"I want to be a happy boy"
Be warned, limited happiness here.
I feel myself at a low ebb. I'm not in the pits of despair but I do feel very low.
I spent almost all of the weekend with The Boy. I'm sure I don't need to tell you just how much I love my little fella, but sometimes the company of a child isn't enough.
I think this is the root of my problem; company.
With Cutieboy's recent hospitalisation (He's home & on the mend now) I've come to realise just how dependent I am on Reckless & Dream Girl for company. Having not hung out for a couple of weeks, I've realised how utterly reliant I am on them. I spent the day with them yesterday which was really nice but once I drove away I found myself feeling much the same.
Then there's this whole blog malarkey. Which has got me to the point of extreme obsessional behaviour. Over the last couple of weeks I've found myself checking for comments & for updates on the blogs I read at an alarming rate. Even going back to other blogs to see if anyone's commented on my comment! See I've been using you guys for some sort of company too. (This may explain why it's all been a bit crap lately. Honestly, I read back over January's posts the other day & it was a much better blog back then.)
It's all a bit strange, one cannot read into people's daily lives, their highs & lows, their stories & events without becoming emotionally attached. Well I cant.
As much as I enjoy having my online friends, & I do consider you friends, it's not like a hands gonna come out of the monitor & ruffle my hair, is it? Nor can I see anyone smile or frown at what I've had to say.
It's not real, is it?
The real world sucks though, I simply don't seem to meet anybody unless they get a job at my work. I'm painfully aware that I should probably join a club or go to nightschool or something but it's practically impossible to do anything like that whilst on the shift pattern I am on.
I went out on the lash on Saturday, with Crisp Fiend. I hadn't been out for a while so I was mad for it. I even had a couple of E's that FlirtyDirty had acquired for me. Wanna know what happened?
Absolutely nothing of any consequence whatsoever.
I had hoped that maybe in the times when my memory had not worked that something exciting had occurred but Crisp Fiend told me today - Nothing.
I'm terrible at approaching people, particularly women. I get so scared & self-conscious that my appearance will instantly put them off that I seldom bother & when I do it's usually in an apologetic way. Incidentally, I don't consider myself to be a minger, I'm just an average looking tubby short mid 30's bloke. I didn't approach anybody on Saturday, just sat with my friends.
What pains me the most about all this is (& I do hope you agree) I know I'm quite an interesting & engaging character. If I'm introduced to someone then 9 times out of 10 we'll get on like a house on fire pretty damn quickly. I'm starting to waffle now.
Then of course there's my old problem of not getting any physical connections with anybody. Reckless was at work yesterday morning while Dream Girl & I had a really good talk, even after he came home it became one of those times that we sometimes share, when it's obvious (to each other) that there is more than friendship between us. Despite that though I don't receive any little strokes or hugs.
It feels like I'm absolutely starving, every now & again I'll get thrown a few crumbs (like the Buddy With Boobs incident the other week) & I'll gorge myself on them. All too soon I'll be starving again until I get to a point where even a few crumbs will suffice because I know that will quell the pain for a short while. Jesus, I could do with a meal, y'know?
As if all that weren't enough my i-pod is now known as Humbert.
I'm sorry for bringing this before you. I'm guilty for feeling so shit about what is a very small problem when compared to what others have to go through.
Usually after a post like this I'd sign off with something like; normal service will be resumed soon.
This time I'm afraid I can't make any promises.
I feel myself at a low ebb. I'm not in the pits of despair but I do feel very low.
I spent almost all of the weekend with The Boy. I'm sure I don't need to tell you just how much I love my little fella, but sometimes the company of a child isn't enough.
I think this is the root of my problem; company.
With Cutieboy's recent hospitalisation (He's home & on the mend now) I've come to realise just how dependent I am on Reckless & Dream Girl for company. Having not hung out for a couple of weeks, I've realised how utterly reliant I am on them. I spent the day with them yesterday which was really nice but once I drove away I found myself feeling much the same.
