"Give it all up & then shuffle off your mortal coil"
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Well it's time to turn the tables with Flash asks.
Today I seem to be full of questions, so who better to ask than you lot?
1. Women with shaved heads; Can they still look attractive?
On Saturday morning whilst chewing the fat with Reckless & Dream Girl she toyed with the idea of dying her hair (always a time for fear, trust me), "if it goes wrong" she argued "I could always shave my head!". I at this point let out a big "urgh", this in turn led to a debate about shaven headed women. I stand firm that it just doesn't look good on any lady. Sinead O'Conner? Nope, not for me. I did have to concede that the strange was-it-a-boy-or-was-it-a-girl-character on Monkey had a very beautiful face, despite a lack of hair. Then, would you bloody believe it? Natalie Portman turns up at Cannes with a No.1 crew cut!!!
And in my eyes she looks pretty damn awful, just weird.
Incidentally, Reckless did dye his hair. Bright red & it looks pretty cool.
2. Can you get a cheap last minute flight by hanging about at the airport & waiting for some luckless soul to not turn up, like you can with package holidays?
Once again, I've been looking for flights for my trip to New York. I have a strict upper spend limit which I have to stick to & it appears that all the prices have rocketed up way above that.
I'm sick of putting this trip off, so if any of you know about this sort of thing, please enlighten me.
*Whispers* Am I allowed to talk about "Confessions..."?
3. I'd just like to know if any of you that didn't get a CD copy of the album, have downloaded it from Soundclick. And if so; Any thoughts?
The reason I ask is that one such wonderful person did & proclaimed that I "rock", it just made me wonder about the rest of you.
4. What's your favourite intro to a song?
Humbert just played me mine which prompted the question: "Regret" by New Order.
Now I apologise for this in advance as it's hardly a cheery topic, sorry.
5. What happens if one of us, perish the thought, dies?
Honestly, how would anyone know if I popped my clogs tomorrow? The posts & the comments would obviously stop, after a while I'm sure someone would e-mail me. The Duke of Jokes & my girls would ring, but there would be no answer.
Over at Tequila mockingbird's blog there has been growing concern as she hadn't posted anything at all for over a month. Her comments had got up to 200 or something, with people getting genuinely worried about her. I've just been over there & she's not dead (which is good news) but she's brought up the same subject (which is bad news, cos I've been pondering this for some time now but it will look like I've nicked the idea).
As I've said before I find it impossible to read everyone's words on a daily basis without forming an emotional bond, so don't any of you buggers just stop blogging or I'll assume you've shuffled off this mortal coil & weep buckets when you may well have just run off with the milkman to start a new life in Scunthorpe.
So What's the plan for the demise of a blogger?
Feel free to answer any, all or none of my queries.
I do want to know the answers but ultimately it's just a way off passing the time on this 14 hour shift that doesn't end till 4am.
Well it's time to turn the tables with Flash asks.
Today I seem to be full of questions, so who better to ask than you lot?
1. Women with shaved heads; Can they still look attractive?
On Saturday morning whilst chewing the fat with Reckless & Dream Girl she toyed with the idea of dying her hair (always a time for fear, trust me), "if it goes wrong" she argued "I could always shave my head!". I at this point let out a big "urgh", this in turn led to a debate about shaven headed women. I stand firm that it just doesn't look good on any lady. Sinead O'Conner? Nope, not for me. I did have to concede that the strange was-it-a-boy-or-was-it-a-girl-character on Monkey had a very beautiful face, despite a lack of hair. Then, would you bloody believe it? Natalie Portman turns up at Cannes with a No.1 crew cut!!!
And in my eyes she looks pretty damn awful, just weird.
Incidentally, Reckless did dye his hair. Bright red & it looks pretty cool.
2. Can you get a cheap last minute flight by hanging about at the airport & waiting for some luckless soul to not turn up, like you can with package holidays?
Once again, I've been looking for flights for my trip to New York. I have a strict upper spend limit which I have to stick to & it appears that all the prices have rocketed up way above that.
I'm sick of putting this trip off, so if any of you know about this sort of thing, please enlighten me.
*Whispers* Am I allowed to talk about "Confessions..."?
3. I'd just like to know if any of you that didn't get a CD copy of the album, have downloaded it from Soundclick. And if so; Any thoughts?
The reason I ask is that one such wonderful person did & proclaimed that I "rock", it just made me wonder about the rest of you.
4. What's your favourite intro to a song?
Humbert just played me mine which prompted the question: "Regret" by New Order.
