Beware of the pixies!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

"Can you tell me why?"

Why oh why oh why.
First of all let me tell you where I stand on the issue of illegally downloading music from t’internet. I only download tunes that are pre-release (I always buy them when they come out!) or stuff that I cant buy because I simply cant find it. One source of irritation in my life is the amount of old tunes that I can’t hear again for I only have them on vinyl. I have no record deck & have no intention of getting one - I have an I-pod for goodness sake!
Again I say why oh why oh why?
Why do people have music in their shared folders that is not what it claims to be? I have spent much time this evening gleefully downloading songs from Adam Ant’s 1983 album “Strip” (Stop laughing). I haven’t heard these songs since Thatcher was in power. Anyhow when they finally come in, I transfer them to I-tunes & play them. Ah how the memories come flooding back, now hang on a minute, I don’t recall it looping back to the beginning after 30 seconds & doing this for 4 minutes or so. So I try the next one, same story. Why oh why would someone do this? It is the work of Beelzebub surely. Actually I don't think even El Diablo himself could be that mean. More likely some spotty Norbert sitting in a room somewhere thinking “For my next trick I shall prey on sad thirty-somethings with a penchant for nostalgia, I shall piss them off without mercy or concern for their fragile mental state”. Well done spotty Norbert, your work here is done.
Why oh why oh why-part 2
Why am I still up? Why did I get into this ludicrous pattern of not going to work, sleeping till after lunch & then not being the slightest bit tired come bedtime? I now will be staying up & trotting off to work at 6am, where I no doubt will fall prey to the need for sleep after a couple of hours & feel like shit all day.
Why oh why oh why – part 3
Why has it taken me 3 years to realise that The Divine Comedy’s “Regeneration” album is a work of mesmerising genius. Its not like I never listened to it, I did. Over recent weeks though I find myself playing it again & again. I’m actually listening to it now as I type. Its understated beauty sure worked slowly on me. I hope the same applies to “Absent friends” because that hasn’t happened for me yet.


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