"Hello I love you, won't you tell me your name"
Well hello there!
It would seem that after my little blog-drought I am now being flooded with bloggy ideas.
Tomorrow will see the first in what may become a regular feature called "You just can't knock..." but first there's today to deal with.
Today, as a one off special, I shall be stealing Swiss Toni's Nosing around the neighbourhood idea. Hopefully the reasons why I'm doing this will become reasonably clear pretty quickly.
So come, take a stroll with me down Blogger's Avenue...
TidyArsedFootyBird is eagerly awaiting her 5000th hit, whilst pondering why she is a doormat. I sadly have no answers as I too spend half my life with people walking all over me. Guess it's the price to pay for being nice.
Realisations are raining down on LusciousLips, she's apparently a girly dork who is a non-analytical good mother longing for another tattoo, amongst other things!
Poor old Jackanory is having a blog crisis. This drought coupled with turningthe "frightening" age of 38 as left him bereft of his usual appetite for regaling us with his most excellent tales & frequent Young Ones references. Go over there & call him BogeyBum, he likes that!!
Quoting Coldplay lyrics & worrying about his "malnourished little thing"*, we find YoungSkywalker in reflective mood. He's also recommending us all a book, but it's NOT a graphic novel, right?! YoungSkywalker has not yet explained why he's changed the name of his blog to a Spandau Ballet lyric from before he was born. I, for one, am intrigued.
*He's talking about his blog you dirty-minded buggers!
CrazyFruitloop has taken one of her legendary Next Blog trips with the usual amusing & bemusing results. Always a hoot, to be sure. As is it's author.
ScrapesTheClouds has buggered off to Toulouse for a week leaving me free to pilfer his best ideas. Mwah ha ha haaaa.
A wedding dilemma needs sorting out over on the pages of MyPensylvanianPrincess. What should she do? (adopts geordie accent) You decide! Go on, give her some input, I know I'd like to! *winks*
TheTunesmeister has been having his udders feeled! What? Sorry, my mistake. He's been down to Huddersfield to check out the uni, which let's be honest he's never gonna get in until he realises that from London to Huddersfield is UP not down! He also had the joys of having a Travelodge double bed all to himself, result! On top of all this, there's a new tune for us all to gobble up, Yay!
Still no doubt quivering from her recent meeting with yours truly, LittleLovelyLady is taking a break. She also jacked in the job & has had enough of being abused by her irate co-workers. Fair play, next time I'm in Calgary I'll kick their asses for her. Then they'll be scared!!
Also off on some travels this week is Isn'tSheLovely? who has ventured into cow country to visit her mother. This has filled her with dread & brought out her "other side" (Bloody Geminis!), still she's hoping that the equinox may herald the return of perky instead of pouty!
I'm sure it will!
If not the impending arrival of AsGreatAsHeIsTall will put things right. He could do with some adventure too to stop him from turning into The Wobbly Jelly Of Self Doubt! Our friend is feeling a bit low at the mo but thankfully his army of pixelated pals are trying to put him right. And quite right too!
KnowsHerTunes & KnowsHisTunes went to sunny Scarborough for the weekend. KnowsHerTunes promptly fell in love with the place, and why not, as a regular visitor to the place in my youth all I can say is, what's not to love?
And why not go over there & play spot the rock star! (her blog not actually Scarborough)
It's not easy, I tell thee!
That fella whose just moved into our street, y'know DissesAbba!, as come over all philosophical. (see what I did there?)
I blog therefore I am, he muses. Having read the whole post, all I can say is that I think we've all questioned our place in the blogosphere from time to time. Yet we all still do it, cos being a blogger rocks!
TheWiseOne is, strangely enough considering this post, wondering about names & their relevance to their owners. I have submitted to this experiment though I have severe doubts that there is a more apt name than Flash for one such as I! Unless it's Aldrian!! It's also worth having a look at the bizarre but striking chandelier that he's showing off. I just hope it's not danegrous, I mean dagner... oh fuck it!
She's on about things I don't understand again!
Who is?
SeperatedAtBirth, that's who!
I think it's something to do with cars.
There's a gory twist in some family history going on over at
SweeterThanChocolateAndTwiceAsNice's place. And it's Green Day lyrics all week as she looks forward to this weekend's live shenanigans. Lucky sod!
The mighty Preston Hellings dished out a 5-1 mauling on Sunday. Their left back BinaryBoy played a blinder I reckon. I know though that he was lucky to come away with his knee in one place after a run in with an "aggy" No.7.
