"All good clean fun, whatever that means!"
Do you ever do things that you know are just plain silly but you go ahead & do it anyway because you want to?
I do.
I've had a very underwhelming few days. I've felt a bit low, no worse than that, just a bit off, y'know? My weekend has been pretty dull, I've thoroughly enjoyed being with The Boy but it's been lacking something.
Before I go into the silly thing, let me tell you something about what it's like to work rotating shifts.
It's shit.
I've been on lates last week, every night doing overtime too, so I've been finishing work at around 2am & getting to sleep about 4am. I try to wake around 11am.
This week I'm on days, meaning I have to get up at 5am to start at 6.
Sunday nights are the worst. I find it incredibly difficult to go to bed at the time I need to & fall asleep. The whole thing just messes up one's body clock.
At around tonight it became clear that this week's transition would be a tricky one.
I was downloading some tunes & watching Channel 4's 100 best albums show. I had to get to the end to see what No.1 was. This already meant going well past acceptable bedtime. So I had an idea. An idea that I tried to talk myself out of but failed. I still had a little bit of wiz knocking about from my birthday.
Notice the use of the past tense.
So, now my silly old brain is buzzing & I'm wide awake. I'm quite happy with this state of affairs to be honest. I'll quite easily get through the night & tomorrow at work, then come tomorrow night I'll be bollocksed, thus guaranteeing getting into the sleep groove for the rest of the week.
Genius! (or dickhead, you decide!)
Anyway justice was done in my eyes with the best albums thingy.
You simply can't knock "Ok computer", can you?
Odd little quirks of fate float my boat. As in last weeks' Buddy With Boobs & "Gravity" thing.
After ingesting the wiz & watching the end of the albums show, I flicked over to see what else was on. I caught the last third of "There's something about Mary" just in time to see the dog on speed bit! Ace!
Oh my god, is there a woman alive (other than Kylie) who is as beautiful as Cameron Diaz?
Then I ran out off fags.
Which is quite simply unacceptable when doing an all nighter. Crapsville closes at 10pm on a Sunday night, so this meant a 20 mile round trip to the services on the M1. It was a nice drive & was soundtracked by the following:
"I predict a riot" / The Kaiser chiefs - Still hooked on it & as such it usually starts my I-pod randomness. I tell thee.
"I'm not scared" / Pet shop boys - A wonderfully melancholy song containing the line that I'm sure we've all related to at some point or other: "If I was you I wouldn't treat me the way you do"
"Songs of love" / The divine comedy - Just plain smashing.
"La la la" / Erasure - Though I used to adore Erasure when I were a young 'un, I find them very difficult to listen to these days. Dated badly unlike the petties. However this old B-side has an almost dark feel to it, saving it from the skip.
(At this point the Manic's "Wattsville blues" didn't escape skippage- got to be in the mood for that awkward bugger!)
Then & here, at long last, is the point...
"Sorted for E's & wiz" / Pulp - Really how likely is that? I have some for the first time in 3 months & within an hour the telly & my pod is noting it!
There was a wonderfully heartwarming moment in the cup semi-final today, not Alan Smith scoring in his own net or anything that heartwarming!
No, during the second half the director cut to a shot of Ant & Dec* with Robbie Williams in the crowd. When they noticed they were on the big screen they reacted in exactly the same way as anyone else does. Pointing & waving like goons. Fantastic!
*For the benefit of overseas readers, Ant & Dec are Britain's favourite light entertainers, they have their own show & present lots of other things. They once had a laughable pop career too & started out as child actors together on a popular kid's tv show.
Everybody loves Ant & Dec & those who don't are just miserable old cudmungeons (or whatever that bloody word is!). There are no good reasons for disliking Ant & Dec. None.
Can you tell I'm wizzing? Hmmm.
Another cheery thing today: "We both know" has crashed into the soundclick "alternative- other" chart at, wait for it...119!
Now that may sound plop but the chart goes up to nearly 900 & it's only been up there for a day. It's like the (don't quote me on this!) 4th or 5th highest new entry!
I'm assuming that I owe my "lofty" position to some of you lovely people clicking on the link in the last post. Cheers!
Just in case anyone missed that (yeah, right. Like anyone misses one of MY posts) here it is again. I'm aiming for the top 50!
Stompp? I can't seem to tell how many peeps have listened. Any tips? Couldn't find out from the FAQ.
So the theory is now that I'm gonna leave this open all night & just type away with whatever nonsense comes into my head. Aren't you all thrilled.
I'm currently listening to "Kings of the wild frontier". Ah, sweet memories.
One of the many names I had to endure as a kid was "Adam Ant freak". He was my first hero.
I used to go round town on a Saturday afternoon with shoe whitener across my nose & teatowels tied to my belt straps. And at the junior disco I was a sight to be seen! No one pulled off the Prince charming like the young Flash!
