"Although your trying not to listen..."
So for weeks I've been longing to regain full blog capabilities, yet now I have it I find I have nothing of consequence to say. Work has sucked major donkey balls & I still yearn for Lyon.
Today I am half-heartedly given my flat a spring clean, which is about as dull as dull can be.
Yesterday The Boy & I went to the brand spanking new Ricoh arena to watch Coventry city vs Leeds United. I was 20 when I went to my first Leeds match (incidentally also at Coventry City & also a 1-1 draw), The Boy is 6, jammy little bugger!
He really enjoyed it. I enjoyed his enjoyment of it but because we were in with the home fans I couldn't really get into it. Still at least I've finally been to a game this season.
Fellas, who else has fallen into the razor trap? In my bathroom I have no less than 7 different razors of which only one is in use. The reason for this is simple, yet flawed. Razor blades are so extortionatley overpriced that I get suckered in to buying a new razor for the same price or less than a pack of blades. Of course, the new razor only comes with 2 blades so it's not long until I'm facing the same dilemma again. And what do I do? Yup, I buy another razor.
France has allowed me to temporarily break the cycle as I managed to buy a couple of packs of blades as part of my living expenses. Result!
I'm currently shaving with one of these newfangled Mach 3 nitros. Blimey, it is good! The best a man can get?
Peut etre!
(Any employees of Gillette that may be reading, I would consider a sponsorship deal.)
I very rarely listen to the radio these days but I've had to endure it at work over the last week. The station we have to listen to is Northants 96 - The hot FM. Oh Jesus!
It's so bad, the DJ's are mostly retarded buffoons (with the exception of the breakfast boys, Jagger & Woody, who are mildly entertaining buffoons), the music is utterly predictable & mostly lame. I reckon it's about one decent tune in five & one can never expect to hear anything "cutting edge". On Friday morning as part of the "workday windback" (snappy, eh?) they played what I consider to be the most vomit-inducing, toe curlingly cheesy song that has ever been inflicted upon humankind. Never mind your Chicos, birdie songs, Agadoos & Mr.Blobbys. Yes, they're god damn awful, but they're not to be taken seriously like the pull your ears off horror that is; "All I wanna do is make love to you" by Heart.
Can anyone top that or, god forbid, defend it?
Over the last couple of weeks I have watched some movies. All previously unseen by me & all comedies.
When I watch a comedy I want to laugh out loud, long & often. I can't remember doing that for a long old time. I watched Stuck on you, Mr. Deeds & The Longest Yard. None of them were bad as such & they killed a couple of hours, but I want to watch something that makes me pee my pants. Any recommendations would be gratefully received.
Well, I seem to have waffled on about nothing for long enough.
Today I am half-heartedly given my flat a spring clean, which is about as dull as dull can be.
Yesterday The Boy & I went to the brand spanking new Ricoh arena to watch Coventry city vs Leeds United. I was 20 when I went to my first Leeds match (incidentally also at Coventry City & also a 1-1 draw), The Boy is 6, jammy little bugger!
He really enjoyed it. I enjoyed his enjoyment of it but because we were in with the home fans I couldn't really get into it. Still at least I've finally been to a game this season.
Fellas, who else has fallen into the razor trap? In my bathroom I have no less than 7 different razors of which only one is in use. The reason for this is simple, yet flawed. Razor blades are so extortionatley overpriced that I get suckered in to buying a new razor for the same price or less than a pack of blades. Of course, the new razor only comes with 2 blades so it's not long until I'm facing the same dilemma again. And what do I do? Yup, I buy another razor.
France has allowed me to temporarily break the cycle as I managed to buy a couple of packs of blades as part of my living expenses. Result!
I'm currently shaving with one of these newfangled Mach 3 nitros. Blimey, it is good! The best a man can get?
Peut etre!
(Any employees of Gillette that may be reading, I would consider a sponsorship deal.)
I very rarely listen to the radio these days but I've had to endure it at work over the last week. The station we have to listen to is Northants 96 - The hot FM. Oh Jesus!
