Beware of the pixies!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

"All the love you bring won't mean a thing unless you sing, sing, sing, sing"

Bloody typical!

This morning at work I sneezed.
I actually sneezed 3 times in succession & on the third one I coughed simultaneously, as I did it I felt something in my throat go. I don't know if this makes sense but it feels like my tonsils stretched a little bit & I can now feel them when I swallow. It's not particularly bad just a little sore.
This however was not gonna stop me from completing my mission to have "White celebration" finished & uploaded tonight.
Except it has.
I cant bloody sing!

The music is all complete though & I'm dead chuffed with it.

The Champions league final was a cracker, wasn't it? I think Gabby Logan summed it up best when she said "superlatives were invented to describe nights like this".
We had a scouser in the lab today carrying out some calibrations, but he was an Evertonian. He was with us about 2 hours & during that time he must have got 5 or 6 texts from his red mates, goading him. That's what footy is all about, a good bit of banter!

Now, Delusions of Grandeur is a reasonably bright lad (to hear him tell it he'd make Einstein look like a div), yet this morning he came out with a corker; the average height of German men is 6 foot 2 inches! Yeah, right! With that magical tool that is the internet he was soon disproved, 5' 8" apparently. Proving him wrong was joy enough but then I discovered that the average height of the whole planet's men is just under 5' 7 and a half "! Hurrah! From this day forth I shall no longer consider myself short, oh no, I am of above average height. Just. Whoo, & indeed, hoo!

Now I don't know about anyone else but as I plod through the business of the day I am forever composing posts or having ideas for posts, in my head of course.
Frustratingly many of these disappear or prove to be inappropriate at the time of posting, sometimes I simply can't be bothered if I know they're gonna take a lot of time.
Some of these over the last couple of days include:
The Blackpool post
The Never Be Old post
The three degrees of masturbation post
& the I miss breasts post.

Maybe I'll get round to some or all off them someday, maybe I won't!


  • At 9:51 pm, Blogger LavaLady said…

    Oh PLEASE, I must know what the three degrees of Masturbation are!

  • At 10:27 pm, Blogger Mike Davis said…

    Woo Hoo is right!
    I'm no longer 'under tall' either!

  • At 10:41 pm, Blogger Charby said…

    Trust me, I think I have a pretty good idea what the 3 degrees are and you don't wanna know.
    I want to hear the "Never be old" post. Let me know what I have to look forward too!

  • At 11:11 pm, Blogger swisslet said…

    I'm 6'5" - shall I get my coat?

  • At 11:12 pm, Blogger swisslet said…

    and fuck... Travis went bland, didn't they?

  • At 12:17 am, Blogger HistoryGeek said…

    Actually, I'm with LavaLady...

  • At 3:14 am, Blogger Hyde said…

    I absolutely HATE vocal problems! You have my sympathy. Sounds like the new song is cool though...


  • At 8:36 am, Blogger LB said…

    i'm keeping the average up as well (height, that is).

    i am also intrigued by the notion of "three degrees of masturbation". Does that involve dragging yourself around the living room to the tune of "When Will I See You Again?"?

  • At 12:05 am, Blogger Erika said…

    5'7" is certainly not short in Britain - it is most definitely average!

    Being 5'9" in my sock feet (and having a penchant for bloody high heels), I towered over the men on your island when I lived there. I also outweighed most of them, sadly, as you really are a petite people.

    But who cares?! As the crass old saying goes, we're all the same height when we're lying down!


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