Daft bugger!
It was probably the first sign of my obsessional personality.
Well, 3 hours in & all the tell tale signs abound. Eyes wide open, teeth gnashing, no appetite & a shrunken nob (it looks like a regular one now! Hehehe).
Oh by the way, Buddy With Boobs & I managed to have a little talk, the upshot of which is that last week's events were a drunken one-off. Which is just fine with me though I do wish more had come of it at the time. Bloody decorators!
Now Reckless & Dream Girl are bright, intelligent people but I always seem to argue over issues with science with them. Tonight I was on the phone to them trying to help Reckless sort out something on his computer. They were also watching the 100 best albums thingy & I noticed that there TV was about a second & a half behind mine. I figured that this was most likely because my signal comes directly to my aerial whereas theirs comes from a satellite meaning it has to go into space & back. A fair deduction, wouldn't you say?
Oh no, it's all to do with the speed of sound according to them. Something to do with my phone being closer to my telly than theirs is. Am I mad (don't answer that!) or is it them?
Blimey, it doesn't half drive me bonkers when the bloody spellchecker tells me I've spelt favourite wrong.
No, I haven't, you bloody have, you retarded computer program!
Well, my head is still buzzing but I'm struggling for things to write about now so I think I'll have an hour or so on the old box of X before I trudge off to work.
PS. I'd thought I'd written loads, bloody wiz!
I do.
I've had a very underwhelming few days. I've felt a bit low, no worse than that, just a bit off, y'know? My weekend has been pretty dull, I've thoroughly enjoyed being with The Boy but it's been lacking something.
Before I go into the silly thing, let me tell you something about what it's like to work rotating shifts.
It's shit.
I've been on lates last week, every night doing overtime too, so I've been finishing work at around 2am & getting to sleep about 4am. I try to wake around 11am.
This week I'm on days, meaning I have to get up at 5am to start at 6.
Sunday nights are the worst. I find it incredibly difficult to go to bed at the time I need to & fall asleep. The whole thing just messes up one's body clock.
At around tonight it became clear that this week's transition would be a tricky one.
I was downloading some tunes & watching Channel 4's 100 best albums show. I had to get to the end to see what No.1 was. This already meant going well past acceptable bedtime. So I had an idea. An idea that I tried to talk myself out of but failed. I still had a little bit of wiz knocking about from my birthday.
Notice the use of the past tense.
So, now my silly old brain is buzzing & I'm wide awake. I'm quite happy with this state of affairs to be honest. I'll quite easily get through the night & tomorrow at work, then come tomorrow night I'll be bollocksed, thus guaranteeing getting into the sleep groove for the rest of the week.
Genius! (or dickhead, you decide!)
Anyway justice was done in my eyes with the best albums thingy.
You simply can't knock "Ok computer", can you?
Odd little quirks of fate float my boat. As in last weeks' Buddy With Boobs & "Gravity" thing.
After ingesting the wiz & watching the end of the albums show, I flicked over to see what else was on. I caught the last third of "There's something about Mary" just in time to see the dog on speed bit! Ace!
Oh my god, is there a woman alive (other than Kylie) who is as beautiful as Cameron Diaz?
Then I ran out off fags.
Which is quite simply unacceptable when doing an all nighter. Crapsville closes at 10pm on a Sunday night, so this meant a 20 mile round trip to the services on the M1. It was a nice drive & was soundtracked by the following:
"I predict a riot" / The Kaiser chiefs - Still hooked on it & as such it usually starts my I-pod randomness. I tell thee.
"I'm not scared" / Pet shop boys - A wonderfully melancholy song containing the line that I'm sure we've all related to at some point or other: "If I was you I wouldn't treat me the way you do"
"Songs of love" / The divine comedy - Just plain smashing.
"La la la" / Erasure - Though I used to adore Erasure when I were a young 'un, I find them very difficult to listen to these days. Dated badly unlike the petties. However this old B-side has an almost dark feel to it, saving it from the skip.
(At this point the Manic's "Wattsville blues" didn't escape skippage- got to be in the mood for that awkward bugger!)
Then & here, at long last, is the point...
"Sorted for E's & wiz" / Pulp - Really how likely is that? I have some for the first time in 3 months & within an hour the telly & my pod is noting it!
There was a wonderfully heartwarming moment in the cup semi-final today, not Alan Smith scoring in his own net or anything that heartwarming!
No, during the second half the director cut to a shot of Ant & Dec* with Robbie Williams in the crowd. When they noticed they were on the big screen they reacted in exactly the same way as anyone else does. Pointing & waving like goons. Fantastic!
*For the benefit of overseas readers, Ant & Dec are Britain's favourite light entertainers, they have their own show & present lots of other things. They once had a laughable pop career too & started out as child actors together on a popular kid's tv show.
