"I'm going missing for a while, I've got nothing left to lose"
Well it's been something of a roller coaster since I posted yesterday.
First of all was the utterly dreadful, soul-destroying confrontation with Temper Tantrum.
Did you know that my going to France was yet another example of my selfishness?
Or that this kind of instability is so bad for The Boy that I've been threatened with greatly reduced access when I return?
That woman is nothing short of vile.
The whole "discussion" took about 2 hours, during which I hung up on her 3 times.
Then I told Nice about it, she took it pretty well & saw what a good thing it is for me. She told me she'd wait for me, bless. She also asked me that if I slept with anyone out there, would I tell her.
Fair enough, I suppose.
I think I'm going to ask her if she'd like to look after the flat while I'm away. I'd prefer it not to be empty & it would give her some respite from her mum, who can be something of a pain by all accounts.
This morning at work my boss, The Silver Fox, told me that it was now increasingly unlikely that I would NOT be going to France.
We have a lot of work to do to achieve our TS quality standard & I was too important to that project to let go.
I was major league pissed off!
"Do you have any idea what I had to go through with my ex for this?" I asked incredulously.
The Silver Fox apologised but I knew that none of it was his fault, so I found it very difficult to be angry at him.
I was fucking angry though.
I went on to go about my work with a major strop on. I was sulking, big time.
Whilst having lunch with Nice, Lil' One & Lil' Mum, The Silver Fox came to see me...
"You gotta minute?"
"Sure" & I followed him out of the canteen.
"You fly out on Sunday"
"It's all go! You start Monday morning"
It had all been a bit much to be honest. I felt shaken by the emotional up & downs the last 24 hours had presented me. It took me a little while to regain normality.
A colleague of mine who has been doing a similar job in the Czech Republic returned today, I asked him how much of his own money he had spent out there. His reply? None at all! Everything is covered by expenses. Fantastic! He said he'd managed to buy cigarettes on the company too but I fully intend to quit smoking at the airport on Sunday.
I know I can't guarantee success but I'm going to give it a try.
Then I phoned up the Passport agency. I made an appointment to go to the Peterborough office at 08.30 tomorrow. The company are paying for it, sort of.
They've given me the 90 quid needed to get the passport but I have to pay them back for the standard cost of a passport. This will be taken out of my December bonus. Result!
I've spoken to Dream Girl about it all & she's delighted for me. As was Buddy With Boobs when I saw her briefly as the shifts changed over. I also spoke to Funny Dance today who was most chuffed for me. They all said they'd miss me & wished me luck, which is nice.
So here I am now, I still have little in the way of detail but I do know this;
I am flying to France on Sunday.
I will start work at the Lyon plant on Monday.
I am very excited & a little bit scared.
First of all was the utterly dreadful, soul-destroying confrontation with Temper Tantrum.
Did you know that my going to France was yet another example of my selfishness?
Or that this kind of instability is so bad for The Boy that I've been threatened with greatly reduced access when I return?
That woman is nothing short of vile.
The whole "discussion" took about 2 hours, during which I hung up on her 3 times.
Then I told Nice about it, she took it pretty well & saw what a good thing it is for me. She told me she'd wait for me, bless. She also asked me that if I slept with anyone out there, would I tell her.
Fair enough, I suppose.
I think I'm going to ask her if she'd like to look after the flat while I'm away. I'd prefer it not to be empty & it would give her some respite from her mum, who can be something of a pain by all accounts.
This morning at work my boss, The Silver Fox, told me that it was now increasingly unlikely that I would NOT be going to France.
We have a lot of work to do to achieve our TS quality standard & I was too important to that project to let go.
I was major league pissed off!
"Do you have any idea what I had to go through with my ex for this?" I asked incredulously.
The Silver Fox apologised but I knew that none of it was his fault, so I found it very difficult to be angry at him.
I was fucking angry though.
I went on to go about my work with a major strop on. I was sulking, big time.