It's so bad, the DJ's are mostly retarded buffoons (with the exception of the breakfast boys, Jagger & Woody, who are mildly entertaining buffoons), the music is utterly predictable & mostly lame. I reckon it's about one decent tune in five & one can never expect to hear anything "cutting edge". On Friday morning as part of the "workday windback" (snappy, eh?) they played what I consider to be the most vomit-inducing, toe curlingly cheesy song that has ever been inflicted upon humankind. Never mind your Chicos, birdie songs, Agadoos & Mr.Blobbys. Yes, they're god damn awful, but they're not to be taken seriously like the pull your ears off horror that is; "All I wanna do is make love to you" by Heart.
Can anyone top that or, god forbid, defend it?
Over the last couple of weeks I have watched some movies. All previously unseen by me & all comedies.
When I watch a comedy I want to laugh out loud, long & often. I can't remember doing that for a long old time. I watched Stuck on you, Mr. Deeds & The Longest Yard. None of them were bad as such & they killed a couple of hours, but I want to watch something that makes me pee my pants. Any recommendations would be gratefully received.
Well, I seem to have waffled on about nothing for long enough.
At 4:07 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
2 comedies that I can recommend The 40 Year Old Virgin and Wedding Crashers as two that had me laughing. B suggests Brain Candy from Kids in the Hall.
I'm sorry to hear that work "sucks donkey balls." I imagine it's doubly hard since you were able to stretch your skills and employ your diplomacy in ways that it sounds like your regular work doesn't allow for.
I'm also truly sorry to hear about your lack of radio stations. I really don't know what I'd do if I didn't have Live 105. It is the one that plays all the good music that you all are talking about (and more), and it's pretty dedicated to the local music scene here in the Bay Area. I like their new morning show and their other DJs are fabulous. I think they are streaming online now, if you want to go looking for them.
I hope things start to look up!
At 9:32 pm,
Anonymous said…
You need to watch Blazing Saddles, many many times, not in my company though cos I can't resist quoting the script sad git that I am!
Eddie Izzard's stand up show DVDs, though not obviously films, are highly amusing. Especially 'Dress To Kill'.
At 10:05 pm,
swisslet said…
I'm still laughing at the news that the sequel to "Dude, Where's My Car?" is to be titled "Seriously dude, where's my car?"
You can't buy genius.
(I also just saw the trailer for "Scary Movie 4" - which I have no intention of going to see - but it does have the inspired casting of Leslie Neilson as George W. Bush)
At 12:13 am,
Hyde said…
Flash, I happen to like that song! Although I realize that to defend it I need to have a little more brain power than what's available to me in my current state. So I'll be back...
At 5:54 pm,
Alecya G said…
I'll vote "Dodgeball" and "Robin Hood, Men in Tights" and of course, anything with Monty Python, especially "Holy Grail" for movies with which to amuse yourself. Although, Spinny is right, Wedding Crashers is amusing.
Radio stations here have yours beat a mile, I gurantee. I've got 1 decent rock station [just started playing Hard Fi] and then a pop station, two easy listening stations, three Christian radio and five [yes, five] country stations.
Told you. ;)
hope things cheer up soon.
At 12:16 pm,
Stef said…
"Fellas, who else has fallen into the razor trap?"
Um... No. As you say, new razors only come with 2 blades. While they might be the same price as a pack of 4 blades they are half as useful to me as a man who already owns a razor.
I do have 2 razors though but that's because I accidentally walked off with a friend's razor when I stayed at his place. We used the same type so I didn't notice it wasn't mine!
At 12:21 pm,
Stef said…
As for comedies I reckon Dodgeball and 40 Year Old Virgin are better than the Wedding Crashers.
Alecya is obviously a woman of taste, the Holy Grail is a seriously funny movie but I'm guessing you've seen that, what with it being over 20 years old.
If we're going for old movies you may or may not have seen, Peter Sellers in Shot in the Dark always makes me laugh my socks off.
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