"Where does the time go? (Does anyone know?)"
I'm so genuinely sorry for letting you down yesterday, there are some mitigating circumstances but I made a promise & I didn't deliver.
Ok, so the Whoo Hoo was directly relating to the bungee jump.
It was a truly fascinating experience.
I started getting a little scared when walking the half mile to the rugby club. More specifically, when I spied the crane jutting up into the beautiful sun-drenched blue sky.
And some intrepid hero bouncing up above the rooftops.
Reckless, Dream Girl & their brood were already there when The Boy & I arrived. As were Nice & Lil' Mum. It was a good opportunity to make the required introductions.
Without further ado, Reckless went for it. I kinda wanted to go first but he beat me to it.
I watched, awestruck & petrified, as my friend fell, bounced, fell again, bounced again & eventually got lowered back to terra firma.
So the time had come.
I was harnessed up & asked the standard questions: Are your pockets empty? Shoes on tight? Ready to meet your doom?
Into the cage I went. I gingerly admired the view of my crap little town & waved at my expectant audience as I ascended up to (about) 180 feet above the ground. The guys secured the cage & asked me to stand in the now open gateway.
"Put your right hand on your left shoulder"
"Now put your left hand on your right shoulder"
This bit scared the bejesus out of me! Here I am with half the length of my feet over the edge of a very large drop & the guy's asking me to let go! He's having a laugh, right?
"It's ok" he said & as he did I realised he was holding my harness behind my back so I slowly released my grip on the cage.
"Ok I'm going to say 1,2,3, Bungee. When I say bungee you lean forward & off you go"
At this point I was desperately hoping that the guy had forgotten how to count.
I leaned forward & fell.
For half a second I was mortified with fear as I plummeted toward the earth, the fear passed quickly & I felt euphoric for an instant before preparing myself for the bounce.
When it came it was alot more gentle than I'd prepared myself for. The next phase found me to be woefully unprepared. I was suddenly spinning & flailing around seemingly without pattern or logic. The second snap was a right proper jolt & it shook me up a bit. Shortly after that I felt everything calm as I was lowered back down to earth. I was guided to the ground & de-harnessed. I then shook the guy very firmly by the hand & strode triumphantly towards my son & my friends.
It was a fantastic experience that I know I'm not capable of ably describing.
We then just hung out in the sun drinking some nice, very cold beer & chewing the fat. Nice & Lil' Mum left, the kids went off exploring the bouncy castle & all that malarkey. Finally Dream Girl decided that she wanted to jump after all. Which she did.
Now there are some pretty crap pictures of Reckless & I doing our respective jumps but I don't have access to them yet. However, all through Dream Girl's jump some friendly stranger with a very smart digital camera took loads of photos. He approached us after & asked if she would like them e-mailed to her. Lovely chap.
So in the absence of free falling Flash, may I present The death defying descent of Dream Girl:

Eventually we all headed back to my place to have a spliff & a couple of tinnies.
Reckless had to make 2 trips & it was when he was on the 2nd leg that I quickly managed to post the Whoo Hoo post.
Those guys stayed for an hour or so & when they left they passed Nice on the stairs .
And thus followed a kick ass Sunday evening full of laughs, chat & furious shagging! Hurrah for Sundays.
Yesterday after work I was offered a lift home by Lil' Mum & Lil' One.
And that's where yesterday went wrong.
Sadly though, that's all I have time for right now as Nice has just arrived brandishing pizza. We're only gonna be watching the footy, honest!
I'm really struggling with time at the moment & I'm really starting to miss you guys.
I'll be round your places very soon.
Be well , my friends.
Ok, so the Whoo Hoo was directly relating to the bungee jump.
It was a truly fascinating experience.
I started getting a little scared when walking the half mile to the rugby club. More specifically, when I spied the crane jutting up into the beautiful sun-drenched blue sky.
And some intrepid hero bouncing up above the rooftops.
Reckless, Dream Girl & their brood were already there when The Boy & I arrived. As were Nice & Lil' Mum. It was a good opportunity to make the required introductions.
Without further ado, Reckless went for it. I kinda wanted to go first but he beat me to it.
I watched, awestruck & petrified, as my friend fell, bounced, fell again, bounced again & eventually got lowered back to terra firma.
So the time had come.
I was harnessed up & asked the standard questions: Are your pockets empty? Shoes on tight? Ready to meet your doom?
Into the cage I went. I gingerly admired the view of my crap little town & waved at my expectant audience as I ascended up to (about) 180 feet above the ground. The guys secured the cage & asked me to stand in the now open gateway.
"Put your right hand on your left shoulder"
"Now put your left hand on your right shoulder"
This bit scared the bejesus out of me! Here I am with half the length of my feet over the edge of a very large drop & the guy's asking me to let go! He's having a laugh, right?
