"Where can I find you? Now I want to join in your game"
So in a desperate attempt to keep up my blogging activities I shall now doing a little bit of catching up.
I was tagged a little while back by both P'tit-Loup & the lovely Ka on the old 5 songs malarkey, so without further ado:
"List five songs that you are currently digging - it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions and the five songs (with artist) in your blog. Then tag five people to see what they're listening to."
1. Hard to beat - Hard fi
I've listened to this countless times since Lordy B sent the album my way. It's irresistible! It's gloriously upbeat whilst still carrying a hard edge. It makes me smile & dance & sing.
2. Bullets - Editors
I just adore the chorus of this song. It's repeated like a mantra: "You don't need this disease".
It's right floating my boat, I tell thee.
3. The first day of my life - Bright eyes
Since I have been recently spending more time in my bedroom (ahem), I constructed a new bedtime playlist. This little gem just keeps coming on, time & time again. It's sweet & vunerable & the lyrics are reasonably pertinent to where I am right now. Nice is digging it, big style.
4. I don't know why I love you - The house of love
While having a clearout of their garage recently, Reckless & Dream Girl found a box of my stuff. In that box were a couple of little books in which I used to list all the songs I had on either CD or tape. I had a nose through & (amongst others) this song jumped out from the page screaming "Hey! Remember me?" to which I replied "Aw mate! I had forgotten but I shouldn't have. You're great you are!". One trip into file-sharing land (God bless WinMX!) & he was back within the fold. A feisty little number which I can't believe I've survived for years without.
5. For America - Red Box
Mentioned recently by Lordy B, WinMx also brought this mad little piece of 1987 back into my world.
"Urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, ey
Urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, USA"
They just write 'em like that anymore!
There you go.
As I'm about a fortnight behind everyone else I wont bother tagging anyone else.
Now then, it's time for the interview thingymabob.
I've got 2 sets of questions to answer, the first from The daddy himself & the second set come from Bristol's finest: Bee.
Apparently this is the deal:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below asking to be interviewed.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
I fully understand if everybody is all questioned out, as I'm once again late to the party!
Swiss Toni's Questions:
1. If you could go back in time, which event in your own life would you change?
Hmmm, I've tried this one before when Hyde quizzed me with it in the first game of Ask Flash.
I couldn't answer it then.
2. Keyboard or Guitar?
This one's a doddle; Guitar! However, there was a time when I would've gone with keyboard.
Obviously my own music sounds quite keyboard based & I do like the potential for different sounds that a synth can offer but in an ideal world my music would be very much built around real drums, real bass & scores of real guitars. Strumming, screaming, wailing, funky, wah wahed, lilting, crunching guitars.
3. Would you swap your Son for fame & fortune through your music?
Right, this question is bloody mean Swiss!
The answer is unequivocally No. My boy means everything to me, he's my reason for living. I strongly feel like he needs my guidance & my influence on his life so he doesn't become a male version of his mother. I also feel that being a good father is perhaps the only thing I've ever really succeeded at in my life (so far, anyway!) & I'd be stupid to blow that.
Allow me though to list some of the things I WOULD swap for fame & fortune through my music:
My left arm
Either foot
My entire CD collection
My mum & dad
My home
My penis (but only as an extreme last resort & only in exchange for U2 level success)
The vast majority of my friends (even you lot, I'm sorry to say!)
Watching football
The opportunity to have wild animal sex with Kylie
I think you get the picture!
Excellent question, big guy!
4. What are your favourite book, film & album?
Film: Not telling! All will be revealed over at Lordy B's place as I'm this week's guest film fella!
Book: Erm...
Album: I liked it when (again over at Lordy B's) The Urban Fox said that choosing just one film was like trying to choose which tooth he/she liked best.
I'm the same with my albums. Without too much thought & with a colt .45 against my temple I would have to be completely predictable & say "OK computer" by Radiohead.
I think...
5. "Do You Feel Like A Chainstore?"
Actually, I rather do at the moment. Like a large Woolworths on the last saturday before Christmas.
Now for Bee's queries:
1. Can you cook? What's the best thing you can cook?
I can cook on an extremely basic level. In truth I haven't cooked properly for a mighty long time. Even back then my finest culinary speciality was nothing more grand than Toad in the hole. Bloody nice toad in the hole mind!
Bacon sandwiches are now the height of my powers.
How very sad, eh?
2. What's your theme tune?
Aw, come on!?
3. Where would you choose to live, if you could live anywhere you wanted?
If money were no object, I would dearly love to live in one of central London's cooler areas. I adore the hustle & bustle of the capital. The seedy glamour of the place. The dreams of opportunity...
4. If you could bring one famous dead person back to life, take them down the pub and have a chat and a few beers with, who would you choose?
John Candy, eee we'd have a laugh. I was in a band when he died & the next night we had a gig. I dedicated our final song to the big guy & subsequently got the biggest cheer of the night!
5. If you woke up one morning to find you were a woman, what would you do?
Play with my breasts for a while, masturbate for a while after that & then go out & get me a man!
So there you have it, thanks for the questions you guys, it was fun.
If anyone would like some Flashy questions, you know what to do!
I was tagged a little while back by both P'tit-Loup & the lovely Ka on the old 5 songs malarkey, so without further ado:
"List five songs that you are currently digging - it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions and the five songs (with artist) in your blog. Then tag five people to see what they're listening to."
1. Hard to beat - Hard fi
I've listened to this countless times since Lordy B sent the album my way. It's irresistible! It's gloriously upbeat whilst still carrying a hard edge. It makes me smile & dance & sing.
2. Bullets - Editors
I just adore the chorus of this song. It's repeated like a mantra: "You don't need this disease".
It's right floating my boat, I tell thee.
