Beware of the pixies!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

"Spreading the news around the world" or "Libraries gave us power"

Greetings from Crapsville library!
I have some news for you all but first a few points I need to address;

Duke: There is 1 song out of 4438 on my pod my Sheryl Crow. It's on there because I adore that song & when downloading it I couldn't find the original. Shania Twain??? Honestly mate, me & you could fall out!

Chapstick: Of course you like the Killers, don't be silly. And I have no plans for dying just yet!

Cheryl: Purple rain? I could've done alot worse! It was nice to hear from you the other day.

Right, what's been going on since last post: Well, I've cheered up!
Friday night was spent with Reckless & Dream Girl & a large bottle of vodka & lashings of cranberry juice (winks to Charby), all in honour of Reckless' birthday. Dream Girl was on excellent form, really tip top. The more drunk she got, the more affection she (subconsciously?) showed me. Towards the end of the night this became quite racy, I touched her breast twice; once by accident & twice by demonstrating to her what had happened the first time! Aah, simple pleasures. Then we all sat on the sofa, well Reckless & I sat, Dream Girl lied on the sofa with her legs draped over Reckless & her feet settling on my thighs. And she kept moving them...upwards! I had to move because Reckless was not so drunk as to not notice. Throughout the whole evening it was beautifully clear that her feelings, though deeply suppressed, are still very much alive & kicking.

Saturday was the customary day after, spent doing very little & not acknowledging the events of the previous evening in any way. Saturday night, Funny Dance came round mine for a few games of FIFA, which was nice.

Ok, here is the news.
"Confessions of an idiot" is finished!
Yes, I've had to make do with my infuriating way of recording the vocals but it is finished.
So far only Funny Dance & They Used To Be Even Bigger have listened to it, they both seemed to be impressed.
Funny Dance declaring the title track to be "fucking ace!".

So here's the deal, readers. All of you (even any lurkers there may be) should (assuming you want a copy) e-mail me with a postal address. Then you will soon own your very own copy.
I'm intrigued & excited as to what your reactions may be. I ask only one thing...honesty. If you think it's kack, tell me it's kack. Ok?
In time I would love you writer types to do a proper review of the album, but let's get it out there first eh?

Right I have 18 minutes of online time left, so I'm gonna quickly see how you lot are.



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