quite attached to it. I thought it would make a really interesting conversation opener on my living room wall.
Alas, it was far too large to steal.
And it's not just because of the titties, right?

Of course, it wasn't all about getting stoned.
We spent a large amount of time simply wandering about; exploring the place.
I have to say that I found Amsterdam to be a odd city. It had a few beautiful sights but it was all a bit ropey in places too. Some areas simply looked dirty & some places (most obviously the red light district) had a very unsettling undercurrent of bad vibes.
Speaking of the red light district, I found it to be quite different from the scene I'd always imagined. For a start I'd never put a canal in there! I also always figured that it would be much more like a row of shops on a high street with each individual place having it's own unique way of displaying it's wares, rather than the totally uniform windows that the girls stand in. On our first visit late on Friday night, the girls were all fairly attractive & some of them were stunners. If I were the sort of fella who would ever consider paying for sex (which I am so not, by the way) I wouldn't feel too bad paying 50 euros for some of them. The next time we went round there (Saturday afternoon) we saw a marked difference in the type of ladies in the boxes. I'd feel robbed paying 50p for some of them!
On Saturday night we had decided to go & see a live comedy show. It's certainly something I'd always fancied doing. So we went to a place called Boom Chicago. Oh it was so desperately not funny. It's not like they didn't try but it was one of these affairs where the "comedy actors" did lots of improvised "comedy" taking their leads from audience suggestions. In the whole 2 hours I didn't laugh out loud once. Nor did Nice.
It was a major disappointment. We did, however, redeem the evening by having the most delicious ice creams afterwards.
(The photo has no relevance to that last bit, it's just nice.)
Our hotel was utterly shocking, by the way. Our room was more like a cell. There wasn't even a window. Oh, hang on, what's behind those curtains? Of course there's a window! It's just a frosted glass window that backs onto another frosted glass window from the adjacent room!
I'm sure it was put there simply so the hotel management could say "There's your window!"

Of course, we saw Mr. Rembrandt here but other than that we didn't really choose to be cultural.

We chose to be stoned.

I thoroughly enjoyed Amsterdam but I didn't totally love it has I had New York & Lyon.


  • At 12:16 pm, Blogger shorty said…

    Look at you handsome!

    Good to know you didn't and wouldn't pay for sex.

    Sounds like life is keeping you busy and happy and I couldn't ask for any more for you.

    Wondering why no pics of Nice. Do you think you will ever share her with us?


  • At 1:24 pm, Blogger Stef said…

    Putting pictures of other people online without their knowledge/consent is all a bit dodgy I reckon.

    Looks like you had a lovely trip, kinda made me want to hop on a plane and go back to The Dam. For the 8th time...

  • At 2:16 pm, Blogger HistoryGeek said…

    It sounds like a good trip.

    You look happy - and you've had your hair cut!

  • At 3:14 pm, Blogger Sarah said…

    Know what you mean about finding it hard to keep up to date. There's too much to tell so I don't feel like I can do it justice now!

    However, that said - you've managed just fine! Nice piccies - though I'm with you on the New York preference!

  • At 7:14 pm, Blogger Hyde said…

    Love the hair! Amsterdam looks beautiful. I've never been. And should I ever go, I won't be sampling some of the better known delights of the city. That said, looks like you and Nice had a fabulous trip!



  • At 5:39 am, Blogger Stef said…

    Everyone should go to Amsterday -even those with no interest in getting stone- it's one of the most amazing and beautiful cities in the world.

    Bloody cold in the winter though!

  • At 12:57 pm, Blogger The Dog of Freetown said…

    Looks great. All my stereotypes reinforced too. Cracking.


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