The very lovely DancingQueen has been shopping in Watford (brrr!) & celebrating Dubya's latest approval ratings. She is currently involved in some serious crossing action (fingers, toes & eyes - watch it missy, you might stay like that!) in aid of the fembot & is off again at the weekend, this time to Berlin. How come everyone's going off everywhere while I'm stuck in Crapsville?
Oh my, her ring has been lost & then found again (hurrah) & she's pondering " Why are there so many crazy people in this city? Why haven't I met anyone who's not fucked up in one way or another?". She does go on to say..."and I'm not exempting myself from this indictment".
See, WritesSoMuchItHurtsMyBrainButIWouldn'tHaveItAnyOtherWay lives in New York City.
Then there's ArticulateAngryAndAce, He's being his usual articulate self on the subject of forgiveness, he's a tad angry about having a living room full of boxes (who wouldn't be?) and he's in possession of a rather ace meme type thing!
And that's what's going on down our road, apologies if I've missed anyone out.
And one more thing...
I think I'll leave this nosing around to ST, it takes bloody ages.
I'm off!
It would seem that after my little blog-drought I am now being flooded with bloggy ideas.
Tomorrow will see the first in what may become a regular feature called "You just can't knock..." but first there's today to deal with.
Today, as a one off special, I shall be stealing Swiss Toni's Nosing around the neighbourhood idea. Hopefully the reasons why I'm doing this will become reasonably clear pretty quickly.
So come, take a stroll with me down Blogger's Avenue...
TidyArsedFootyBird is eagerly awaiting her 5000th hit, whilst pondering why she is a doormat. I sadly have no answers as I too spend half my life with people walking all over me. Guess it's the price to pay for being nice.
Realisations are raining down on LusciousLips, she's apparently a girly dork who is a non-analytical good mother longing for another tattoo, amongst other things!
Poor old Jackanory is having a blog crisis. This drought coupled with turningthe "frightening" age of 38 as left him bereft of his usual appetite for regaling us with his most excellent tales & frequent Young Ones references. Go over there & call him BogeyBum, he likes that!!
Quoting Coldplay lyrics & worrying about his "malnourished little thing"*, we find YoungSkywalker in reflective mood. He's also recommending us all a book, but it's NOT a graphic novel, right?! YoungSkywalker has not yet explained why he's changed the name of his blog to a Spandau Ballet lyric from before he was born. I, for one, am intrigued.
*He's talking about his blog you dirty-minded buggers!
CrazyFruitloop has taken one of her legendary Next Blog trips with the usual amusing & bemusing results. Always a hoot, to be sure. As is it's author.
ScrapesTheClouds has buggered off to Toulouse for a week leaving me free to pilfer his best ideas. Mwah ha ha haaaa.
A wedding dilemma needs sorting out over on the pages of MyPensylvanianPrincess. What should she do? (adopts geordie accent) You decide! Go on, give her some input, I know I'd like to! *winks*
TheTunesmeister has been having his udders feeled! What? Sorry, my mistake. He's been down to Huddersfield to check out the uni, which let's be honest he's never gonna get in until he realises that from London to Huddersfield is UP not down! He also had the joys of having a Travelodge double bed all to himself, result! On top of all this, there's a new tune for us all to gobble up, Yay!
Still no doubt quivering from her recent meeting with yours truly, LittleLovelyLady is taking a break. She also jacked in the job & has had enough of being abused by her irate co-workers. Fair play, next time I'm in Calgary I'll kick their asses for her. Then they'll be scared!!
Also off on some travels this week is Isn'tSheLovely? who has ventured into cow country to visit her mother. This has filled her with dread & brought out her "other side" (Bloody Geminis!), still she's hoping that the equinox may herald the return of perky instead of pouty!
I'm sure it will!
If not the impending arrival of AsGreatAsHeIsTall will put things right. He could do with some adventure too to stop him from turning into The Wobbly Jelly Of Self Doubt! Our friend is feeling a bit low at the mo but thankfully his army of pixelated pals are trying to put him right. And quite right too!
KnowsHerTunes & KnowsHisTunes went to sunny Scarborough for the weekend. KnowsHerTunes promptly fell in love with the place, and why not, as a regular visitor to the place in my youth all I can say is, what's not to love?
And why not go over there & play spot the rock star! (her blog not actually Scarborough)
It's not easy, I tell thee!
That fella whose just moved into our street, y'know DissesAbba!, as come over all philosophical. (see what I did there?)
