"Here they come the beautiful ones"
Hello, good evening & welcome to the very first...
What is a celebrity exception? Allow some of my dearest friends to explain...
[Scene: inside Central Perk]
Chandler: Does anyone else think David Copperfield is cute?
Monica: No, but he told me, he thinks your a fox.
Chandler: All right, Janice, likes him. In fact she likes him so much she put him on her freebie list.
Joey: Her what?
Chandler: Well, we have a deal, where we each get to pick five celebrities that we can sleep with, and the other one can't get mad.
Ross: Ah, the heart of every healthy relationship. Honesty, respect, and sex with celebrities.
I honoured to hand over to...(Fanfare, drum roll, ear splittingscreamss)... The Duke Of Jokes!
Right the Flashman mailed me earlier in the week and asked for my 5 celebrity exceptions. I discovered that "exception" means person I'd like to shag. Compiling the list actually wasn't easy. The reason being that I never really think about it. Number 1 is set in stone as my Uber-babe, the rest are subject to change at whim and are by no means definitive. So without further ado, here goes:
Number 1 : Halle Berry
For me, without doubt, the fittest woman on the planet.
She's just absolutely gorgeous. Great looking and a body with curves (and what curves) in all the right places and a nice rack to boot.
I first saw her in the Eddie Murphy film; "Boomerang". She was a supporting female to the lead one Robin Givens. She was the one who's supposed to be hot and had the hair, the make-up & the sexy clothes. Then there was Halle Berry's character who was plain in contrast. But her character had a heart of gold and watching the film for the first time I was thinking "now that's the kind of women I could happily live with for the rest of my life" so I kept an eye out for her in future films. She was a hotty wearing not very much in the crappy Flintstones movie but then I saw her in Swordfish and she was sex on legs. And she got her baps out too, BONUS!
But the image I have of her that just sums up how sexy she is, well I guess you know which, is when she walks out of the sea in the Bond movie "Die Another Day".
Number 2 : Jodi Albert
A name non-UK readers of Flash's blog won't have heard of.
She played a character called Debbie Dean in a UK soap called Hollyoaks. This series is aimed mainly at teens to twenty something female viewers but it's essential viewing for any hot blooded male due to the high quotient of top totty featured in it. Sadly she left the soap earlier in the year and it just isn't the same without her. She's another woman who you could gladly live with for the rest of your life. She's great looking and another woman who has curves. She also has one of them voices that make you go weak at the knees when you hear it. Her only downside is she goes out with a member of Westlife so that's a tick in the minus column...
Number 3 : Jo Blythe
Not really a celebrity and another name non-UK, in fact non-Northern England residents, won't have heard of.
She does the weather for ITV Yorkshire's "Calendar" news show. I believe she also moonlights for Granada & Tyne-Tees too. My liking for her is rare as she's a blonde I'm a male in the minority who prefer brunettes. Not much more to say about her as I've only seen her do the weather and have only seen her from the waist up. But she always wears tight blouses that struggle to contain her boobs. Nice!
Number 4 : Alyssia Milano
To be honest I don't know much about her but I see of her I like!
I've only seen her in the TV series "Charmed". The programme is a load of tosh, though quite entertaining sometimes, but the 3 main women characters make watching the show worthwhile. And no I don't watch it regularly but if I'm on the PC, I might have the TV on and if I notice it's on I leave it on to play in the background.
No, honestly!
I've also recently discovered from a friend who also "sometimes watches", yes my friend is male too ;) , that Alyssia has also done a few films where she isn't afraid to get her kit off. So I'll have to look out for them. Looking on t'interweb for a piccy to use for this feature I see my friend is indeed correct!
Number 5 : Jennifer Aniston
Looking ropier these days but she's still a babe.
The early Friends series' did this for me, whilst her character, Rachel, worked in Central Perk when she had infamous "Rachel Hair" and the black tights with the short black skirt and white blouse. Totally killer look. And she also invariably had her nips on show. I was continuously drawn to her marvellous breasts.
I went off her during the later series' in Friends when she was married to Brad Pitt. She lost too much weight was too boney for my liking. But by the last series it seemed she'd put a bit more weight on and I was perving over her once again!
Recently watching old episodes on E4 reminded me how hot she was in the mid-90s and seals her inclusion at number 5 at this moment in time.
Honorary mentions for the ones that got away this time go to:
Kelis - Her milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, I'm there dude!
Kelly Brook - Another beautiful shapely curvy woman.
Keira Knightly - top British Hollywood totty.
Tina O'Brien - sexy little minx on top UK soap "Coronation Street".
Michelle Ryan - ex-EastEnders soap "star". Yet another "full-bodied" chick except with added cock-sucking lips!! Ooer!
Oo-er indeed!
Some fine choices there, me old mate!
Think we may have to fight over one of them!
And further proof, were it needed, that you should sucumb to the dark art of blogging!
In think in the name of balance we'll have a girl doing the honours next week, but which one?
Let's see who get's the magic number!
What is a celebrity exception? Allow some of my dearest friends to explain...
[Scene: inside Central Perk]
Chandler: Does anyone else think David Copperfield is cute?
Monica: No, but he told me, he thinks your a fox.
Chandler: All right, Janice, likes him. In fact she likes him so much she put him on her freebie list.
Joey: Her what?
Chandler: Well, we have a deal, where we each get to pick five celebrities that we can sleep with, and the other one can't get mad.
Ross: Ah, the heart of every healthy relationship. Honesty, respect, and sex with celebrities.
I honoured to hand over to...(Fanfare, drum roll, ear splittingscreamss)... The Duke Of Jokes!
Right the Flashman mailed me earlier in the week and asked for my 5 celebrity exceptions. I discovered that "exception" means person I'd like to shag. Compiling the list actually wasn't easy. The reason being that I never really think about it. Number 1 is set in stone as my Uber-babe, the rest are subject to change at whim and are by no means definitive. So without further ado, here goes:
Number 1 : Halle Berry

