"...and it don't take no Sherlock Holmes to see it's a little different around here"
So what's going on? I hear you ask.
In a nutshell they have been a couple of minor incidents over the last week or two which have prompted me to make the decision to take this blog away from the prying eyes of real life people.
Nice read some of it, despite me asking her never to read it, & found herself upset at how little enthusiasm I have described her with on the blog. Tssk.
Dream Girl also became quite concerned when she found out that Nice had been nosing around.
I also think that Nice has some Buddy With Boobs issues which may have further fuelled by stuff on these pages. So I've blinking well moved & all those real life people can bugger off!
Not in real life, obviously!
To avoid speculation I should point out that things with Nice & I are great & we are both very happy.
Why have I been absent? Well, basically it's because I've had my internet cut off. However this time it was not a simple case of me not paying my bill. In short, the payment has been coming out of Nice's bank & there was a cock up her end. It should all be resolved by the end of this week. I haven't been able to check my e-mail for a couple of weeks (it's a blocked site at work) so apologies if anyone has been awaiting a reply to anything. Blogger is still available at work though, so here I am working on a Sunday morning & sorting things out. I can't usually get on during normal days though as I would get into heap big trouble.
Another thing that wouldn't normally be done but I can just about get away with today is having The Boy here. He's just arrived & he's under lab arrest for the next 3 hours or so. His Mum, the ever lovely Temper Tantrum, is going to see Take That at Milton Keynes today which apparently needs her to leave at half bloody ten! Grrr!
Still, armed with the portable DVD player, some Star Wars & some Doctor Who he should get through it ok.
Whilst I have been offline I have done little else other than watching the telly. I am a right proper couch potato what with all the glorious football & Big Brother on top of that. It's been great, I tell thee.
The World Cup really is one of the best things ever. I bloody love it. Tomorrow is the day when FunnyDance & I go to Germany to watch a game in the flesh, as it were.
I am so blinking giddy about it. I've obviously been to football matches before but I suspect that it's going to be a significantly different experience to Leeds vs Nottingham Forest at Elland road. After much speculation & guess work it's now clear that we shall be watching Italy vs Australia. I'll be cheering the Aussies, I've still got a lot of time for Mark Viduka & I always cheer the underdog in these sort of affairs. The shine could be taken of the whole bloody malarkey if England were to mess things up this afternoon. I really can't see that happening though.
Of course it's not just the game I'm excited about. I've never been to Germany before so I'm looking forward to seeing somewhere new. We land in Frankfurt tomorrow morning then we have a hire car that one of us (probably me, with my previous driving abroad experience) will be driving down to Kaiserslautern where the game takes place. We will have several hours spare to saunter round the town, soak up the vibe & check out the totty.
Not be confused with checking out the Totti, of course.
The new look blog is only part way there at this point. I need to see if the very lovely guys at Angry Seahorse will do me a new header. Those guys are really ace, aren't they?
And I shall be tinkering and fiddling all in good time. So for now please excuse the rather featureless appearance of the place.
Fancy a competition do you? Good!
Here's the deal; I want you to come up with a new tag line to go under the Flashpoint bit (look, up there where it says "your words here"). The most witty, pertinent & just bloody great tag line wins! The prize? The winner will find themselves following in the auspicious footsteps of Swiss Toni & have the opportunity to christen my new little bundle of joy...
Humbert's glorious reign has come to an end. He's been a fantastic servant & companion over the last 2 years but he was getting old. He was full to the brim & his battery life was in decline, it was only a question of time before he started shitting on the carpet. So he has been replaced by a younger, fitter, slimmer model. A little black 30gb with a lovely colour screen that shows the album cover for each track. Oh it's a sexy little swine, please bear that in mind if you win the honour of naming her. Yes, this one is a she.
I've also composed a new song over the last week. It's called "Ostrich" & it's an upbeat, self deprecating little number. I have high hopes.