Then there's this whole blog malarkey. Which has got me to the point of extreme obsessional behaviour. Over the last couple of weeks I've found myself checking for comments & for updates on the blogs I read at an alarming rate. Even going back to other blogs to see if anyone's commented on my comment! See I've been using you guys for some sort of company too. (This may explain why it's all been a bit crap lately. Honestly, I read back over January's posts the other day & it was a much better blog back then.)
It's all a bit strange, one cannot read into people's daily lives, their highs & lows, their stories & events without becoming emotionally attached. Well I cant.
As much as I enjoy having my online friends, & I do consider you friends, it's not like a hands gonna come out of the monitor & ruffle my hair, is it? Nor can I see anyone smile or frown at what I've had to say.
It's not real, is it?
The real world sucks though, I simply don't seem to meet anybody unless they get a job at my work. I'm painfully aware that I should probably join a club or go to nightschool or something but it's practically impossible to do anything like that whilst on the shift pattern I am on.
I went out on the lash on Saturday, with Crisp Fiend. I hadn't been out for a while so I was mad for it. I even had a couple of E's that FlirtyDirty had acquired for me. Wanna know what happened?
Absolutely nothing of any consequence whatsoever.
I had hoped that maybe in the times when my memory had not worked that something exciting had occurred but Crisp Fiend told me today - Nothing.
I'm terrible at approaching people, particularly women. I get so scared & self-conscious that my appearance will instantly put them off that I seldom bother & when I do it's usually in an apologetic way. Incidentally, I don't consider myself to be a minger, I'm just an average looking tubby short mid 30's bloke. I didn't approach anybody on Saturday, just sat with my friends.
What pains me the most about all this is (& I do hope you agree) I know I'm quite an interesting & engaging character. If I'm introduced to someone then 9 times out of 10 we'll get on like a house on fire pretty damn quickly. I'm starting to waffle now.
Then of course there's my old problem of not getting any physical connections with anybody. Reckless was at work yesterday morning while Dream Girl & I had a really good talk, even after he came home it became one of those times that we sometimes share, when it's obvious (to each other) that there is more than friendship between us. Despite that though I don't receive any little strokes or hugs.
It feels like I'm absolutely starving, every now & again I'll get thrown a few crumbs (like the Buddy With Boobs incident the other week) & I'll gorge myself on them. All too soon I'll be starving again until I get to a point where even a few crumbs will suffice because I know that will quell the pain for a short while. Jesus, I could do with a meal, y'know?
As if all that weren't enough my i-pod is now known as Humbert.
I'm sorry for bringing this before you. I'm guilty for feeling so shit about what is a very small problem when compared to what others have to go through.
Usually after a post like this I'd sign off with something like; normal service will be resumed soon.
This time I'm afraid I can't make any promises.
At 7:18 pm,
Mike Davis said…
Based on todays posts, it's a shame that you and Scully live so far apart!
And look, all it would have taken was a little dishonesty and you could have called your iPod 'Frogmella'.
I too worry at the frequency with which I go looking for updates and comments. (Or comments on my comments) If it's any consolation, I'm round your place several times a day. When you didn't show yesterday I began to wonder if it was something I said...
At 8:31 pm,
Flash said…
bless ya mate
At 10:16 pm,
Charby said…
"its not like a hands gonna come out of the monitor & ruffle my hair, is it?"
I can't work out if that is possibly the single coolest thing ever or the most terrifying... I shall go to bed pondering that one!
Come visit me! We can find a pub and get drunk and moan about our lack of lives together!
Oh and you should see how many times I check my blog and sulk when I don't get a comment from anyone!
I must check yours about 50 times a day too!
