"I can't believe once you & me did sex"
With Swiss Toni's advice ringing in my ears, Buddy With Boobs & I made it to Birmingham in time to see Maximo Park. Sadly I spent the first 20 minutes of their set at the bar. From that position they sounded not dissimilar to Franz Ferdinand. With pints acquired we headed down the front to check them out properly.
I thought they were blinding!
To such an extent that I've just downloaded their album which I'm listening to right now.

So to the main event; The Kaiser chiefs.
I'm aware that some folk don't like the Kaisers, I'm puzzled as to why, after all, what's not to like?
It was like an old school gig, a proper gig & I had a whale of a time.
It was all rather like having sex actually. Now I just know that some of you are rolling your eyes reading that, no doubt thinking along the lines of "Bloody hell Flash, can you not do a post these days without mentioning sex?!"
Well , it would seem not!
Anyway, hear me out...
The show opened with "Saturday night" & "I was born to be a dancer" which was like the snogging that kicks it all off, then came "Every day I love you less & less" which upped the ante a fair bit. The clothes were being ripped off now!
Some serious foreplay then ensued in the shape of "Sink that ship" & the wonderfully bouncy "Na na na na naa".
A couple of songs later it was time to pick up the pace, time for the vinegar strokes, time for "I predict a riot". Me & 2000 other folks joined in one big sweaty, writhing mass of bodies jumping up and down, pointing skywards & screaming out the words as much as breath would allow.
In short, it was an orgasm.
The post-coital fag came in the form of "Caroline, Yes" & this is where the sex analogy really holds water for me here, for after that nothing ever came close to replicating the euphoria of "I predict a riot", not even the spirited encore of "I heard it through the grapevine" & "Oh my god".
It was a really good gig though & it was really cool to get in amongst the moshpit.
My top was soaked through by the time we hit the chilly night air & for me at least, that's always been a good indication of how much fun I've had.
I thought they were blinding!
To such an extent that I've just downloaded their album which I'm listening to right now.

So to the main event; The Kaiser chiefs.
I'm aware that some folk don't like the Kaisers, I'm puzzled as to why, after all, what's not to like?
It was like an old school gig, a proper gig & I had a whale of a time.
It was all rather like having sex actually. Now I just know that some of you are rolling your eyes reading that, no doubt thinking along the lines of "Bloody hell Flash, can you not do a post these days without mentioning sex?!"
Well , it would seem not!
Anyway, hear me out...
The show opened with "Saturday night" & "I was born to be a dancer" which was like the snogging that kicks it all off, then came "Every day I love you less & less" which upped the ante a fair bit. The clothes were being ripped off now!
Some serious foreplay then ensued in the shape of "Sink that ship" & the wonderfully bouncy "Na na na na naa".
A couple of songs later it was time to pick up the pace, time for the vinegar strokes, time for "I predict a riot". Me & 2000 other folks joined in one big sweaty, writhing mass of bodies jumping up and down, pointing skywards & screaming out the words as much as breath would allow.
In short, it was an orgasm.
The post-coital fag came in the form of "Caroline, Yes" & this is where the sex analogy really holds water for me here, for after that nothing ever came close to replicating the euphoria of "I predict a riot", not even the spirited encore of "I heard it through the grapevine" & "Oh my god".
It was a really good gig though & it was really cool to get in amongst the moshpit.
My top was soaked through by the time we hit the chilly night air & for me at least, that's always been a good indication of how much fun I've had.
At 6:00 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Hello! I think I need to see the Kaiser Chiefs again.
Sadly, at our show, they started with the "big bang" and, although it was a great concert from there, I agree that nothing was quite the same after that.
Strange, my measure of a good show is how bad the whiplash is the next day...(probably not a good long-term strategy)
At 8:26 pm,
sunshine said…
I'm so glad you guys had a good time. It's great to get to go to a show from time to time.
A good show is one where you can't talk or breathe through your nose the next day.
Good times, good times.
At 10:09 pm,
Dzesika said…
Ooh ...
I was listening to the Kaiser Chiefs when I clicked over to your blog. Coincidence? I think so.
But awesome nonetheless.
At 2:13 pm,
Anonymous said…
Okay, I'm obviously going to have to get the Kaiser Cheifs. I wasn't too convinced to start with but the latest singal and your ravings have convinced me, at last, to buy it.
Rock on!
At 12:26 am,
Hyde said…
I don't know that music at all, but it sounds like you guys had a great time!
At 4:21 am,
Turners in the Country said…
Ah, the Chiefs are great! Haven't seen them live, but they're great music to workout to.
I have to agree with you on the sex analogy. Going to a great show is not unlike great sex--euphoric at its pinnacle and you leave happy, tired, and a bit disappointed it's all over. The worst part for me is I sleep terribly afterwards, unable to turn off my brain. Either that or the ringing in my ears keeps me awake. Not sure which it is.
At 12:17 pm,
adem said…
I've only heard one Maximo Park song on the radio but I WANT MORE! I think I'm gonna have to get the album.
Just iamgine...Having Sex whilst listening to Kaiser Cheifs!! At least you'd get to pace yourself!
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