"As they make their way across the universe"
Just a big old bunch of randomness for you today...
FlirtyDirty got the sack & the word on the street is that the job that the girls were brought in for is about to be knocked on the head. So that will see the end of Lil' One & Nice Not Hot too. Bloody shame, besides the outrageous amount of flirting that's been going on I genuinely like them all. They have changed the social dynamic of the smoking booth & given me a real purpose when I'm on dayshift. That being the role of the oracle of the years. Every day on Northants radio at 9am they do "The workday windback", which is where they play several records from one year & you have to guess the year. Everyday at 9 I prick up my ears & with my vast *ahem* knowledge I deliver the answer to the girls usually by the end of the first song. They subsequently ring up & win. Every single day. To the point where they are almost local celebrities on the county's airwaves.
They never win at all when I'm on lates.
Nice Not Hot has even become a fan of "Confessions of an idiot".
I'll miss them.
Speaking of "Confessions...", I checked out my stats today at soundclick and it answered yesterday's question for me. Though all of the songs have been played at some point, many have not been downloaded at all, including the title track.
I officially give up.
Again I am working till 4am, yup another 14 hour shift.
I am steadfastly thinking about the money.
Poor Kylie has got breast cancer. This is where the whole unreal world of celebrity falls on it's arse. Though I undoubtedly feel for her & hope that she makes a full recovery, the news has affected me no more or less than it would if it were a random work colleagues' Auntie Julie. In fact I'd probably feel more because it would be having an effect on somebody I knew.
No matter how many times I've gazed lovingly & longingly at her, no matter how much of a lovely woman she has always come across as in interviews, I DO NOT KNOW HER & she does not know me. I find it hard to feel any real emotion about it other than the sadness that all decent folk feel when we hear bad news about people we don't know.
Do you know what I mean?
For instance, a Bangladeshi ferry as sunk today claiming the lives of 200 people. Now this is clearly a tragedy that we would all wish we could reverse. However I will not shed a solitary tear for those lives lost & I dare say you will not either. If just one of the people who I care about were to die, I would weep uncontrollably.
So Humbert is doing his stuff just over my shoulder. "I ran" by A flock of seagulls just came on, I thought it was The Bravery.
I'm not sure what that says about either band or, for that matter, myself. Hmmm.
Just over 48 hours to go till I take my seat for Revenge of the Sith.
I sure lots of you are getting giddy like I am.
I did plan to watch The Phantom Menace tonight & then Attack of the Clones tomorrow.
I think I may have to kibosh that plan due to these crazy hours I'm working. Bugger.
Still all thing Star Wars have been taking up a lot of my headspace.
My personal order of preference for the films is:
Return of the Jedi
The Empire Strikes Back
Attack of the Clones
A New Hope
The Phantom Menace
I know "Empire" is universally acclaimed as the best one but Jedi has always done it for me.
The final hour is absolutely exhilarating.
Want to know what pisses me off the most about Star Wars & it's not Jar Jar Binks (We'll come to him in a minute)?
In the special edition of Jedi, why oh why has the soundtrack been fucked about with?
The bit in Jabba's palace sounds daft enough but right at the end when everybody is partying on Endor. I bloody loved that tune! Why replace it for something inferior? I just do not understand. And it pisses me off because who's gonna be watching videos in 5 or 10 years time?
So I'll never hear it again. Bastards.
On the whole I do like the special editions though. The explosions look great! And I thought the appearance of Hayden Christensen as Anakin joining Yoda & Obi Wan as spirits was great (though I do feel a little sympathy for the original actor).
So to Binks...
I quite like Jar Jar Binks.
There I've said it, out loud, in public.
I do feel that a lot of us from my generation get a little precious about it all. My son is obsessed with Star Wars & he's only 5. He loves Jar Jar, he makes him laugh. I have no doubt that a whole new generation of kids who have joined us in our love of these films, were helped along a bit by the Gungan clown. Very clever Mr. Lucas is, hmm.
Youssa follow me now, okeyday?
