"A message on the screen says don't make plans, you're broke"
I wasn't feeling great this morning, so I booked half a day off work. I figured I'd sit here pretty much all day, write today's post & then continue writing up posts on various ideas I have.
Then I'd have 2 or 3 posts in reserve, wise eh?
Today's post is about my nemesis; money.
However, in the last half hour there has been a major development in my life, which may well have a bearing on the issues I'm having.
All will be revealed towards the end but for now I've got to desperately try & get back into the mindset I was in half an hour ago.
I hate money, I hate it with a loathsome passion.
I've never, ever been very good with it. This is wholly my fault, though I do feel a lack of any guidance from my parents as worsened things.
In my life I have had many financial calamities, the worst being the repossession of the family home just months after The Boy was born.
In recent weeks the noose around my neck has been getting slowly tighter, as I'm not one for keeping things from you, I'll share the depth of my problems with you.
Since I am now working permanent days (& overtime is currently at a minimum) I walk out with just over £230 a week.
My rent is £75 a week & I am in arrears to the tune of about £500. A few weeks ago I had to go to court & there is now a suspended possession order hanging over my head. Basically if I miss a payment, I'm out on my ear.
Voluntary maintenance for The Boy is £50 a week, I never falter from this. Temper Tantrum as been angling for more recently, arguing that she hasn't seen a raise in 3 years. My argument is that I strongly feel that the amount is more than adequate to provide for one child's weekly needs. In addition to maintenance I have always paid half of any school costs like uniform, shoes & trips. I also find myself having to give him a meal 2 or 3 times a week which all costs more money.
I have £30 a week coming straight out of my bank to repay a stupid loan that I got so I could buy a car that promptly blew up just a couple of month's later, this stupid loan was stupidly extended so that I could have my weekend in Brighton & take The Boy away. I spent a ridiculous amount of money on just a 2 day trip to Bournemouth.
To keep my flat powered & anywhere near warm I need to spend £10 a week on electricity cards.
So far then that is £165 a week, leaving me £65. This doesn't sound too bad does it?
Ah, but I haven't put any petrol in the car yet & I haven't done any shopping either or paid any bills. Bugger.
Today is Tuesday & my bank balance is £11.93p of which £7.99 is coming out tomorrow. In addition to that I have 26p in my pocket. I do not have an overdraft because my credit rating is so shockingly bad that the bank just laughs at me whenever I've asked for one. I have absolutely nothing of any value that could generate me any money.
I am most certainly not trying to gain your sympathy here, I made my bed, etc...
I am simply just trying to paint you a picture, perhaps you could call me about it.
No, you can't (as at least one of you has found out), because my phone has been cut off because I haven't been able to pay the bill. It is only a matter of time ( I'm bemused as to why they haven't yet) before they sever my internet connection. Jesus, things will be really, really shit then.
Add to that the £1200 council tax bill that just landed through my door last week.
Just to flesh out this picture, let me tell you the contents of my food cupboards, fridge & freezer at this moment in time.
Again, just to reiterate, I'm not looking for sympathy. Even If I was, I don't think I'd get any because of my achilles heel; smoking.
I smoke about 20 fags a day. A packet of 20 (and I smoke a fairly cheap brand, B & H silver, fact fans) costs around £4. 30.
You do the maths.
So if I ever want to actually do anything in life, it's a major struggle.
For instance, Sunday's trip to Nottingham to see the Bluetones was organised some months ago. Just so I could buy my friends a drink, I had to put myself in the embarrassing position of asking Lordy B if I could reimburse him for my ticket at a later date. He very graciously agreed (thanks, mate). I also had to spend the last 15 miles of the journey home watching the petrol light on the dashboard flicking on & off, wishing it would hold out.
Thankfully, it did.
For weeks now this has been getting me down & I've been trying to formulate a plan of some sort to get out of this stinking mess. I know I should stop smoking & I haven't ruled out trying, but it is very, very difficult for a weak willed norbert like myself.
I have lived like this for years & it's no bloody fun, I tell thee.
As I said earlier, I had a half day holiday from work today. It came as something of a surprise then when my boss called me 15 minutes after getting home.