Now I apologise for this in advance as it's hardly a cheery topic, sorry.
5. What happens if one of us, perish the thought, dies?
Honestly, how would anyone know if I popped my clogs tomorrow? The posts & the comments would obviously stop, after a while I'm sure someone would e-mail me. The Duke of Jokes & my girls would ring, but there would be no answer.
Over at Tequila mockingbird's blog there has been growing concern as she hadn't posted anything at all for over a month. Her comments had got up to 200 or something, with people getting genuinely worried about her. I've just been over there & she's not dead (which is good news) but she's brought up the same subject (which is bad news, cos I've been pondering this for some time now but it will look like I've nicked the idea).
As I've said before I find it impossible to read everyone's words on a daily basis without forming an emotional bond, so don't any of you buggers just stop blogging or I'll assume you've shuffled off this mortal coil & weep buckets when you may well have just run off with the milkman to start a new life in Scunthorpe.
So What's the plan for the demise of a blogger?
Feel free to answer any, all or none of my queries.
I do want to know the answers but ultimately it's just a way off passing the time on this 14 hour shift that doesn't end till 4am.
At 10:11 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Oy! A 14 hour shift. You have my condolences. Shaven headed women? Some look good, some look not so good. I personally think that most women of northern European descent should avoid shaving their heads, for example.
What if a blogger dies? That's a hard one. I think that each individual blogger would need to have a plan for that. I have a friend who hasn't blogged recently and it does make me worried about her (despite the fact that prior to blogging I only communicated with her once or twice a year). Still, it's probably a good idea to have a back-up person to post a notice in case of your demise.
At 10:20 pm,
Mike Davis said…
Shaven headed woman? Demi Moore pulled it off in GI Jane. But maybe that's just because she's Demi and can do no wrong?
I appear to possess the brain of a goldfish because I've forgotten the other questions.
At 10:21 pm,
Charby said…
While in Derby I toyed with the idea of shaving it all off.
It was only the fact that here a lot of folks seem to think i'm gay that puts me off.
I saw that on Tequila Mockingbird too, maybe we should have someone to post in the event of an untimely demise.
And I wouldn't run off to Scunthorpe, not when Blackpool has always sounded far more exciting!
At 4:27 am,
shorty said…
1. There are ugly women with hair. So I'm sure there are attractive bald women.
2. You better!
3. N/A
4. Hmmmm, I like a lot of different ones, but none come to mind right now. I'll get back to you on that one.
5. We had this discussion before. Your back up plan, God forbid, is to have Charby read the London paper and report if she reads of a man being eaten by a tiger! Geez.
At 8:46 am,
LB said…
1. Absolutely. I am biased in the sense that Natalie Portman has been my #1 unassailable woman for about 10 years now, but I actually quite liked it. I love her. A lot.
2. I have no idea. I'd have thought the opposite, I'd have thought they'd charge you the earth if you were going last minute.
3. got the cd, mate.
4. that is a very good question. hmmm. the PSB's hi NRG intro to their version of "Always On My Mind" springs to mind. Or for sheer loudness, what about "I Believe In A Thing Called Love"?
I do like the piano intro to "Somewhere Only We Know", though.
5. Interesting. I suppose everyone should leave their blogger username and password with one other person, shouldnt they, and then in the event of something unfortunate, said person could update accordingly?
and I wouldnt start a new life in Scunthorpe with anyone. Except maybe a bald headed Natalie Portman.
At 8:56 pm,
Flash said…
And there's me getting excited at 3 new comments!
Worry ye not, stomppyboy.
At 3:03 am,
GJC said…
I've got a back-up (though she sorta doesn't know she's my back-up, which...okay, that totally does fuck up the whole process. Whatever. Geez.)
And is the milkman hot? I know nothing about Scunthorpe but I could certainly get into the whole hot-milkman thing.
At 8:57 pm,
swisslet said…
'regret' is a top quality intro and no mistake. I have no idea what mine is, but here's a shortlist:
"Sweet Child O'Mine" - G'n'R
"The Queen is Dead" - The Smiths (not the dear old blighty bit, but when the pounding drums come in)
something by coldplay - could be "In My Place", could be "Yellow", could be "the Scientist" or could be "Politik"
"Smells Like Teen Spirit"
"Cannonball" - the breeders
"Fools Gold" (that little tinkly noise and then the whacking great big drum and bass groove)
damn it, there are loads! I'll be thinking of more all night now.
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