I also think the casting has been top notch. Samuel L. Jackson, Hayden Christensen & Ewan McGregor have all been fantastic.
So which character would you want to be (or were you, in the playground)?
I think it's pretty obvious who I would be, after all I am a lovable scoundrel & almost every vehicle I've piloted has been a hunk of junk.
Now I just need a Princess Leia complete with gold bikini.
Any offers girls?
FlirtyDirty got the sack & the word on the street is that the job that the girls were brought in for is about to be knocked on the head. So that will see the end of Lil' One & Nice Not Hot too. Bloody shame, besides the outrageous amount of flirting that's been going on I genuinely like them all. They have changed the social dynamic of the smoking booth & given me a real purpose when I'm on dayshift. That being the role of the oracle of the years. Every day on Northants radio at 9am they do "The workday windback", which is where they play several records from one year & you have to guess the year. Everyday at 9 I prick up my ears & with my vast *ahem* knowledge I deliver the answer to the girls usually by the end of the first song. They subsequently ring up & win. Every single day. To the point where they are almost local celebrities on the county's airwaves.
They never win at all when I'm on lates.
Nice Not Hot has even become a fan of "Confessions of an idiot".
I'll miss them.
Speaking of "Confessions...", I checked out my stats today at soundclick and it answered yesterday's question for me. Though all of the songs have been played at some point, many have not been downloaded at all, including the title track.
I officially give up.
Again I am working till 4am, yup another 14 hour shift.
I am steadfastly thinking about the money.
Poor Kylie has got breast cancer. This is where the whole unreal world of celebrity falls on it's arse. Though I undoubtedly feel for her & hope that she makes a full recovery, the news has affected me no more or less than it would if it were a random work colleagues' Auntie Julie. In fact I'd probably feel more because it would be having an effect on somebody I knew.
No matter how many times I've gazed lovingly & longingly at her, no matter how much of a lovely woman she has always come across as in interviews, I DO NOT KNOW HER & she does not know me. I find it hard to feel any real emotion about it other than the sadness that all decent folk feel when we hear bad news about people we don't know.
Do you know what I mean?
For instance, a Bangladeshi ferry as sunk today claiming the lives of 200 people. Now this is clearly a tragedy that we would all wish we could reverse. However I will not shed a solitary tear for those lives lost & I dare say you will not either. If just one of the people who I care about were to die, I would weep uncontrollably.
So Humbert is doing his stuff just over my shoulder. "I ran" by A flock of seagulls just came on, I thought it was The Bravery.
I'm not sure what that says about either band or, for that matter, myself. Hmmm.
Just over 48 hours to go till I take my seat for Revenge of the Sith.
I sure lots of you are getting giddy like I am.
I did plan to watch The Phantom Menace tonight & then Attack of the Clones tomorrow.
I think I may have to kibosh that plan due to these crazy hours I'm working. Bugger.
Still all thing Star Wars have been taking up a lot of my headspace.
My personal order of preference for the films is:
Return of the Jedi
The Empire Strikes Back
Attack of the Clones
A New Hope
The Phantom Menace
I know "Empire" is universally acclaimed as the best one but Jedi has always done it for me.
The final hour is absolutely exhilarating.
Want to know what pisses me off the most about Star Wars & it's not Jar Jar Binks (We'll come to him in a minute)?
In the special edition of Jedi, why oh why has the soundtrack been fucked about with?
The bit in Jabba's palace sounds daft enough but right at the end when everybody is partying on Endor. I bloody loved that tune! Why replace it for something inferior? I just do not understand. And it pisses me off because who's gonna be watching videos in 5 or 10 years time?
So I'll never hear it again. Bastards.
On the whole I do like the special editions though. The explosions look great! And I thought the appearance of Hayden Christensen as Anakin joining Yoda & Obi Wan as spirits was great (though I do feel a little sympathy for the original actor).
So to Binks...
I quite like Jar Jar Binks.
There I've said it, out loud, in public.
