Beware of the pixies!

Friday, October 15, 2004

"Life in a northern town"

Despite my raging sexual frustration, I have decided not to go out tonight. I want to have a week where i'm not scraping around for cash from my friends just to buy some fags. So it seems that my long dormant sensible gene has finally kicked into action. Shocked? You betcha.
Instead I'm going to Funny Dance's place to watch "Van Helsing" with him & They Used To Be Even Bigger.
I watched a film last night; "Brassed off". For those who don't know it's a british film set in a Yorkshire coal mining community. I found it stirred a lot of old memories up. My family home in Wakefield is only yards from an old pit site. It's long gone now & i have only fuzzy recollections of it being a working pit. It stood idle for several years before they knocked it down. As a young lad it was a great place to play (also incredibly dangerous but like you care about that when you are 11) & gave me the chance to say "Yes, I have actually!" when I'd come home filthy to be greeted by my Mum's "where the hell have you been? Down pit?"
Our local pub at home is just 5 doors down from Mum & Dad's house, it is called "The Rescuers". It was so named after a disaster that happened at the pit before I was born. Many people died & the pub became a refuge for the walking wounded & of course the rescuers. So watching this film really brought back a lot of home feelings. Then the bloody DVD stopped about 3 quarters of the way through. On inspection the disc had a nasty scratch type thing on it at the edge. So I never saw the end which pissed me off big time.
Whilst being nostalgic about home I should mention that today is my Mum's birthday. This also means that it's the 18th anniversary of losing my virginity. Aaah, Helen. We had some damn good times. I was the first out of my circle of friends to do the deed & soon afterwards I dragged Helen down to the phone box & rang each of them in turn to boast of my conquest. Yes The Duke Of Jokes that phone call was 18 years ago today mate. 18 years!!!
So now I'm thinking of Helen & I'm thinking of sex again. Damn it!

That would be full circle then.


  • At 7:52 pm, Blogger shorty said…

    I don't mean to freak you out, but my mothers name is Helen. Freaky? Most definatly. I hope you get over the hump (no pun intended, well maybe) you are going through.

  • At 9:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    18 years?! oh lordy lord!
    Still remember you telling everyone about it, including *ahem* the bit about fanny farts "She did what?!" LMAO
    PS Better not tell Cheryl that my sister's name (who you used to perv over ;) ) was Helen as well, oops I already have...


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