Work have offered me a 3 month spell working at one of our new plants.
This plant is in Lyon, France.
I will be allowed home every other weekend, but other than that I will be staying in Lyon. All my expenses will be paid by the company meaning I'll not be able to spend much of my money. Also I should imagine there will be a lot of overtime available, overtime which can dramatically increase my weekly wage. My boss has also told me that this could be a major step in improving my standing within the company, which would be a very good thing. I need to advance, financially & for my own self-worth. It would possibly prove to be an excellent time to try & quit the fags, as I won't be hanging out with any of my smoking mates.
This offer is not without it's drawbacks though.
Obviously my biggest concern is The Boy. As you know, I spend a hell of a lot of time with my son. I would miss him painfully, but he would miss me so much more. I'm an adult, I understand things. He is only 6 & the only thing he will understand is that he can't see his Dad.
Then there is Nice.
Nice would not keep me here, but it seems such a shame to lose something that is making me happy after so much time spent alone. I also feel that while she wont let on, she will be deeply upset by this turn of events.
I also truly hope that I can have access to a computer whilst I'm out there, I can't imagine having no blog access. It's scary.
There is an issue about my passport which as just expired last month, I'll have to get another one pretty sharpish as they want me to start on Monday!
I have to give an answer later today & I think I know what I'm going to do.
However, advice &/or opinions would be very much appreciated.
Merci beaucoup.
Then I'd have 2 or 3 posts in reserve, wise eh?
Today's post is about my nemesis; money.
However, in the last half hour there has been a major development in my life, which may well have a bearing on the issues I'm having.
All will be revealed towards the end but for now I've got to desperately try & get back into the mindset I was in half an hour ago.
I hate money, I hate it with a loathsome passion.
I've never, ever been very good with it. This is wholly my fault, though I do feel a lack of any guidance from my parents as worsened things.
In my life I have had many financial calamities, the worst being the repossession of the family home just months after The Boy was born.
In recent weeks the noose around my neck has been getting slowly tighter, as I'm not one for keeping things from you, I'll share the depth of my problems with you.
Since I am now working permanent days (& overtime is currently at a minimum) I walk out with just over £230 a week.
My rent is £75 a week & I am in arrears to the tune of about £500. A few weeks ago I had to go to court & there is now a suspended possession order hanging over my head. Basically if I miss a payment, I'm out on my ear.
Voluntary maintenance for The Boy is £50 a week, I never falter from this. Temper Tantrum as been angling for more recently, arguing that she hasn't seen a raise in 3 years. My argument is that I strongly feel that the amount is more than adequate to provide for one child's weekly needs. In addition to maintenance I have always paid half of any school costs like uniform, shoes & trips. I also find myself having to give him a meal 2 or 3 times a week which all costs more money.
I have £30 a week coming straight out of my bank to repay a stupid loan that I got so I could buy a car that promptly blew up just a couple of month's later, this stupid loan was stupidly extended so that I could have my weekend in Brighton & take The Boy away. I spent a ridiculous amount of money on just a 2 day trip to Bournemouth.
To keep my flat powered & anywhere near warm I need to spend £10 a week on electricity cards.
So far then that is £165 a week, leaving me £65. This doesn't sound too bad does it?
Ah, but I haven't put any petrol in the car yet & I haven't done any shopping either or paid any bills. Bugger.
Today is Tuesday & my bank balance is £11.93p of which £7.99 is coming out tomorrow. In addition to that I have 26p in my pocket. I do not have an overdraft because my credit rating is so shockingly bad that the bank just laughs at me whenever I've asked for one. I have absolutely nothing of any value that could generate me any money.
I am most certainly not trying to gain your sympathy here, I made my bed, etc...
I am simply just trying to paint you a picture, perhaps you could call me about it.
No, you can't (as at least one of you has found out), because my phone has been cut off because I haven't been able to pay the bill. It is only a matter of time ( I'm bemused as to why they haven't yet) before they sever my internet connection. Jesus, things will be really, really shit then.
Add to that the £1200 council tax bill that just landed through my door last week.
Just to flesh out this picture, let me tell you the contents of my food cupboards, fridge & freezer at this moment in time.