"It's ok" he said & as he did I realised he was holding my harness behind my back so I slowly released my grip on the cage.
"Ok I'm going to say 1,2,3, Bungee. When I say bungee you lean forward & off you go"
At this point I was desperately hoping that the guy had forgotten how to count.
I leaned forward & fell.
For half a second I was mortified with fear as I plummeted toward the earth, the fear passed quickly & I felt euphoric for an instant before preparing myself for the bounce.
When it came it was alot more gentle than I'd prepared myself for. The next phase found me to be woefully unprepared. I was suddenly spinning & flailing around seemingly without pattern or logic. The second snap was a right proper jolt & it shook me up a bit. Shortly after that I felt everything calm as I was lowered back down to earth. I was guided to the ground & de-harnessed. I then shook the guy very firmly by the hand & strode triumphantly towards my son & my friends.
It was a fantastic experience that I know I'm not capable of ably describing.
We then just hung out in the sun drinking some nice, very cold beer & chewing the fat. Nice & Lil' Mum left, the kids went off exploring the bouncy castle & all that malarkey. Finally Dream Girl decided that she wanted to jump after all. Which she did.
Now there are some pretty crap pictures of Reckless & I doing our respective jumps but I don't have access to them yet. However, all through Dream Girl's jump some friendly stranger with a very smart digital camera took loads of photos. He approached us after & asked if she would like them e-mailed to her. Lovely chap.
So in the absence of free falling Flash, may I present The death defying descent of Dream Girl:

Eventually we all headed back to my place to have a spliff & a couple of tinnies.
Reckless had to make 2 trips & it was when he was on the 2nd leg that I quickly managed to post the Whoo Hoo post.
Those guys stayed for an hour or so & when they left they passed Nice on the stairs .
And thus followed a kick ass Sunday evening full of laughs, chat & furious shagging! Hurrah for Sundays.
Yesterday after work I was offered a lift home by Lil' Mum & Lil' One.
And that's where yesterday went wrong.
Sadly though, that's all I have time for right now as Nice has just arrived brandishing pizza. We're only gonna be watching the footy, honest!
I'm really struggling with time at the moment & I'm really starting to miss you guys.
I'll be round your places very soon.
Be well , my friends.
At 7:52 pm,
sunshine said…
I'm first commenter!!!
Ok, a few things.
Dream Girl is pretty and even after a 180 foot drop.
I'm so happy you made it out alive, and you had an awesome time.
Now, questions?
Why would you let Nice meet The Boy so early in your relationship.
Have you had sober sex yet w/ Nice?
I remember Sundays....Ahhhh.....: (
What the hell happened w/ Lil Mum??? You are killing me here, as everyone else I'm sure.
Oh, incase you don't have a calender, next month is September!!
Miss you too
At 8:09 pm,
Mike Davis said…
Good Job Sir!!!
Great day for it too. Did you feel a lot of pressure behind your eyes (or am I literally just full o' shite?)
Glad to see the times they are a'changin' for you, mate. Keep it up.
At 9:50 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I think I get a Sunday this month...I know I get a Saturday for the first time in a long time in September.
Missed you too.
At 10:56 pm,
Charby said…
So very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very jealous.
Did i mention I was jealous?
At 11:33 pm,
Hyde said…
It sounds awesome, although I don't think I'd ever have the guts to try it myself. I'm glad everything is going so well right now!
At 5:00 am,
Chapstick said…
you.... have a nice camera, sir
At 6:08 pm,
Brock said…
"He approached us after & asked if she would like them e-mailed to her. Lovely chap."
And you didn't see through him? Jesus, your brains were all a muddle. I immediately nodded knowingly when I read that sentence, allow me to apply the opposite spin:
"Ooooh. That extremely fit girl is going up in the crane to jump. I'll take some pictures of her, cos she's proper good looking"
(after the jump)
Approaching fit chick - "Hello, I am a bloke appearing to be extremely benevolent and offering to do you a lovely favour with no strings attached, out of the goodnesss of my heart. Doesn't that just appeal to you? I don't suppose I could have your email address so that I could contact you in the future and attempt to charm my way into your pants, is there? How about it if trade it for some photo's? You will?
(Saunters off feeling smug)...
Top man. Shows a lot of style, I like him already.
At 11:27 am,
adem said…
I did a bungee jump in Canada a few summers ago. It was an absolutely pant-filling, adrenalin rushing, what am I doing, kinda experience.
Still great fun though, and the scariest bit is between when they say 1-2-3 and you jumping. That 1/2 second is amazing....just think that could be the last moment of your life....
I'd recommend a bungee jump to anyone who wants to get the ultimate rush.
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