Everybody loves Ant & Dec & those who don't are just miserable old cudmungeons (or whatever that bloody word is!). There are no good reasons for disliking Ant & Dec. None.
Can you tell I'm wizzing? Hmmm.
Another cheery thing today: "We both know" has crashed into the soundclick "alternative- other" chart at, wait for it...119!
Now that may sound plop but the chart goes up to nearly 900 & it's only been up there for a day. It's like the (don't quote me on this!) 4th or 5th highest new entry!
I'm assuming that I owe my "lofty" position to some of you lovely people clicking on the link in the last post. Cheers!
Just in case anyone missed that (yeah, right. Like anyone misses one of MY posts) here it is again. I'm aiming for the top 50!
Stompp? I can't seem to tell how many peeps have listened. Any tips? Couldn't find out from the FAQ.
So the theory is now that I'm gonna leave this open all night & just type away with whatever nonsense comes into my head. Aren't you all thrilled.
I'm currently listening to "Kings of the wild frontier". Ah, sweet memories.
One of the many names I had to endure as a kid was "Adam Ant freak". He was my first hero.
I used to go round town on a Saturday afternoon with shoe whitener across my nose & teatowels tied to my belt straps. And at the junior disco I was a sight to be seen! No one pulled off the Prince charming like the young Flash!
Daft bugger!
It was probably the first sign of my obsessional personality.
Well, 3 hours in & all the tell tale signs abound. Eyes wide open, teeth gnashing, no appetite & a shrunken nob (it looks like a regular one now! Hehehe).
Oh by the way, Buddy With Boobs & I managed to have a little talk, the upshot of which is that last week's events were a drunken one-off. Which is just fine with me though I do wish more had come of it at the time. Bloody decorators!
Now Reckless & Dream Girl are bright, intelligent people but I always seem to argue over issues with science with them. Tonight I was on the phone to them trying to help Reckless sort out something on his computer. They were also watching the 100 best albums thingy & I noticed that there TV was about a second & a half behind mine. I figured that this was most likely because my signal comes directly to my aerial whereas theirs comes from a satellite meaning it has to go into space & back. A fair deduction, wouldn't you say?
Oh no, it's all to do with the speed of sound according to them. Something to do with my phone being closer to my telly than theirs is. Am I mad (don't answer that!) or is it them?
Blimey, it doesn't half drive me bonkers when the bloody spellchecker tells me I've spelt favourite wrong.
No, I haven't, you bloody have, you retarded computer program!
Well, my head is still buzzing but I'm struggling for things to write about now so I think I'll have an hour or so on the old box of X before I trudge off to work.
PS. I'd thought I'd written loads, bloody wiz!
At 8:25 am,
LB said…
so for those of us who watched the first couple of hours of the 100 Greatest Albums, and then recorded the rest, you have given away the ending. you might as well have told me that Thelma and Louise drive over the cliff at the end....
"I'm Not Scared" is a great record, the PSB version superior to the slightly breathless Patsy Kensit/Eighth Wonder single, I've always thought. (Although I like the bit where she whispers in French)
and did you see later in the second half where the director briefly cut back to Ant/Dec/Robbie just as they started flicking a load of "v's" at the camera, so they had to cut away pretty sharpish? Great telly.
Alan Shearer? heh heh heh heh heh.
At 8:37 am,
Flash said…
At 12:18 pm,
swisslet said…
there was a best albums thing on? Shit. Missed it. Lord B - bring your video around forthwith so we can watch....
And digital TV does come through a fraction slower than terrestrial - same with digital radio. Don't know why, possibly takes a bit longer to unencode? Summit like that?
Great ramble Flash. Nice work.
At 1:29 pm,
Mike Davis said…
Flash you are not mad on the tv delay thingamibob.
My upstairs tv is about 2 seconds behind my downstairs tv. Regular cable Vs High Def Cable.
I'm not sure but I reckon there must be a way to exploit this? Betting on sporting event, perhaps?
At 9:08 pm,
Erika said…
Ant and Dec! Ant and Dec!
Oh, now I'm all nostalgic-like. I used to watch them on Saturday mornings, in between horrible teen shows that I nonetheless have a softspot for like Sabrina the Teenage Witch. There was also some girl host, who I remember not. Ant and Dec! So many wasted hours on my wee couch in my fetid flat in Leeds...
I'm glad the world likes Ant and Dec. They are what they are.
At 1:24 am,
Charby said…
Ka you're talking about Cat Deeley!
And Harvey from Sabrina the teenage witch was THE only reason for watching!
At 9:29 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Your post inspired me to go home last night and pull out Antics in the Forbidden Zone and reminisce about my early life as an Adam Ant fanatic. Those from the US will appreciate that the first time I saw him was performing "Stand and Deliver" on Solid Gold! And he stole my heart.
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