3. The first day of my life - Bright eyes
Since I have been recently spending more time in my bedroom (ahem), I constructed a new bedtime playlist. This little gem just keeps coming on, time & time again. It's sweet & vunerable & the lyrics are reasonably pertinent to where I am right now. Nice is digging it, big style.
4. I don't know why I love you - The house of love
While having a clearout of their garage recently, Reckless & Dream Girl found a box of my stuff. In that box were a couple of little books in which I used to list all the songs I had on either CD or tape. I had a nose through & (amongst others) this song jumped out from the page screaming "Hey! Remember me?" to which I replied "Aw mate! I had forgotten but I shouldn't have. You're great you are!". One trip into file-sharing land (God bless WinMX!) & he was back within the fold. A feisty little number which I can't believe I've survived for years without.
5. For America - Red Box
Mentioned recently by Lordy B, WinMx also brought this mad little piece of 1987 back into my world.
"Urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, ey
Urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, urellei, USA"
They just write 'em like that anymore!
There you go.
As I'm about a fortnight behind everyone else I wont bother tagging anyone else.
Now then, it's time for the interview thingymabob.
I've got 2 sets of questions to answer, the first from The daddy himself & the second set come from Bristol's finest: Bee.
Apparently this is the deal:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below asking to be interviewed.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
I fully understand if everybody is all questioned out, as I'm once again late to the party!
Swiss Toni's Questions:
1. If you could go back in time, which event in your own life would you change?
Hmmm, I've tried this one before when Hyde quizzed me with it in the first game of Ask Flash.
I couldn't answer it then.
2. Keyboard or Guitar?
This one's a doddle; Guitar! However, there was a time when I would've gone with keyboard.
Obviously my own music sounds quite keyboard based & I do like the potential for different sounds that a synth can offer but in an ideal world my music would be very much built around real drums, real bass & scores of real guitars. Strumming, screaming, wailing, funky, wah wahed, lilting, crunching guitars.
3. Would you swap your Son for fame & fortune through your music?
Right, this question is bloody mean Swiss!
The answer is unequivocally No. My boy means everything to me, he's my reason for living. I strongly feel like he needs my guidance & my influence on his life so he doesn't become a male version of his mother. I also feel that being a good father is perhaps the only thing I've ever really succeeded at in my life (so far, anyway!) & I'd be stupid to blow that.
Allow me though to list some of the things I WOULD swap for fame & fortune through my music:
My left arm
Either foot
My entire CD collection
My mum & dad
My home
My penis (but only as an extreme last resort & only in exchange for U2 level success)
The vast majority of my friends (even you lot, I'm sorry to say!)
Watching football
The opportunity to have wild animal sex with Kylie
I think you get the picture!
Excellent question, big guy!
4. What are your favourite book, film & album?
Film: Not telling! All will be revealed over at Lordy B's place as I'm this week's guest film fella!
Book: Erm...
Album: I liked it when (again over at Lordy B's) The Urban Fox said that choosing just one film was like trying to choose which tooth he/she liked best.
I'm the same with my albums. Without too much thought & with a colt .45 against my temple I would have to be completely predictable & say "OK computer" by Radiohead.
I think...
5. "Do You Feel Like A Chainstore?"
Actually, I rather do at the moment. Like a large Woolworths on the last saturday before Christmas.
Now for Bee's queries:
1. Can you cook? What's the best thing you can cook?
I can cook on an extremely basic level. In truth I haven't cooked properly for a mighty long time. Even back then my finest culinary speciality was nothing more grand than Toad in the hole. Bloody nice toad in the hole mind!
Bacon sandwiches are now the height of my powers.
How very sad, eh?
2. What's your theme tune?
Aw, come on!?
3. Where would you choose to live, if you could live anywhere you wanted?
If money were no object, I would dearly love to live in one of central London's cooler areas. I adore the hustle & bustle of the capital. The seedy glamour of the place. The dreams of opportunity...
4. If you could bring one famous dead person back to life, take them down the pub and have a chat and a few beers with, who would you choose?
John Candy, eee we'd have a laugh. I was in a band when he died & the next night we had a gig. I dedicated our final song to the big guy & subsequently got the biggest cheer of the night!
5. If you woke up one morning to find you were a woman, what would you do?
Play with my breasts for a while, masturbate for a while after that & then go out & get me a man!
So there you have it, thanks for the questions you guys, it was fun.
If anyone would like some Flashy questions, you know what to do!
At 4:51 pm,
sunshine said…
Wow~ I feel like I know you ( ) much more now.
: )
I need an email or something....it's been too long....yet I haven't saved up enough money to give you another ring.
At 5:52 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I'd ask for questions, but I feel all questioned out for now.
For some reason, I'm just feeling tired today.
At 9:48 pm,
Charby said…
I wanna play!
I'm just not sure I understand the rules....
At 1:19 am,
HistoryGeek said…
Okay, now I feel like playing again. Give me some questions...
At 4:37 pm,
Mark said…
I can't rememebr if I've had five questions from you- anyway...
here's your five.
1. If you could be any superhero, real or imaginary, which would it be?
2. a while ago, you said that you didn't agree with me on everything, what things - and why?
3. who would Gnu Cnu's backing band?
4. What's eating Gilbert Grape?
5. In your life, have you ever Jumped The Shark?
At 5:48 pm,
red one said…
Mmm. Toad in the hole! I like that.
No questions, thanks.
At 10:03 pm,
Teresa Bowman said…
Ah. It'll be the answer to Question 5 that was ACCESS DENIED on my work PC then. Tchoh. You naughty, naughty boy. (Mind you, I should have known the kind of answer I'd get when I asked the question ...)
Give Nigel Slater's recipe for Toad In The Hole a go. It's bloody lovely.
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