Also on a tunes tip, I have been listening to 2 new albums over the last week or two.
Keane's "Under the iron sea" seems to be a pleasant enough listen but I'm slightly disappointed that the direction nodded to on "Is it any wonder?" & "Atlantic" seems to be a bit of a red herring. It's certainly not a bad album & I'm sure that it will grow on me more in the next week, it's just not setting me alight.
However, "Victory for the comic muse" by The Divine Comedy would appear to be a return to form after the poor "Absent friends" from last time out. It has captured my attention with much more force than the Keane album has. The opening salvo is just simply gleeful.
They are both up against it though for next Monday sees the release of the album I've been licking my lips in anticipation of...Muse are back with "Black holes & revelations". Yay!
So I will hopefully be back with you sooner rather than later with tales of Germany.
Right, I suppose I better go round telling everyone where I've gone, eh?
So what's going on? I hear you ask.
In a nutshell they have been a couple of minor incidents over the last week or two which have prompted me to make the decision to take this blog away from the prying eyes of real life people.
Nice read some of it, despite me asking her never to read it, & found herself upset at how little enthusiasm I have described her with on the blog. Tssk.
Dream Girl also became quite concerned when she found out that Nice had been nosing around.
I also think that Nice has some Buddy With Boobs issues which may have further fuelled by stuff on these pages. So I've blinking well moved & all those real life people can bugger off!
Not in real life, obviously!
To avoid speculation I should point out that things with Nice & I are great & we are both very happy.
Why have I been absent? Well, basically it's because I've had my internet cut off. However this time it was not a simple case of me not paying my bill. In short, the payment has been coming out of Nice's bank & there was a cock up her end. It should all be resolved by the end of this week. I haven't been able to check my e-mail for a couple of weeks (it's a blocked site at work) so apologies if anyone has been awaiting a reply to anything. Blogger is still available at work though, so here I am working on a Sunday morning & sorting things out. I can't usually get on during normal days though as I would get into heap big trouble.
Another thing that wouldn't normally be done but I can just about get away with today is having The Boy here. He's just arrived & he's under lab arrest for the next 3 hours or so. His Mum, the ever lovely Temper Tantrum, is going to see Take That at Milton Keynes today which apparently needs her to leave at half bloody ten! Grrr!
Still, armed with the portable DVD player, some Star Wars & some Doctor Who he should get through it ok.
Whilst I have been offline I have done little else other than watching the telly. I am a right proper couch potato what with all the glorious football & Big Brother on top of that. It's been great, I tell thee.
The World Cup really is one of the best things ever. I bloody love it. Tomorrow is the day when FunnyDance & I go to Germany to watch a game in the flesh, as it were.
I am so blinking giddy about it. I've obviously been to football matches before but I suspect that it's going to be a significantly different experience to Leeds vs Nottingham Forest at Elland road. After much speculation & guess work it's now clear that we shall be watching Italy vs Australia. I'll be cheering the Aussies, I've still got a lot of time for Mark Viduka & I always cheer the underdog in these sort of affairs. The shine could be taken of the whole bloody malarkey if England were to mess things up this afternoon. I really can't see that happening though.
Of course it's not just the game I'm excited about. I've never been to Germany before so I'm looking forward to seeing somewhere new. We land in Frankfurt tomorrow morning then we have a hire car that one of us (probably me, with my previous driving abroad experience) will be driving down to Kaiserslautern where the game takes place. We will have several hours spare to saunter round the town, soak up the vibe & check out the totty.
Not be confused with checking out the Totti, of course.
The new look blog is only part way there at this point. I need to see if the very lovely guys at Angry Seahorse will do me a new header. Those guys are really ace, aren't they?
And I shall be tinkering and fiddling all in good time. So for now please excuse the rather featureless appearance of the place.
Fancy a competition do you? Good!