I do feel that a lot of us from my generation get a little precious about it all. My son is obsessed with Star Wars & he's only 5. He loves Jar Jar, he makes him laugh. I have no doubt that a whole new generation of kids who have joined us in our love of these films, were helped along a bit by the Gungan clown. Very clever Mr. Lucas is, hmm.
Youssa follow me now, okeyday?
I also think the casting has been top notch. Samuel L. Jackson, Hayden Christensen & Ewan McGregor have all been fantastic.
So which character would you want to be (or were you, in the playground)?
I think it's pretty obvious who I would be, after all I am a lovable scoundrel & almost every vehicle I've piloted has been a hunk of junk.
Now I just need a Princess Leia complete with gold bikini.
Any offers girls?
At 11:18 pm,
Charby said…
*points and laughs* geeky! geeky! geeky! geeky!
Not that loving Harry Potter & the LOTR films is much better!
I have no idea about any of the characters names in Star wars & only a vague idea about some of the characters.
But if I could be someone from it I wanna be Mr Lucas & be worshipped by hundreds of other geeks & have lots of money to go with!!
At 11:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hey Flash if the girls don't win when you're away, you know you have to take advantage of that somehow, come on brother do it for the lads.
At 11:25 pm,
Mark said…
but having Hayden makes no sense, Luke smiles at the image of someone he's NEVER met before, it's bullshit
At 12:21 am,
HistoryGeek said…
Star Wars geeks unite! I even read the books that came out after the movies. Although I have to admit that I haven't see the second of the new movies (is that attack of the clones?) because I was a little disappointed by the first. But I am going to see the Revenge of the Sith on Sunday.
My favorite character was actually in the the new movie I did see...Darth Maul. Really gotta love the face paint, and that man had wicked moves. Still my beating heart.
But growing up, of course, all the girls fought to be Leia because there weren't any other girls to be. I think now, though, that I would most relate to Luke mostly because of how loyal he is to his friends (well, and how he grows up during the films).
I'm with you on Jar Jar. He made me giggle the whole way through.
At 8:06 am,
LB said…
I'm with you. I watched "A New Hope" on Sunday night and "Attack of the Clones" yesterday in preparation.
I have decided that I categorically dont know what is going on in "Attack of the Clones". It is too confusing for me to work out.
I do think though that Hayden Christiansen is *rubbish*. He couldnt ham up the fact he's "a little bit excitable" more if he tried.
Return of the Jedi
Star Wars
Empire Strikes Back
Attack of the Clones
Phantom Menace
and I am totally with Mark, he should have left the original films alone. Changing the end of "Return of the Jedi" was a daft thing to do.
As for which character I'd like to be, come on. Blokes will clearly *all* pick the same character. Who doesnt dream of flying the Millennium Falcon?
At 9:08 pm,
Flash said…
Thanks for the words of encouragemnet Stompp, though I didn't mean I'm giving up trying to promote the album.
See there are some people who read here who didn't get CD's & I've been trying to ascertain whether any of those folks have used soundclick to get hold of it.
I officially give up trying to find out about them because short of shouting "Oi YOU! Have you downloaded my album?" (which would be very rude & it's not like people HAVE to listen to it, it's not a condition of reading here) I don't see what else I can do.
Again, Thanks for your encouragement, it does not go unnoticed, my friend.
At 4:04 am,
LavaLady said…
My friends and I used to take turns being Princess Leia. Too few women in these films!
My (sometimes) man Palmer is standing in line in the rain as I type waiting to see the 12:05 am showing of Episode III. I'll wait a week or so until there are no more lines.
At 9:43 pm,
swisslet said…
mark my words - lucas will release a box set of the original films at some point.
Have you seen http://www.originaltrilogy.com/ ??
Guess who said this:
"I am very concerned about our national heritage, and I am very concerned that the films I watched when I was young and the films that I watched throughout my life are preserved, so that my children can see them"
Yup. Lucas, speaking against the colourisation of black and white films.
Jake Lloyd ruins the phantom menace for me far more than Jar-Jar does. He is rotten throughout.
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