I blog therefore I am, he muses. Having read the whole post, all I can say is that I think we've all questioned our place in the blogosphere from time to time. Yet we all still do it, cos being a blogger rocks!
TheWiseOne is, strangely enough considering this post, wondering about names & their relevance to their owners. I have submitted to this experiment though I have severe doubts that there is a more apt name than Flash for one such as I! Unless it's Aldrian!! It's also worth having a look at the bizarre but striking chandelier that he's showing off. I just hope it's not danegrous, I mean dagner... oh fuck it!
She's on about things I don't understand again!
Who is?
SeperatedAtBirth, that's who!
I think it's something to do with cars.
There's a gory twist in some family history going on over at
SweeterThanChocolateAndTwiceAsNice's place. And it's Green Day lyrics all week as she looks forward to this weekend's live shenanigans. Lucky sod!
The mighty Preston Hellings dished out a 5-1 mauling on Sunday. Their left back BinaryBoy played a blinder I reckon. I know though that he was lucky to come away with his knee in one place after a run in with an "aggy" No.7.
The very lovely DancingQueen has been shopping in Watford (brrr!) & celebrating Dubya's latest approval ratings. She is currently involved in some serious crossing action (fingers, toes & eyes - watch it missy, you might stay like that!) in aid of the fembot & is off again at the weekend, this time to Berlin. How come everyone's going off everywhere while I'm stuck in Crapsville?
Oh my, her ring has been lost & then found again (hurrah) & she's pondering " Why are there so many crazy people in this city? Why haven't I met anyone who's not fucked up in one way or another?". She does go on to say..."and I'm not exempting myself from this indictment".
See, WritesSoMuchItHurtsMyBrainButIWouldn'tHaveItAnyOtherWay lives in New York City.
Then there's ArticulateAngryAndAce, He's being his usual articulate self on the subject of forgiveness, he's a tad angry about having a living room full of boxes (who wouldn't be?) and he's in possession of a rather ace meme type thing!
And that's what's going on down our road, apologies if I've missed anyone out.
And one more thing...
I think I'll leave this nosing around to ST, it takes bloody ages.
I'm off!
At 7:48 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
That's so fun! I'm SweeterThanChocolateAndTwiceAsNice!Yay for me!
At 8:15 pm,
sunshine said…
I have 5 different names in your eyes....very very strange.
This *wink* to me has made me blush. Funny how we can do that too each other, from across the pond.
Perhaps a tale is coming and a new name for Flash will show it's face on my blog.
Still waiting for your response....
At 8:17 pm,
GJC said…
Well if we're separated at birth, you ALSO are a bloody Gemini. :) (Though if we're living tandem lives, then shouldn't my sex life be looking up right about now? Because...not happening.)
And incidentally--"Mr Pot, I have Ms. Kettle on line one...something about...color???" For a man who can bewilder me for days on end with posts regarding the intricacies of football (though it's admittedly more interesting than American football, which...yuck), I would think you'd take the odd NASCAR post in stride.
That was fun! Do it again...
At 10:11 pm,
LB said…
hello LittleLegend.
you bloody berk. what on earth is that all about? you are the nickname king, that is for sure.
"Scrapes The Clouds". heh heh heh
At 11:19 pm,
Charby said…
How cool is Hydes' name?
Mines definately the funkiest though!
At 11:59 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
We all are having name pride now :). So LB calls you LittleLegend...anyone else have nicknames for our man? (Keep it clean, ladies!)
I'm going for ModernDayTaliesin...the more I thought about it after posting on Mystic's blog, the more that just seems to fit.
At 12:15 am,
Flash said…
Ooh Spins I like that idea!
At 1:45 am,
Chapstick said…
I swear, it isnt a graphic novel. Kinda. It is a pretty damn unique book, as far as I'm concerned...
The name of my blog shall forever be a mystery! Mwahahahahahaha!!!
At 10:57 am,
Dzesika said…
DancingQueen! Ha ha! Fantastic!
I kick up my heels to you, Rockette-stylee. *grin*
At 12:31 pm,
Hyde said…
Now I'm laughing outloud. Very entertaining! (But I'll keep this comment brief...)
At 2:36 pm,
Babs said…
The list/links things always seem to take a LOT longer than regular sorts of posts.
I need at least TWO cups of tea to write one.
At 11:57 am,
swisslet said…
nice one. it takes twice as long as an ordinary post, doesn't it? You might want to think on that next time I do one... you now fully appreciate all the love that goes into it.
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