"One day I am gonna grow wings, a chemical reaction"
Whoa, it's god damn hot.
I've had to get out of bed for a bit. The heat combined with the particularly-noisy-tonight nightclub over the road has beaten me for a while.
Hey! Guess what? My archives have come back! I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. The thought of their loss was unbearable. As much as this blog is a platform for me to interact with lots of wonderful people & be a sweet superhero & all that, it's first & foremost my diary. Something I can look back on. I am absolutely dizzy with joy that my "memoirs" & other spoutings are all safety intact. Dizzy I tell you!
So to business...
I'm sure many of you fine people have partaken in the Swiss Toni CD shuffleathon. A genius idea involving 30 different people all constructing a 12 track CD & them posting it to a randomly drawn recipient. Excellent.
I received mine last week & marveled at the Singapore postmark. My Cd was put together by Mike from AllRightHere? Now is the time for me to review said disc...
Turning Japanese - The Vapours
He's of to a flyer with a great track. Turning Japanese is something I've long had in my collection. It's one of those songs that you never tire of hearing, it's upbeat without being cheesy & despite being older than my girlfriend it hasn't dated at all. Excellent opener. HIT
Gold Soundz - Pavement
I don't know a lot about pavement other than that Blur's self-titled album was supposedly heavily influenced by them. This track really captures my attention when it starts but I do tend to lose interest. It kinda passes me by. It's certainly not bad though, by any means. MAYBE
Little Scare - Benjamin Diamond
This one has me all flummoxed. I kinda like it but I kinda don't. It's very dance orientated but in a europop stylee. Reminiscent of that "ooh baby, it feels like the music sounds better with you" thing from a couple of years ago. It's got a really catchy melody though. I've put it on again as I'm typing & it kinda freaks me out a bit. I think I'd like it if I heard it out partying. MAYBE
Gold - Spandau Ballet
You just can't knock it eh? Takes me back to my childhood & School discos & Smash Hits.
I always liked Spandau but may I just set the record straight here & now. They couldn't hold a candle to Duran Duran. HIT
Suckas get braised - Ian Beef
Hmmm. A sort of rap affair in a Goldie Looking Chain sort of way. It's all a bit comedy & I've never been a big fan of funny music. It's not my bag baby & I can't see myself delving into Mr. Beef's back catalogue. That said It's earwormed me something chronic & I've been heard on more than one occasion this week singing the chorus to myself..."Y'know? Braised...like a side of beef!" MISS
Vapour trail - Ride
I really missed the whole shoegazing thing & as such never have really listened to Ride. I quite like this but it doesn't knock my socks off. It's all a bit monotone-ish. MAYBE
California Waiting - King's of Leon
Nice's favourite band, I like the Kings but I also like winding Nice up about Caleb Fallowthingy's rather odd vocal style. You can't understand half of what he's going on about. They certainly know there way round a tune though & this is a bit of a corker. HIT
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
I wonder If I'm the only one who does this? I have a few bands who I like what I've heard of them but never gotten round to getting their stuff & actually having a proper listen. Smashing Pumpkins are one of those bands. I remember seeing them live on an MTV2 thing & they were blistering, a lot more forceful & chunky than I thought they could be. I really like this song & shall definitely be introducing it to my still nameless new i-pod. HIT
2,3,Go - The Wedding Present
Much like Ride I've never got The Wedding Present. This song is ok but again like Ride it doesn't set my pulse racing. I do very much like the lyric; "Let's go swim the Zambezi, Let's do it 'cos it's easy". There is hope for this one actually, as I listen to it again. HIT
I don't want control of you - Teenage Fanclub
I think I've heard this before. The Fannies (as I believe some folks call them) are another band that I've thrown the odd glance at but never moved in on. This particular song is great, I really like it. It's got a really good singalong melody, a nice summery sort of vibe & the vocals work for me. This song is my favourite of the 8 tracks I didn't already have so it's a great big... HIT
Let Down - Radiohead
Radiohead are simply in a league of their own. And if I made a list of my top 10 Radiohead songs, this would be in it. Classic. HIT
Belfast - Orbital
Again this isn't really my cup of tea, not what I'd usually choose to listen to. Because I love to sing so much I tend to steer clear of instrumentals. This isn't without it's merits though, it's intelligent music & it certainly carries a bit of a feel to it. For me it evokes images of walking the streets of a city at night after a big night out, when you've had a really good time & are perhaps just a little high or drunk but not in a falling over being noisy kind of way. Bless it, it does go on a bit though. MISS
So I make that 7 hits, 3 maybes & only a couple of misses. If my CD is that well received my it's owner I shall be more than happy. Reading what some other people have been putting on their CD's I think I've been very lucky that mine came from someone with similar tastes to mine.
Good work Mike, good work indeed.
So, I'm gonna go back to bed now, I've got a big day tomorrow with lot's of stuff to do culminating in getting on a plane bound for Amsterdam.
I've had to get out of bed for a bit. The heat combined with the particularly-noisy-tonight nightclub over the road has beaten me for a while.
Hey! Guess what? My archives have come back! I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. The thought of their loss was unbearable. As much as this blog is a platform for me to interact with lots of wonderful people & be a sweet superhero & all that, it's first & foremost my diary. Something I can look back on. I am absolutely dizzy with joy that my "memoirs" & other spoutings are all safety intact. Dizzy I tell you!
So to business...
I'm sure many of you fine people have partaken in the Swiss Toni CD shuffleathon. A genius idea involving 30 different people all constructing a 12 track CD & them posting it to a randomly drawn recipient. Excellent.
I received mine last week & marveled at the Singapore postmark. My Cd was put together by Mike from AllRightHere? Now is the time for me to review said disc...
