"Fickle as a fudgecake"
"We both know" has now, in a staggering turnaround, been deemed complete. Whoo!
1 down 11 to go.
The snowman was spotted by someone else, an old boy at work spied him & would you believe photographed him. Said photo & some others of the snow laden landscape were e-mailed to his daughter in Australia. Who, I only found out today, is the wife of the fella who came to London with us last year prior to him emigrating.
I have watched lots of football this week.
I really haven't got much to tell you tonight but I felt that I shouldn't pass up the opportunity as I'm babysitting again.
Buddy With Boobs is ill, bless.
Delusions Of Grandeur & Sweetie, who have been an item since November, are having a baby. They both seem very happy, which is nice.
I may go out on the lash tomorrow night. I have a rare free night & I'm not going over to Northampton. I will see what my finances are like & if I can find anyone to go out with. If not then I shall smoke myself into oblivion in my flat whilst feeling very sorry myself about the lack of physical contact in my life & trying to steer Doncaster rovers into Division one.
The tumble drier to my immediate left is getting right on my tits.
New blonde girl at work is almost definitely flirting, albeit mildly, with me.
Today I was most excited to discover that Nine Inch Nails are playing some UK dates in July. I shall (fingers crossed) be going to see them in Birmingham at the academy on the 8th. They are one of the few acts that I've always wanted to see live but never managed to. New album in the spring too, yay!
I am astounded that in 14 months of this I have never mentioned She Of The Lovely Jubblies & Even Lovelier Smile (I'm so gonna regret that name If I ever have the need to mention her a lot!). She is our HR manager at work & she's a smasher. I fancy her something rotten & I think she likes me, though not enough. We get on very well & she once agreed to a date with me but backed out a couple of days later. Work gossip states that she's seeing BackStabbingArselicker (or was it ArselickingBackstabber? I can't be arsed to go back & check) though she tells me that they are only friends. I don't quite believe her even though I should considering the whole workforce think Buddy With Boobs & I have been "at it" for years when we clearly haven't. Anyway yesterday I had a little meeting with She Of The Lovely Jubblies & Even Lovelier Smile to arrange the next quarter's training schedule & the last words she said to me were "You're fabulous".
What with the Mel Gibson thing, yesterday was clearly a good day for receiving an ego boost.
Anyway, considering I had not much to say I think I've waffled on enough.
If I don't get online over the weekend, I hope you all have a good one & normal service will be resumed on Monday as I'm on lates next week.
Toodle pip!
1 down 11 to go.
The snowman was spotted by someone else, an old boy at work spied him & would you believe photographed him. Said photo & some others of the snow laden landscape were e-mailed to his daughter in Australia. Who, I only found out today, is the wife of the fella who came to London with us last year prior to him emigrating.
I have watched lots of football this week.
I really haven't got much to tell you tonight but I felt that I shouldn't pass up the opportunity as I'm babysitting again.
Buddy With Boobs is ill, bless.
Delusions Of Grandeur & Sweetie, who have been an item since November, are having a baby. They both seem very happy, which is nice.
I may go out on the lash tomorrow night. I have a rare free night & I'm not going over to Northampton. I will see what my finances are like & if I can find anyone to go out with. If not then I shall smoke myself into oblivion in my flat whilst feeling very sorry myself about the lack of physical contact in my life & trying to steer Doncaster rovers into Division one.
The tumble drier to my immediate left is getting right on my tits.
New blonde girl at work is almost definitely flirting, albeit mildly, with me.
Today I was most excited to discover that Nine Inch Nails are playing some UK dates in July. I shall (fingers crossed) be going to see them in Birmingham at the academy on the 8th. They are one of the few acts that I've always wanted to see live but never managed to. New album in the spring too, yay!
I am astounded that in 14 months of this I have never mentioned She Of The Lovely Jubblies & Even Lovelier Smile (I'm so gonna regret that name If I ever have the need to mention her a lot!). She is our HR manager at work & she's a smasher. I fancy her something rotten & I think she likes me, though not enough. We get on very well & she once agreed to a date with me but backed out a couple of days later. Work gossip states that she's seeing BackStabbingArselicker (or was it ArselickingBackstabber? I can't be arsed to go back & check) though she tells me that they are only friends. I don't quite believe her even though I should considering the whole workforce think Buddy With Boobs & I have been "at it" for years when we clearly haven't. Anyway yesterday I had a little meeting with She Of The Lovely Jubblies & Even Lovelier Smile to arrange the next quarter's training schedule & the last words she said to me were "You're fabulous".
What with the Mel Gibson thing, yesterday was clearly a good day for receiving an ego boost.
Anyway, considering I had not much to say I think I've waffled on enough.
If I don't get online over the weekend, I hope you all have a good one & normal service will be resumed on Monday as I'm on lates next week.
Toodle pip!
At 12:51 am,
Hyde said…
Sounds like the office romance is heating up! By the way...nice snowman. We had a bit of snow in the city last night, but no snow-creations on my part.
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