For me, without doubt, the fittest woman on the planet.
She's just absolutely gorgeous. Great looking and a body with curves (and what curves) in all the right places and a nice rack to boot.
I first saw her in the Eddie Murphy film; "Boomerang". She was a supporting female to the lead one Robin Givens. She was the one who's supposed to be hot and had the hair, the make-up & the sexy clothes. Then there was Halle Berry's character who was plain in contrast. But her character had a heart of gold and watching the film for the first time I was thinking "now that's the kind of women I could happily live with for the rest of my life" so I kept an eye out for her in future films. She was a hotty wearing not very much in the crappy Flintstones movie but then I saw her in Swordfish and she was sex on legs. And she got her baps out too, BONUS!
But the image I have of her that just sums up how sexy she is, well I guess you know which, is when she walks out of the sea in the Bond movie "Die Another Day".
Number 2 : Jodi Albert

A name non-UK readers of Flash's blog won't have heard of.
She played a character called Debbie Dean in a UK soap called Hollyoaks. This series is aimed mainly at teens to twenty something female viewers but it's essential viewing for any hot blooded male due to the high quotient of top totty featured in it. Sadly she left the soap earlier in the year and it just isn't the same without her. She's another woman who you could gladly live with for the rest of your life. She's great looking and another woman who has curves. She also has one of them voices that make you go weak at the knees when you hear it. Her only downside is she goes out with a member of Westlife so that's a tick in the minus column...
Number 3 : Jo Blythe

Not really a celebrity and another name non-UK, in fact non-Northern England residents, won't have heard of.
She does the weather for ITV Yorkshire's "Calendar" news show. I believe she also moonlights for Granada & Tyne-Tees too. My liking for her is rare as she's a blonde I'm a male in the minority who prefer brunettes. Not much more to say about her as I've only seen her do the weather and have only seen her from the waist up. But she always wears tight blouses that struggle to contain her boobs. Nice!
Number 4 : Alyssia Milano

