"What the world is waiting for"
So I go away for a few days & you all desert me, uh?
Anyway, "Confessions of an idiot" gets it's official release on Monday.
I played it to Reckless & Dream Girl on wednesday night & they pretty much loved it! Yay!
Even Reckless who has been far from complimentary about the project up to now, had to bow to it's greatness!
I've so far had one request for a copy from you guys (Bless you, honey!) & I'm expecting to hear from at least 8 or 9 of you, so quit stalling & get to it. (Duke, I need your postcode, mate).
What else has been happening in World of Flash?
Chuff all!
Been watching much footy this week & have to conlude that Tuesday's Chelsea vs Barcalona match was the best game I've seen all season, with the obvious exception of Leeds vs Reading!
I didn't manage to catch up with as many of your blogs as I wanted to (blame Hyde, that girl writes sooo much :-) ) so I'll try again now.
Ta ra!
Anyway, "Confessions of an idiot" gets it's official release on Monday.
I played it to Reckless & Dream Girl on wednesday night & they pretty much loved it! Yay!
Even Reckless who has been far from complimentary about the project up to now, had to bow to it's greatness!
I've so far had one request for a copy from you guys (Bless you, honey!) & I'm expecting to hear from at least 8 or 9 of you, so quit stalling & get to it. (Duke, I need your postcode, mate).
What else has been happening in World of Flash?
Chuff all!
Been watching much footy this week & have to conlude that Tuesday's Chelsea vs Barcalona match was the best game I've seen all season, with the obvious exception of Leeds vs Reading!
I didn't manage to catch up with as many of your blogs as I wanted to (blame Hyde, that girl writes sooo much :-) ) so I'll try again now.
Ta ra!
At 11:09 pm,
Hyde said…
My apologizes for absorbing so much of your time with my nonsense! Hope your other bloggers forgive me! Can't wait to hear the CD! :)
At 8:58 pm,
Charby said…
I wanna copy but I can't get to your email address to request one!
Am i rejected again? *sob*
or am I just beign very, very thick? (the more likely option!!)
At 6:53 pm,
Chapstick said…
Well, I can promise that I haven't deserted, so no worries there. And I do want a copy of "confessions", however, I'm pretty sure that a random package from England would cause much flipping out on the part of my parents... have to think a way around that...
At 7:13 pm,
shorty said…
Ok, I'm here. I too want a copy, I will email you my new address. I can't have it sent until April 1st.
Chapstick. Two options I might suggest. #1 Set up a P O Box at the post office. #2 Have Flash send me your copy and I will forward it onto you. Then it will be from the US. Let us know!
At 7:20 pm,
Chapstick said…
Heh, I had already thought of option #1, but in a small town like mine, I know my parents would be told. Thanks for the offer, btw. (might have to take you up on it)
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