"We'll ask if we can have 6 in"
I went up to Yorkshire at the weekend, apologies to the DOJ for not getting together but it was a very whistle stop affair.
The Boy & I arrived in Wakefield about teatime on Saturday. The reason for the visit was for the celebration of my sister's & my Dad's birthdays. They share the 4th as a birthday, but bless them they put their festivities back a week so The Boy & I could join them. Our KId had done herself proud in organising it all. Though it was her birthday too she had pulled out all the stops for Dad as it was his 70th. We went to an Italian restaeraunt, but we went in style. Our Kid had booked a limo for the trip. Our Kid & I knew about this, but we hadn't told Mum or Dad. I had also kept The Boy in the dark about it. Our Kid's new fella (who is currently stood in line at the World of Flash name allocation counter) came along too & he seemed to be good, likeable bloke. The ride in the limo was ace! We all had champagne, Our Kid managed to find "Speed of sound" on one of the CD's & my Mum laughed a lot*.
* This is not unusual behaviour as my Mum laughs at literally anything.
At one point over the weekend The Boy, with no small measure of annoyance, asked me; "Dad, why does Nana always laugh all the time?"
The Boy was absolutely thrilled by the whole limo experience. His face was full of glee as he buzzed up & down & found the controls for the in car lighting system. It was a really nice family moment, which I happily took a moment to soak up, it's not very often we're all together & having such a nice time. The meal was very nice too, despite The Boy having a hissy fit about his Spag Bol having "green stuff" on it. Honestly, I don't know where he gets it from!
On Sunday Dad was feeling generous & bought me a new TV stand/ unit type thing as a belated birthday present.
I set about assembling it when we got home on Sunday afternoon. It took me nearly 3 bloody hours & I have 2 blisters now! One of which is particularly ghastly!
Because as a fully paid up member of the stupid people's society, the only tools that I possess are a hammer & 2 very small screwdrivers. You know the ones that come in packs of 3 (including the bafflelingly odd miniature knitting needle) that come out of Christmas crackers? Them. The bloody thing had loads of screws, some of them requiring me to force the screw into the wood in a self-tapper stylee. Ow, ow, thrice ow!
Still it looks great now, so all is well (except for the blisters).
So I'm back at work now (drops shoulders & sighs heavily), it's been really nice to see everybody but it's just all so dull, all so normal, all so CRAPSVILLE!
Oh well, I've got to ride it out & it's not like I wasn't expecting it.
Disappointingly, I have had no acceptance messages from the winners of this year's Flashy's. Not even David Ford. Though I did receive a reply from Stereophonics' people saying "Sorry, that would not be possible".
Which leads me neatly into the prize for the most glamourous attendee of the Flashy awards. I don't think I'll meet much opposition when I announce that the winner is...
A fine effort from the young fella! Well done mate, how does a "Best of the Flashys"awards CD sound as a prize?
The Boy & I arrived in Wakefield about teatime on Saturday. The reason for the visit was for the celebration of my sister's & my Dad's birthdays. They share the 4th as a birthday, but bless them they put their festivities back a week so The Boy & I could join them. Our KId had done herself proud in organising it all. Though it was her birthday too she had pulled out all the stops for Dad as it was his 70th. We went to an Italian restaeraunt, but we went in style. Our Kid had booked a limo for the trip. Our Kid & I knew about this, but we hadn't told Mum or Dad. I had also kept The Boy in the dark about it. Our Kid's new fella (who is currently stood in line at the World of Flash name allocation counter) came along too & he seemed to be good, likeable bloke. The ride in the limo was ace! We all had champagne, Our Kid managed to find "Speed of sound" on one of the CD's & my Mum laughed a lot*.
* This is not unusual behaviour as my Mum laughs at literally anything.
At one point over the weekend The Boy, with no small measure of annoyance, asked me; "Dad, why does Nana always laugh all the time?"
The Boy was absolutely thrilled by the whole limo experience. His face was full of glee as he buzzed up & down & found the controls for the in car lighting system. It was a really nice family moment, which I happily took a moment to soak up, it's not very often we're all together & having such a nice time. The meal was very nice too, despite The Boy having a hissy fit about his Spag Bol having "green stuff" on it. Honestly, I don't know where he gets it from!
On Sunday Dad was feeling generous & bought me a new TV stand/ unit type thing as a belated birthday present.
I set about assembling it when we got home on Sunday afternoon. It took me nearly 3 bloody hours & I have 2 blisters now! One of which is particularly ghastly!
Because as a fully paid up member of the stupid people's society, the only tools that I possess are a hammer & 2 very small screwdrivers. You know the ones that come in packs of 3 (including the bafflelingly odd miniature knitting needle) that come out of Christmas crackers? Them. The bloody thing had loads of screws, some of them requiring me to force the screw into the wood in a self-tapper stylee. Ow, ow, thrice ow!
Still it looks great now, so all is well (except for the blisters).
So I'm back at work now (drops shoulders & sighs heavily), it's been really nice to see everybody but it's just all so dull, all so normal, all so CRAPSVILLE!
Oh well, I've got to ride it out & it's not like I wasn't expecting it.
Disappointingly, I have had no acceptance messages from the winners of this year's Flashy's. Not even David Ford. Though I did receive a reply from Stereophonics' people saying "Sorry, that would not be possible".
Which leads me neatly into the prize for the most glamourous attendee of the Flashy awards. I don't think I'll meet much opposition when I announce that the winner is...
A fine effort from the young fella! Well done mate, how does a "Best of the Flashys"awards CD sound as a prize?
At 8:18 pm,
shorty said…
Sounds like you had a smashing time :)
You haven't mentioned Nice in a while. Is everything ok there?
You'll have to pace yourself back into work again....plead amnesia.
At 9:28 pm,
Anonymous said…
This is not unusual behaviour as my Mum laughs at literally anything.
Ahh, some things never change! ;)
Nae probs not givin' us a shout looks like you was well busy. Catch yer next time fella!
Up the football league we go!!
At 11:51 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Wow! A limo ride. It sounds like it was a lovely evening with the family.
You need to get yourself a proper set of tools. Do you have an IKEA around - they have a nice tool set for pretty cheap (it's really the only reason I have tools).
At 12:12 am,
Mark said…
... are we going to see Depeche Mode at some point?
At 5:08 am,
Jessica said…
sounds great. i love family celebrations. there's really nothig better. nothing!
At 11:19 am,
Hyde said…
:) I love sweet family days like that. At least if you have to be back in Crapsville, you're also closer to your loved ones...
At 6:46 pm,
Alecya G said…
Sounds like a lot of fun. [and a ride in a limo - oooh]
* AG
At 8:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
Sounds cool. Is it bad that when I order food in restaurants, often when I'm abroad, and I get something I don't instantly recognise I get a little bit scared?
At 3:18 pm,
adem said…
Hey Flash, sorry but I've been off the scene for a while. Am I still elegible for my prize???
email me. I want free stuff!
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