Here's the deal; I want you to come up with a new tag line to go under the Flashpoint bit (look, up there where it says "your words here"). The most witty, pertinent & just bloody great tag line wins! The prize? The winner will find themselves following in the auspicious footsteps of Swiss Toni & have the opportunity to christen my new little bundle of joy...
Humbert's glorious reign has come to an end. He's been a fantastic servant & companion over the last 2 years but he was getting old. He was full to the brim & his battery life was in decline, it was only a question of time before he started shitting on the carpet. So he has been replaced by a younger, fitter, slimmer model. A little black 30gb with a lovely colour screen that shows the album cover for each track. Oh it's a sexy little swine, please bear that in mind if you win the honour of naming her. Yes, this one is a she.
I've also composed a new song over the last week. It's called "Ostrich" & it's an upbeat, self deprecating little number. I have high hopes.
Also on a tunes tip, I have been listening to 2 new albums over the last week or two.
Keane's "Under the iron sea" seems to be a pleasant enough listen but I'm slightly disappointed that the direction nodded to on "Is it any wonder?" & "Atlantic" seems to be a bit of a red herring. It's certainly not a bad album & I'm sure that it will grow on me more in the next week, it's just not setting me alight.
However, "Victory for the comic muse" by The Divine Comedy would appear to be a return to form after the poor "Absent friends" from last time out. It has captured my attention with much more force than the Keane album has. The opening salvo is just simply gleeful.
They are both up against it though for next Monday sees the release of the album I've been licking my lips in anticipation of...Muse are back with "Black holes & revelations". Yay!
So I will hopefully be back with you sooner rather than later with tales of Germany.
Right, I suppose I better go round telling everyone where I've gone, eh?
At 3:17 pm,
Cody Bones said…
It's nice to see you back. Have a great time in Germany, and I would like to propose my 2 favorite Mel Brooks lines
Anybody can direct, but there are only eleven good writers.
Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die
At 3:28 pm,
Dzesika said…
Good to have you back! Enjoy Germany and don't go rioting on us all ... heheheh ...
At 6:08 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Hey, there Flashy! Good to see you around. Sorry to hear about the home trouble with the blog.
I'm off to the Pride parade, but as I ogle all the pretty girls, I'll be trying to think of a good tag line for you.
Safe travels tomorrow!
At 7:05 pm,
shorty said…
Thank you for the birtday wishes. They mean a lot to me.
Enjoy your trip and tell us all about it as soon as you can.
At 7:51 pm,
GJC said…
Flash--just for grins I went to the old URL--you know you've got a squatter already???
I've been off my blogs lately...barely enough energy to keep up my own, so I haven't been around in a bit. Good to see you again, even in the new digs!
At 8:06 pm,
Stef said…
"there was a cock up her end"
Good to have you back Flashy, especially with fantastic double entendres like that! ;-)
At 8:45 pm,
swisslet said…
ola flashy and welcome to your new premises.
re. shuffleathon..... I'll pop lord b a text, but he's in Germany so he may not be sober enough to respond. No real hurry yet, anyway.
If you get back on email in the meantime, do let me know.
At 9:29 pm,
Hyde said…
Wow...blog drama, eh? I'm happy you're back! You were very missed!
At 10:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
Dude, nice blog. I'm digging the new look. And the new name. Does this mean I get to design you a sexy new header, because I'd be totally up for that!
At 9:07 am,
weenie said…
Ok, I need to change your link on my blog - someone's jumped into the Flashywoowoo grave already, funny characters that my laptop can't interpret!
At 12:06 pm,
adem said…
No doubt the new cybersquatter is advertising viagra, or alike. tsk.
At 5:49 pm,
Chapstick said…
Hooray Flshy!
At 6:26 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hey, this is where Flash is hiding!
Thought "Flashywashy" had been hacked :(
So Flash, with the new addy do you live in an Ice Cream van??
At 1:09 pm,
The Dog of Freetown said…
Money shmoney, it's all a lie. Yes, "cock up her end" is much more likely to make her comfortable with this whole internet site thingy.
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