"It all seems so stupid it makes me want to give up but why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?"
The last 24 hours have been very bloody stressful.
It started when I got home last night to find that my electricity supply had run out.
So I had to get straight into bed, at least I had beloved pod to entertain me for a little while.
I was awoken this morning by my phone. I expected it to be Funny Dance as we'd arranged the loan of a tenner so I could restore power to my home & nicotine to my lungs. However it was Crisp Fiend; Delusions Of Grandeur hadn't turned up for work so would I come in at 10 to help him out. I did. By midnight tonight I'll have worked 56 hours in 4 days, subsequently I WILL NOT be skint next week, Yay!
This afternoon I had a work's committee meeting to attend. Some time ago at work it was decided (after my suggestion) to have a works council to try and improve communication between workers & management. It was formed by all employees voting secretly for which member of staff they wanted on the council to speak for them, the 5 with the most votes being installed onto the committee. Guess who got the most votes?
Without going into the details of it all, there have recently been some big changes on the late shift in the main production area. In a nutshell they gave the supervisor's job to a Total Cock. Total Cock has been running around shouting & swearing at people, upping the workload to crippling levels & trying to stamp his authority on the job. He has overstepped the mark & all the employees hate him. On top of this there has also been a change in management. So new manager is also trying to make his mark. Why do people think that they will make things better my pissing people off?
So over the last couple of weeks I've heard this alot: "Flash, Total Cock has done/said this & it's out of order, can you sort it?". Today I had to take all this negativity to the meeting which new manager decided to attend. The meeting had a very confrontational air throughout & if there's one thing I don't like it's confrontation. I came out feeling really pissed off. I felt that new manager thought that I'd just attacked him & his policies. I also felt that I'd not successfully aired all my people's grievances sufficiently. I was also seething with rage at another manager's comments at me. For the last 3 meetings now BackStabbingArseLicker has fired snide little digs my way about my attendance as a way of distracting from the point. Today was the last straw though & I've put in an official complaint about him which I expect to get brushed under the nearest carpet within days.
So I was bloody stressed after all that.
Then I phone The Boy. I like to phone him through the week when I'm on this shift because I can't see him & I miss him. So Temper Tantrum answers & we discuss the weekend's plans. Then she says The Boy has really missed me this week in a very accusatory tone, I reply by saying I've missed him too;
"But you're an adult, you understand"
"I have to work, you say it like it's my fault"
"Well, someone else in your department doesn't do this shift because he wants to see his kids"
"Making it all the more difficult for me to get out of it"
"He obviously cares more about his kids than you do about yours"
"..(Pause whilst resisting the urge to scream obscenities at her through tightly gritted teeth).. Just put The Boy on the phone"
Honestly people I'm sure my regular readers know already but for the benefit of anyone unfamiliar; I AM A VERY NICE MAN.
I do not deserve this. It makes me want to give up.
I won't though because I'M A VERY NICE MAN.
Once again the Land of Blog brought me salvation from all the crap of today.
When I started this blog I hoped that it would pave the way for my column in a magazine or daily paper (one of my problems is I always aim unrealistically high) but I've found something much better than that. I've found friends, people I care about & who care about me. Who are willing to read through all the mundane things of my life such as work meetings & arguments with my horrendous ex-wife. Just as I love to read of their day to day goings on.
Today one of "my girls" has found love. This girl who I've never seen nor spoken to, who I've never shared a pint with is happy today.
And now so am I.
All the stress of the day has been picked up & flown off into the distance by little winged angels.
I'm off now to find some testosterone from somewhere, I don't want to become a girl!
It started when I got home last night to find that my electricity supply had run out.
So I had to get straight into bed, at least I had beloved pod to entertain me for a little while.
I was awoken this morning by my phone. I expected it to be Funny Dance as we'd arranged the loan of a tenner so I could restore power to my home & nicotine to my lungs. However it was Crisp Fiend; Delusions Of Grandeur hadn't turned up for work so would I come in at 10 to help him out. I did. By midnight tonight I'll have worked 56 hours in 4 days, subsequently I WILL NOT be skint next week, Yay!
This afternoon I had a work's committee meeting to attend. Some time ago at work it was decided (after my suggestion) to have a works council to try and improve communication between workers & management. It was formed by all employees voting secretly for which member of staff they wanted on the council to speak for them, the 5 with the most votes being installed onto the committee. Guess who got the most votes?
Without going into the details of it all, there have recently been some big changes on the late shift in the main production area. In a nutshell they gave the supervisor's job to a Total Cock. Total Cock has been running around shouting & swearing at people, upping the workload to crippling levels & trying to stamp his authority on the job. He has overstepped the mark & all the employees hate him. On top of this there has also been a change in management. So new manager is also trying to make his mark. Why do people think that they will make things better my pissing people off?
So over the last couple of weeks I've heard this alot: "Flash, Total Cock has done/said this & it's out of order, can you sort it?". Today I had to take all this negativity to the meeting which new manager decided to attend. The meeting had a very confrontational air throughout & if there's one thing I don't like it's confrontation. I came out feeling really pissed off. I felt that new manager thought that I'd just attacked him & his policies. I also felt that I'd not successfully aired all my people's grievances sufficiently. I was also seething with rage at another manager's comments at me. For the last 3 meetings now BackStabbingArseLicker has fired snide little digs my way about my attendance as a way of distracting from the point. Today was the last straw though & I've put in an official complaint about him which I expect to get brushed under the nearest carpet within days.
So I was bloody stressed after all that.
Then I phone The Boy. I like to phone him through the week when I'm on this shift because I can't see him & I miss him. So Temper Tantrum answers & we discuss the weekend's plans. Then she says The Boy has really missed me this week in a very accusatory tone, I reply by saying I've missed him too;
"But you're an adult, you understand"
"I have to work, you say it like it's my fault"
"Well, someone else in your department doesn't do this shift because he wants to see his kids"
"Making it all the more difficult for me to get out of it"
"He obviously cares more about his kids than you do about yours"
"..(Pause whilst resisting the urge to scream obscenities at her through tightly gritted teeth).. Just put The Boy on the phone"
Honestly people I'm sure my regular readers know already but for the benefit of anyone unfamiliar; I AM A VERY NICE MAN.
I do not deserve this. It makes me want to give up.
I won't though because I'M A VERY NICE MAN.
Once again the Land of Blog brought me salvation from all the crap of today.
When I started this blog I hoped that it would pave the way for my column in a magazine or daily paper (one of my problems is I always aim unrealistically high) but I've found something much better than that. I've found friends, people I care about & who care about me. Who are willing to read through all the mundane things of my life such as work meetings & arguments with my horrendous ex-wife. Just as I love to read of their day to day goings on.
Today one of "my girls" has found love. This girl who I've never seen nor spoken to, who I've never shared a pint with is happy today.
And now so am I.
All the stress of the day has been picked up & flown off into the distance by little winged angels.
I'm off now to find some testosterone from somewhere, I don't want to become a girl!
At 2:39 am,
shorty said…
I send you a big hug, hope it helps. Now, since Christmas is coming (uh, right)why don't you buy BSAL the biggest tube of chapstick you can find and wrap it in a condom and tell him to go fuck himself.
Forget about T.T. it is BOTH parents responsibility to explain to the child what LIFE is all about. That Daddy has to work so he CAN see you. As a woman in the same situation, maybe T.T. just needs a break or to get laid and since you are an easy target for her to lash out on, she may have just done so. Move on.
Yeh, advice from me. That's funny.
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