- 1 quarter full box of Rice Crispies
- 1 half full box of Coco pops (primarily for The Boy)
- 1 half full pack of baby new potatoes which must be approaching non-edible status
- 1 box of batter mix for pancakes
- 1 Jif lemon
- 1 tin of tomato soup
- 1 packet of Pom Bear crisps (for The Boy)
- 1 tin of Gravy granules (for The Boy)
- 1 jar of strawberry jam
- Salt
- vinegar
- 1 almost empty bottle of brown sauce
- 1 loaf of bread
- 1 southern fried chicken & chips ready meal
- 2 tubs of clover spread
- 1 orange jelly (for The Boy)
- 3 chocolate mousses
- 1 pint of milk
- 1 bottle of salad cream
- 5 eggs
- 1 half full carton of cranberry juice
- 3 fishfingers (for The Boy)
- 2 turkey burgers (with cheese!)
- 6 boxes of micro chips
- 2 bags of potato smiles (for The Boy)
- 2 boxes of frozen Yorkshire puddings (primarily for The Boy)
- 1 bag of broccolli (again, for The Boy)
Again, just to reiterate, I'm not looking for sympathy. Even If I was, I don't think I'd get any because of my achilles heel; smoking.
I smoke about 20 fags a day. A packet of 20 (and I smoke a fairly cheap brand, B & H silver, fact fans) costs around £4. 30.
You do the maths.
So if I ever want to actually do anything in life, it's a major struggle.
For instance, Sunday's trip to Nottingham to see the Bluetones was organised some months ago. Just so I could buy my friends a drink, I had to put myself in the embarrassing position of asking Lordy B if I could reimburse him for my ticket at a later date. He very graciously agreed (thanks, mate). I also had to spend the last 15 miles of the journey home watching the petrol light on the dashboard flicking on & off, wishing it would hold out.
Thankfully, it did.
For weeks now this has been getting me down & I've been trying to formulate a plan of some sort to get out of this stinking mess. I know I should stop smoking & I haven't ruled out trying, but it is very, very difficult for a weak willed norbert like myself.
I have lived like this for years & it's no bloody fun, I tell thee.
As I said earlier, I had a half day holiday from work today. It came as something of a surprise then when my boss called me 15 minutes after getting home.
Work have offered me a 3 month spell working at one of our new plants.
This plant is in Lyon, France.
I will be allowed home every other weekend, but other than that I will be staying in Lyon. All my expenses will be paid by the company meaning I'll not be able to spend much of my money. Also I should imagine there will be a lot of overtime available, overtime which can dramatically increase my weekly wage. My boss has also told me that this could be a major step in improving my standing within the company, which would be a very good thing. I need to advance, financially & for my own self-worth. It would possibly prove to be an excellent time to try & quit the fags, as I won't be hanging out with any of my smoking mates.
This offer is not without it's drawbacks though.
Obviously my biggest concern is The Boy. As you know, I spend a hell of a lot of time with my son. I would miss him painfully, but he would miss me so much more. I'm an adult, I understand things. He is only 6 & the only thing he will understand is that he can't see his Dad.
Then there is Nice.
Nice would not keep me here, but it seems such a shame to lose something that is making me happy after so much time spent alone. I also feel that while she wont let on, she will be deeply upset by this turn of events.
I also truly hope that I can have access to a computer whilst I'm out there, I can't imagine having no blog access. It's scary.
There is an issue about my passport which as just expired last month, I'll have to get another one pretty sharpish as they want me to start on Monday!
I have to give an answer later today & I think I know what I'm going to do.
However, advice &/or opinions would be very much appreciated.
Merci beaucoup.
At 1:32 pm,
sunshine said…
That would explain why I couldn't call you : (
It sounds like you have decided to take the job, I know that leaving the boy and Nice will be tough. You also are the adult here and you know that it will be the best for Nice and the Boy if you can get out of debt, it will make you happier and your life better, which in turn will make them happier and feel better.
Money is a huge stress in any middle class or less persons life. I think we have all been where you are atleast once, eating dust bunnies for a snack. I have no doubt that after 3 months at this job you will have quit smoking and caught your rent up, those should be the two top priorities.
