"It's a beautiful day in my neighbourhood"
I just went for a wander over to Tesco's and back. It was lovely. It's all good, eh? The sun is shining, the flags are flying & multiplying at an exponential rate, England have cruised to a 6-0 win, that twat Sezer has been booted out of the BB house, the ladies are getting more scantily clad by the day, I have got my lucky hat on & everything is peachy.
The only thing that's troubled me today is thus: Our national anthem sucks donkey balls.
Really, it does. If my information is correct, it's the only national anthem in the world to reference the head of state at the expense of the land itself.
It's a bit of a sickener really as I am very patriotic but can take no joy from singing a plodding dirge with irrelevant lyrics.
How do overseas folk see their anthems, I wonder? And what of my fellow countryfolk? Do we not think it's time for a change?
I can deal with a bit of pomp & circumstance, but surely we should have something a bit more uplifting, something we can all buy into to. I'm sure with the state of TV shows today they could have a New National Anthem show. Y'know like the X-factor or Idol & they could have Noel Gallagher, Keira Knightley, Ricky Gervais & The Queen as judges. I'd watch it!
In fact, I'd probably enter it!
(With no ulterior motive of charming my way into Miss Knightley's affections, Honest.)
The only thing that's troubled me today is thus: Our national anthem sucks donkey balls.
Really, it does. If my information is correct, it's the only national anthem in the world to reference the head of state at the expense of the land itself.
It's a bit of a sickener really as I am very patriotic but can take no joy from singing a plodding dirge with irrelevant lyrics.
How do overseas folk see their anthems, I wonder? And what of my fellow countryfolk? Do we not think it's time for a change?
I can deal with a bit of pomp & circumstance, but surely we should have something a bit more uplifting, something we can all buy into to. I'm sure with the state of TV shows today they could have a New National Anthem show. Y'know like the X-factor or Idol & they could have Noel Gallagher, Keira Knightley, Ricky Gervais & The Queen as judges. I'd watch it!
In fact, I'd probably enter it!
(With no ulterior motive of charming my way into Miss Knightley's affections, Honest.)
At 11:52 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Our national anthem...it's hard to sing, people often don't know the lyrics of the first verse (let alone the other verses...I don't know them either), and it tends to glorify war. Despite all that, I love it.
Silly, I know.
At 12:04 am,
Anonymous said…
Thas reet Flash, our national anthem sucks big dogs cock.
It's waaay too plodding for a start. Listen to the Spanish one when Alonso wins a GP, it's nice & uplifting. In fact just about every anthem except ours (& luxembourg which is the same tune) is better musically than ours. And our anthem's lyrics are shite as well, as you've pointed out. All this guff about the Queen. I couldn't give too hoots about her.
Give me "Jerusalem" anyday, or "Land of Hope & Glory". Only problem with "Jerusalem" is you'd never get it past the PC brigade *rolls eyes*
At 9:50 am,
Stef said…
What about a nice Girls Aloud track or something? *ducks* ;-)
'Tis a rather podding, cumbersome song I agree but I'm not sure I'd be that into Land of Hope and Glory or Jerusalem either. Not because I'm uber PC or anything just because they only manage to suck a bit less than GStQ
Hmmmm... I thin the X-Factor thing is the way to go. And Flashy, get your hands of my Keira!
At 3:21 pm,
Hyde said…
I think a reality show competition is perfect! As for ours-- I agree with Spinster-- it's hard to sing, but I love it. I love the way it ends--a huge vocal climb and then ritard. But I HATE when pop artists sing the anthem and jazz it up by doing all sorts of vocal runs that are unneccessary. Sometimes tbe beauty of a song is in the simplicity of the melody.
Glad to hear you in a great mood!
At 5:39 pm,
adem said…
Yes Summer is good, what more could a man want?? Sun, Beer, Football, and Scantily Clad Ladies!!!
As for the national anthem, I agree it's all a bit poncy and brown-nosing for the Queen. Maybe we could get the crazy frog to spice it up???
God save a gracious Queen...da ding ding ding!!!
At 12:40 pm,
weenie said…
But I always thought the bit "Send her victorious, happy and glorious..." was kinda uplifting and suitable for sports and the like?
Land of Hope and Glory's ok I suppose.
And Alonso winning the GP also had to stand to the French National anthem, which really confused me. (but not any more, summat to do with Renault apparently)
At 8:21 am,
Dzesika said…
hm. I like my country's national anthem in a mildly unoffensive way ... but it's damned difficult to sing. This means that growing up, I heard it massacred umpteen times at the opening of umpteen baseball games, because you always sing the national anthem before the first pitch...
At 2:59 pm,
Anonymous said…
Taking a stroll to Tesco´s yse that sounds fasinating.....
At 2:09 am,
Hyde said…
Flashy! I miss you! Wherfore art thou Flashywashywoowoo?
At 2:56 pm,
shorty said…
Yea! What Hyde said!
At 7:28 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I think we lost Flashy to the World Cup...wasn't he going to Germany one of these days? He'd better post some pictures!
At 10:58 pm,
Charby said…
he'll be back soon!
Our progress in the cup wont last much longer!
At 7:37 pm,
Anonymous said…
Wo ist Herr Flash, und warum erhalten die Überprüfung Codes länger?
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