Beware of the pixies!

Friday, August 04, 2006

"...it seems sometimes you're lost in TV"

I don't actually watch a lot of TV. However, I am prone to getting hooked on something & watching it religiously. Sometimes this can be a bit of a bind & I end up being a slave to the schedule (Big Brother) & sometimes it brings something to look forward to on what could possibly be a dull Tuesday evening (Lost). The best way (for me) to watch something is on DVD so I can watch it on my terms.

Recently, Nice has brought something new into my life. I was reluctant at first & the first couple of episodes did little to change my mind. Soon enough though I was getting to know & love the characters & now I'm hooked. I wonder if anyone else has seen this show. To my knowledge it hasn't been broadcast on British terrestrial TV, it's a Canadian affair. It's...

Trailer Park Boys.

I bloody love it, it's so pant-wettingly funny.
The three guys in the centre of the picture (Sunglasses, big glasses & blue shirt) are the main characters; Julian, Bubbles & Ricky. The basic premise, season after season, is that these guys are hopeless cases who know no other way of getting by than breaking the law. The two guys on the right are the trailer park supervisors (Lahey & Randy) who are constantly trying to land our heroes back in jail. It's almost like roadrunner.

My favourite character is Bubbles, who is a sweet natured guy who tries to avoid all the illegal stuff (but invariably gets sucked in) while making his living repairing Shopping trolleys that he "finds". He lives in a shed & looks after all the park's stray kittys. In one episode he happens upon a wild mountain Lion that he calls Steve French. As you would.

Anyway I've been totally mad for Trailer Park Boys lately & I wanted to share & I also wanted to see if anyone else was into it.


  • At 10:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's on Paramount Comedy, usually after South Park.
    Never seen it as I switch over when South Park finishes.

  • At 1:28 pm, Blogger HistoryGeek said…

    I've never heard of it, but I'll have to see if they have it on Netflix and give it a gander.

  • At 10:37 pm, Blogger Stef said…

    Yep, watched a few episodes. Definitely something that you have to 'grow into'. I've never met anyone who liked the first episode they saw.

    Even now though, I have to be in the mood for it.

  • At 8:31 pm, Blogger Cody Bones said…

    Just a curiosity, what kind of Tivo, or OnDemand service is available in the U.K? I highly reccommend it. It truly has changed how I watch Television. Cheers mate!!!

  • At 9:05 pm, Blogger weenie said…

    This sounds like something the bf would love - maybe he identifies with these kinds of ...."misfits"! :-)

  • At 11:40 am, Blogger The Dog of Freetown said…

    I love this kind of stuff, so thanks for telling about it. I will hunt it down in greta anticipation. Those glasses remind me of a Vic Reeves character, which can't be bad.

  • At 11:06 pm, Blogger Stef said…

    Cody, the main TV gizmo is Sky+ which is a PVR allowing recording of episodes and series in one quick flick of a button as well as pause and rewind of live TV which is neat.

    This ain't cheap but affordable if you watch a lot of telly.

    You can buy stand-alone PVRs that effectively do the same thing but they're a good few hundred pounds each so most people just go with Sky+ which you pay for on a monthly basis because there's little or no initial outlay.

    One of the cable companies does a half-baked version where you can watch some of the programmes when you want any time in the 7 days after broadcast plus a few 'classics' (read old crap no-one wants to watch) and pay per view movies.


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