Beware of the pixies!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"All I've got to learn is the law of diminishing return"

I love my blog.
I love blogging.
I love reading other blogs & catching up on the in & outs of my friend's lives.

Despite all this I seem to have become utterly crap at the whole damn thing.

I've been spending whole days thinking about what I should blog about next & I'm getting nothing.
When I do get some half arsed idea it invariably gets dismissed as lame & abandoned.

I've also been struggling to keep up with everybody else.
I know I've been missing out on events (in New York, say) & I'm quite ashamed to say I've been little or no support to a dear friend who has been going through the ringer. I'm truly sorry.

On top of this there seem to be some new faces in the neighbourhood who I've yet to introduce myself to.

I feel quite disconnected from blogworld.
I don't like it.

If I'm totally honest, I really don't like how my absence from blogland has led to an absence of folks visiting these very pages.
I don't know what to do.


  • At 9:48 pm, Blogger Hyde said…

    I still visit you every day, even if I don't always comment! And I think that blogs, like anything else, go through ups and downs. There were points at which I obsessively chronicled every little miniscule event that happened to me. Recently, I've left out a lot. Don't stress. We're all still here, and the muse of blogging will inspire you again!

    Thanks for popping by my place today. It means a lot.



    PS: Am I number one again? Yay!


  • At 9:58 pm, Blogger sunshine said…

    It's simple, refer back to the timeline, that is what it is for, when you have bloggers-block


  • At 10:11 pm, Blogger HistoryGeek said…

    When I do get some half arsed idea it invariably gets dismissed as lame & abandoned.

    Maybe instead of dismissing it, you should write it up and post it. If it fails, it fails. But you may find something that you didn't imagine would work being a huge success.

  • At 11:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think you should go out and have sex. That ought to take care of a few things.

  • At 4:10 am, Blogger Turners in the Country said…

    Thanks for stopping by my place, hello to you too!! Hope you'll be back.

    I can totally relate. I've set up my blog as a sort-of running to do list, but I go through periods where it seems like I've done nothing, and thus backed myself in a corner with my format. Just got to keep on keeping on. Oooh, cheesy. Sorry.

  • At 1:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Official Flash-Fan 234531 reporting.
    I'm always checking in man. So long as World of Flash exists, I'll be around to read it.

  • At 3:02 pm, Blogger Charby said…

    What you need is an adventure.
    Go wrestle a local crocodile and then you'll have something to blog about, even if you have to type one-handed.

  • At 3:12 pm, Blogger LavaLady said…

    Keep using ABC lyric as post headers and I'm a fan for life! Oh, wait, I'm already a fan...

    I know of what you speak, though. Blog Slump happens to us all. Mercury is in retrograde for a while, that has something to do with it (any excuse).

    But remember the rest of the song

    "...things get better second time around..."

  • At 4:12 pm, Blogger Alecya G said…

    I like Mr. Mystic's idea...LOL.

    Thanks for the note BTW.

    You know, a blog is supposed to be for you. Write what you feel like writing about. Enjoy your blog.

    Its supposed to entertain you first, entertaining us is just a benefit, right?


  • At 4:41 pm, Blogger LB said…

    LB reporting for duty, sir.

    What? Nothing to say? Right-o, sir, I'll be back tomorrow.

    Tally ho. Pip pip. Chocks away.

    (and write some football related garbage whilst you're thinking what to do!!!)

  • At 6:44 pm, Blogger Dzesika said…

    Hang in there, m'dear.

    I know all about blog fatigue. :)

  • At 7:17 pm, Blogger sunshine said…

    We are all still awaiting those bungee jumping photos.

    Isn't there a few unfinished stories too perhaps, where you say, "that's a story for another time."

    Is it that time yet?

  • At 10:00 pm, Blogger Mark said…

    open the post and just type type type. if you don't like it you don't have to publish it.

  • At 10:18 pm, Blogger GJC said…

    Flashster...I'm still around. But I must disagree with Mystic. If anything, this blog needs LESS sex, not more. :)

  • At 10:57 pm, Blogger Chapstick said…

    Less sex? How could that possibly help? Anyway, I'm not gonna leave ya hanging anytime soon Flash.

  • At 12:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gladys i said he should go out and have sex. Not post the reults.

  • At 6:36 am, Blogger HistoryGeek said…

    Now, look at all this love!

  • At 10:04 pm, Blogger swisslet said…

    okay - so I'm a little late to the party with this.... but I still turned up right?

    Don't force it, and don't write for your massive fanbase. We love you for what you are. If all else fails, write some journals like you used to. They were brilliant mate.... you still have the power. Even Spidey lost his mojo for a bit.



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