Whilst having lunch with Nice, Lil' One & Lil' Mum, The Silver Fox came to see me...
"You gotta minute?"
"Sure" & I followed him out of the canteen.
"You fly out on Sunday"
"It's all go! You start Monday morning"
It had all been a bit much to be honest. I felt shaken by the emotional up & downs the last 24 hours had presented me. It took me a little while to regain normality.
A colleague of mine who has been doing a similar job in the Czech Republic returned today, I asked him how much of his own money he had spent out there. His reply? None at all! Everything is covered by expenses. Fantastic! He said he'd managed to buy cigarettes on the company too but I fully intend to quit smoking at the airport on Sunday.
I know I can't guarantee success but I'm going to give it a try.
Then I phoned up the Passport agency. I made an appointment to go to the Peterborough office at 08.30 tomorrow. The company are paying for it, sort of.
They've given me the 90 quid needed to get the passport but I have to pay them back for the standard cost of a passport. This will be taken out of my December bonus. Result!
I've spoken to Dream Girl about it all & she's delighted for me. As was Buddy With Boobs when I saw her briefly as the shifts changed over. I also spoke to Funny Dance today who was most chuffed for me. They all said they'd miss me & wished me luck, which is nice.
So here I am now, I still have little in the way of detail but I do know this;
I am flying to France on Sunday.
I will start work at the Lyon plant on Monday.
I am very excited & a little bit scared.
At 6:27 pm,
Alecya G said…
Wow, I would be reeling right now. I am sure you are. Well, I think this will be a good opportunity. And now you can say you have no choice, you know?
Best of luck. I am sure you'll do great. Think of it this way. You aer *vital*. That's job security right there. ;)
At 6:28 pm,
sunshine said…
So are you and Nice b/f and g/f?
Are you in a relationship, committed?
When any woman asks you if you would tell them if you slept w/ another woman, it's a set up.
Even if you do, you DIDN't. Not that you would, but don't ever tell her. It's suicide.
Or did she ask you that question, so you wouldn't but she could? Did you respond to her by asking the same question?
also, X's can be pinheads. I know, I am one, and have one.
Good luck, Hope you can stay in touch. Read my blog!!! I dedicated a post to you : )
At 7:53 pm,
LB said…
good for you, young man.
Work hard and for Gods sake save your money.
oh, and keep in touch.
LB x
At 11:59 pm,
Charby said…
Whoooo what a fucking awesome adventure!
At 12:48 am,
GJC said…
holy crap! that's GREAT!!!
well, except we'll miss you.
At 4:08 am,
Hyde said…
Good luck and have a great time! How long did you say it was for? Three months?
Oh, and I can't condone Sunshine's advice on keeping another woman secret. Even if it is "suicide," every girl has the right to know if the guy she's sleeping with is sleeping with someone else... for health reasons if nothing else.
Can't wait to read about all of your adventures in France!
At 7:31 am,
HistoryGeek said…
It sounds like it was a really stressful 24 hours. I hope the next is increasingly better.
Here's a helpful French phrase:
"Ou est l'ordinateur personnel?" That should get you to a PC and then we won't have to miss you at all. (See my year of middle school french, and a little search on the internet, are very helpful.)
I'm so excited you are getting to take this opportunity, even if it is disruptive of the status quo.
At 9:39 am,
Teresa Bowman said…
I think this will turn out to be a Good Thing! Good luck, matey.
At 1:56 pm,
Dzesika said…
Wow. Wow.
You'd better have Internet access out there, buddy. :)
At 5:17 pm,
red one said…
Have fun in France, Flash. That sounds fab.
Sympathy with the money probs too - I'm completely skint myself and am doing that thing where you make sure there's only £3 in your pocket each morning, so you can't spend any more that day... Don't mention the bills. *sigh*
But living on exes for 3 months should help! And the food and wine's dead cheap out there.
At 5:17 pm,
red one said…
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At 5:21 pm,
adem said…
Well done Flash. I hope this is the kick-start that your looking for.
Bon Voyage
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