Funny how our lives seem to be so parallel. My "M" is leaving on Thursday for 5 weeks to take a job in NYC, luckily he will be home every weekend, but it is drastically going to cut down on the time we see each other, going from 3 times a week to 3 times a month, and though I'm not the happiest of people, he too needs to take this job to better his career and make a cushion in his pocket. You will still get to see the boy. 3 months is not that long of a time to get back on your feet.
Good luck with your decision.
Hope that made some sort of sense, I didn't proofread. I also hope you don't lose the internet, I would miss you even more : )
At 1:34 pm,
Dzesika said…
My dear! You've been offered a big adventure AND more money!
I say go for it. And send me a postcard.
Good luck ...
At 3:52 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Oh, you should go. I know that you will miss the Boy and Nice, but it is only 3 months. And it's in Lyon!
Last time I checked, the do have computers in France. I'm sure they would let you use one at some point. The French are pretty nice that way.
As for the money troubles...why do you think I'm sticking around to be harangued every Monday? Debt...and do I make brilliant decisions about my money? No - almost never.
At 4:03 pm,
Charby said…
Poor Flashy!
Nothing worth ebaying for extra money? (the last resort of any poor student)
Think of the adventure in France though!
Do you speak French? I hope so!
At 4:34 pm,
Hyde said…
I can't believe they want you to start in France so soon! Crazy. I had a "face the music" moment with money a few months ago. Trying to manage it better myself... Good luck, whatever you decide.
(And Sunshine-- you should tell your "M" to give a ring!)
At 5:24 pm,
LB said…
go to France and take a small term problem for a longer term solution.
I can heartily recommend spaghetti and pesto for cheap meals, as well as lots of soup. And eating porridge for tea has been helping me also.
(useless male advice there)
good luck mate. And best of luck in trying to get a passport quickly, that will set you back the best part of a ton....
At 6:14 pm,
Brock said…
Go. Go go go go go.
I got offered a job on a Saturday. It was in Italy, and they wanted me there on the Sunday night. I put them off until the Monday, but I went (I found out about the job on the Friday and had the interview the same day).
Go, go, go, go go.
I have never regretted it. Especially as it will increase your financial situation. That alone is a good reasons to go. So when you get back you spend your weekends with the boy. At least you will be able to eat with him, as opposed to have to walk to see him and watch him eat a Tesco's value sandwich.
Do your best, while you are there, to earn as much as you can and brown nose yourself into making this a hefty step up in the company. Let it be known to your boss that you consider this to be doing the company a favour - don't let them think that uprooting you from your son, girlfriend and home is a perk. Tell them, if needs be and you can get away with it - that you don't really give a shit about going to france, but will go being as it is important to them. But do it nicely.
That will stand you in good stead come pay review time. Instead of the smug fuckers sitting there saying "We let you go on a nice jolly, didn't we?" (as they no doubt will, then you can instead sit there and say "I ran halfway across Europe at a moments notice for the good of the company, are you going to show any appreciation?"
Innit. My poker face in the interview probably made me about £5K over an 8 month contract. Go to it, me boy!
At 8:13 pm,
swisslet said…
go. you'd be mad not to. It will be an amazing experience. The only thing I will say is that you won't be giving up smoking in France - it's cheaper and they all smoke like chimneys at all times.
Sounds brilliant mate. If you are doing your lot a favour, could you get any money out of them?
At 12:36 am,
Erika said…
You don't need any of us - you've made up your mind what you want to do, and that automatically makes it the right thing to do. Go for it. And send me a postcard too, while you're at it.
At 1:50 pm,
Jessica said…
sounds like this Lyon adventure could turn things around for you. You could go home on the weekends? Cool! And will you take the TGV? I love france. I am so jealous...
At 2:10 pm,
Alecya G said…
I agree with everyone else, Flash. You should do it. It would be worth it in th elong run. And its a great experience.
I am sure thins will get better, whatever you decide, but this seems to be like a blinking light in the sky saying "here's your answer"
At 2:16 pm,
Mark said…
you may not want to, but i understand why it may seem you don't have a choice. from a career point of view, if you don't take it, they may not offer you future opportunities.
good luck fella.
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