At 10:38 pm,
Anonymous said…
Awwww, I don't know what to say other than we made it through April. I do understand what you are feeling. As you know I have felt it many times too. In a month, you might get a meal. Don't starve. I'm always just a click away. Please come back. Yes it's true you're older entries were more entertaining, but this years is just as interesting. You are never alone. You will always have me!
* Hugs* * Ruffling your hair *
At 10:54 pm,
Anonymous said…
I have my friends Jack & Stella keeping me company ;)
You should've come up to God's Country on Monday for Lucas' testimonial for a temporary cheer-up - twas a fantastic atmosphere for a fantastic bloke!
At 10:56 pm,
Anonymous said…
PS love the new tagline LOL
At 10:58 pm,
Anonymous said…
PPS I'm running out of mildly amusing band name nickname variations :(
At 4:34 am,
Hyde said…
Hey Flash,
I'm sorry you're feeling down. But as for its cause, I don't think you're alone on that one... Everyone needs company. It's the same thing that has me running around like a chicken with her head cut off. In fact, I saw a lot of myself in this post. I know that there's not much I can do to help, except to send back some of the hugs in your direction that you've often extended to me.
You have a lot going for you right now--all that creative energy that has been coming through the past few months. The relationship thing will pick up. It's pretty clear to me that you're a great guy. Don't sell yourself short. It can't be long before the tide turns...
PS: As for the whole blog thing, it's extremely addictive for everyone. (If you couldn't tell, I spend half my life writing posts!!!)
At 9:50 am,
LB said…
blimey, parallel lives. I wish I'd read your post yesterday before I wrote mine, I'd just have cut and pasted yours instead and saved myself the effort.
although I'm not sure that going to Leeds United would have helped your mental state, to be fair.
I know what you're going through, though. I'd like to recommend cats as a partial solution but as much as I love mine, they're not great in a discussion over the Election with a cup of tea either.
I think most people who have a blog are obsessional about updates and comments, I wouldn't worry there....
At 6:14 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Damn, Flash, I am right there with you. I think your description of hunger is right on. A friend of mine called it skin hunger. It gets us all. I've felt almost crazy with it lately (hence my own silliness in recent days).
What is wrong with Humbert...you could nickname it Bertie, not bad for a wee machine.
At 10:03 pm,
Chapstick said…
Strange, the reason you apologise for this entry is exactly the reason I usually dont post. I started my blog as an anonymous place so I wouldnt have to burden my friends with whining, but as soon as I started, I found people whom I liked and consider to be friends. I enjoy listening to my friends, and like to think i can even help with there problems, but I dont want to burden them with whining. Crap. I begin to think that I just need an old fashion journal.
Hang in there man, we're all cheering for you.
At 1:42 am,
GJC said…
This has gotta be some astrological fuckup or somethin'. EVERYBODY's bummed this week. Mercury must be in retrograde. Or maybe it's all George W's fault. Fucked if I know. But :::hugs::: to you anyway.
(PS I am a total blog-stat whore and check like ZILLIONS of times a day for comments, or comments about comments, or any of that. You are SO not alone!!!)
At 1:12 am,
Erika said…
Yep, there definitely are some common sentiments rampant amongst the blogging and non-blogging community. Everyone seems to be struggling right now.
I'm glad you can share with us, even if we can't pet you through the screen. If you want to come to Toronto, I'll give you a hug, I promise. And some maple syrup. Because that's what Canadians do, if you go by our gift shop offerings.
And Humbert is a freaking BRILLIANT name for an iPod. 'Though I do really dig Frogmella as well...
At 8:46 pm,
LavaLady said…
Flash, I'm feeling lonely and sorry for myself today, and although it's probably cold comfort, this post made me feel a bit better. I feel so alone these days, so unconnected, so unsatisfied with all of my wierd internet habits (but loving the people I've met online, it's a double-edged sword). It's strange to be 35 and have *this* life, not at all what I'd hoped for or thought I'd do.
I'm trying to think of a happy note to end on, but I suppose there doesn't always need to be one, right?
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