Turning Japanese - The Vapours
He's of to a flyer with a great track. Turning Japanese is something I've long had in my collection. It's one of those songs that you never tire of hearing, it's upbeat without being cheesy & despite being older than my girlfriend it hasn't dated at all. Excellent opener. HIT
Gold Soundz - Pavement
I don't know a lot about pavement other than that Blur's self-titled album was supposedly heavily influenced by them. This track really captures my attention when it starts but I do tend to lose interest. It kinda passes me by. It's certainly not bad though, by any means. MAYBE
Little Scare - Benjamin Diamond
This one has me all flummoxed. I kinda like it but I kinda don't. It's very dance orientated but in a europop stylee. Reminiscent of that "ooh baby, it feels like the music sounds better with you" thing from a couple of years ago. It's got a really catchy melody though. I've put it on again as I'm typing & it kinda freaks me out a bit. I think I'd like it if I heard it out partying. MAYBE
Gold - Spandau Ballet
You just can't knock it eh? Takes me back to my childhood & School discos & Smash Hits.
I always liked Spandau but may I just set the record straight here & now. They couldn't hold a candle to Duran Duran. HIT
Suckas get braised - Ian Beef
Hmmm. A sort of rap affair in a Goldie Looking Chain sort of way. It's all a bit comedy & I've never been a big fan of funny music. It's not my bag baby & I can't see myself delving into Mr. Beef's back catalogue. That said It's earwormed me something chronic & I've been heard on more than one occasion this week singing the chorus to myself..."Y'know? Braised...like a side of beef!" MISS
Vapour trail - Ride
I really missed the whole shoegazing thing & as such never have really listened to Ride. I quite like this but it doesn't knock my socks off. It's all a bit monotone-ish. MAYBE
California Waiting - King's of Leon
Nice's favourite band, I like the Kings but I also like winding Nice up about Caleb Fallowthingy's rather odd vocal style. You can't understand half of what he's going on about. They certainly know there way round a tune though & this is a bit of a corker. HIT
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
I wonder If I'm the only one who does this? I have a few bands who I like what I've heard of them but never gotten round to getting their stuff & actually having a proper listen. Smashing Pumpkins are one of those bands. I remember seeing them live on an MTV2 thing & they were blistering, a lot more forceful & chunky than I thought they could be. I really like this song & shall definitely be introducing it to my still nameless new i-pod. HIT
2,3,Go - The Wedding Present
Much like Ride I've never got The Wedding Present. This song is ok but again like Ride it doesn't set my pulse racing. I do very much like the lyric; "Let's go swim the Zambezi, Let's do it 'cos it's easy". There is hope for this one actually, as I listen to it again. HIT
I don't want control of you - Teenage Fanclub
I think I've heard this before. The Fannies (as I believe some folks call them) are another band that I've thrown the odd glance at but never moved in on. This particular song is great, I really like it. It's got a really good singalong melody, a nice summery sort of vibe & the vocals work for me. This song is my favourite of the 8 tracks I didn't already have so it's a great big... HIT
Let Down - Radiohead
Radiohead are simply in a league of their own. And if I made a list of my top 10 Radiohead songs, this would be in it. Classic. HIT
Belfast - Orbital
Again this isn't really my cup of tea, not what I'd usually choose to listen to. Because I love to sing so much I tend to steer clear of instrumentals. This isn't without it's merits though, it's intelligent music & it certainly carries a bit of a feel to it. For me it evokes images of walking the streets of a city at night after a big night out, when you've had a really good time & are perhaps just a little high or drunk but not in a falling over being noisy kind of way. Bless it, it does go on a bit though. MISS
So I make that 7 hits, 3 maybes & only a couple of misses. If my CD is that well received my it's owner I shall be more than happy. Reading what some other people have been putting on their CD's I think I've been very lucky that mine came from someone with similar tastes to mine.
Good work Mike, good work indeed.
So, I'm gonna go back to bed now, I've got a big day tomorrow with lot's of stuff to do culminating in getting on a plane bound for Amsterdam.
At 12:55 pm,
adem said…
I couldn't go to sleep either. I went to bed around 12:30am but was hot and also got a toothache! Damn
I finally managed to gt to sleep around 3am.
heh heh. my word verification for today is 'fgaany'... see it almost sounds like fanny! almost...
At 9:12 pm,
Anonymous said…
One of my fave choons.
Still each to their own. World would be a boring place if everyone liked the same thing ;-)
& Flash - that Benjamin Diamond track probably reminds you of "Music Sounds Better With You" because it's the same singer
At 2:48 am,
HistoryGeek said…
Great review! Is it hot everywhere? It absolutely sucks.
Have a blast in Amsterdam - HippyChick loves her Amsterdam excursions.
At 1:05 pm,
Stef said…
Turning Japanese is not only a great song it's about the only song I can think of that's about masturbation and that did get played on Radio 1. Class.
I saw Ian Beef in a bar in Bristol, I wasn't that impressed either. He looked like a school teacher as well. Very odd.
I like you had heard of the Smashing Pumpkins but never really heard them. My wife however, being 'of that age' and from Seattle had their entire back catalogue and I delved in and loved it. Siamese Dreams is a truly awesome rock album. Check it out.
At 2:51 am,
Me said…
Thanks for your fair review. I made some unbalanced choices, looking back at the tracklisting, but I was under heavy sedation at the time of compiling. I will say one thing, though: the longer Ian Beef stays in your head the more you like it being there...
I'm a bit confused about the "he looks like a teacher" comment, Stef. I can't think of anyone less teachery than Ian Beef. Plus, I'm a teacher myself and I certainly don't look anything like him... Where did you school?!
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