To be honest I don't know much about her but I see of her I like!
I've only seen her in the TV series "Charmed". The programme is a load of tosh, though quite entertaining sometimes, but the 3 main women characters make watching the show worthwhile. And no I don't watch it regularly but if I'm on the PC, I might have the TV on and if I notice it's on I leave it on to play in the background.
No, honestly!
I've also recently discovered from a friend who also "sometimes watches", yes my friend is male too ;) , that Alyssia has also done a few films where she isn't afraid to get her kit off. So I'll have to look out for them. Looking on t'interweb for a piccy to use for this feature I see my friend is indeed correct!
Number 5 : Jennifer Aniston

Looking ropier these days but she's still a babe.
The early Friends series' did this for me, whilst her character, Rachel, worked in Central Perk when she had infamous "Rachel Hair" and the black tights with the short black skirt and white blouse. Totally killer look. And she also invariably had her nips on show. I was continuously drawn to her marvellous breasts.
I went off her during the later series' in Friends when she was married to Brad Pitt. She lost too much weight was too boney for my liking. But by the last series it seemed she'd put a bit more weight on and I was perving over her once again!
Recently watching old episodes on E4 reminded me how hot she was in the mid-90s and seals her inclusion at number 5 at this moment in time.
Honorary mentions for the ones that got away this time go to:
Kelis - Her milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, I'm there dude!
Kelly Brook - Another beautiful shapely curvy woman.
Keira Knightly - top British Hollywood totty.
Tina O'Brien - sexy little minx on top UK soap "Coronation Street".
Michelle Ryan - ex-EastEnders soap "star". Yet another "full-bodied" chick except with added cock-sucking lips!! Ooer!
Oo-er indeed!
Some fine choices there, me old mate!
Think we may have to fight over one of them!
And further proof, were it needed, that you should sucumb to the dark art of blogging!
In think in the name of balance we'll have a girl doing the honours next week, but which one?
Let's see who get's the magic number!
At 9:22 pm,
sunshine said…
I don't know what we are playing exactly, but if it's my number you pick, I suppose I'm playing
At 10:04 pm,
LB said…
Did DOJ not get the "celebrity" bit of the exceptions game?
Someone who used to be in Hollyoaks and a bird who does the weather on the local news?
At 10:29 pm,
Charby said…
That bird from Hollyoaks is the only one who's not blonde!!
What is it about Jennifer's tits? Always on show! Do you think she had it written into her contract that she had to have her nips on display?
Fanatastic effort though DOJ!
Although Kiera "Boobless" Knightley? Well it takes all sorts I guess!
At 10:31 pm,
Charby said…
P.S Ta for the comment about if bald women are fuckable (Oooh this has doubled my chances of winning!)
At 11:23 pm,
Erika said…
There's something about the word "baps" that just sets my teeth on edge. I'm not sure I could say why if pressed.
You have a definite style preference there, Duke.
And, Flash, you saucy thing, Lord B and I both think I should be next given that you've shamelessly run with my idea! I'm just sayin'.
At 4:21 am,
HistoryGeek said…
You shouldn't pick me, if you are going for an even balance...cause you know I'm going to mix things up.
DOJ - I'd think that Kiera would be a bit thin for your taste...she's just a wee bit that needs a good meal. But Halle Barry! She's not only hot, she's smart, talented and has incredible grace!
At 2:28 pm,
Hyde said…
Let's see if I win!
At 9:33 pm,
Anonymous said…
@ spinsterwitch - you're probably right, but it's the eyes... ;)
At 12:08 am,
HistoryGeek said…
Hey! Who won the next spot?
At 6:16 am,
dalia said…
halle has horrible legs. knobby knees and walks badly. but damn she is the prettiest thing.
At 10:04 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Helloooo! You can't abandon us in the midst of a bidding war for the next guest spot. That's just cruel.
Come out, come out, wherever you are!
(And, of course, the more I comment, the greater the likelihood it will be me!)
At 4:56 am,
Anonymous said…
Hey Flash you would never make a good Spy. I could make you talk in five minutes. I would tie you up and put you in a room with a naked Halle Berry on the bed and if you talked I would untie you. Voila, beans everywhere.
At 8:39 am,
Anonymous said…
Tip-top post. I have paid tribute on my blog.
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