"With friends like these, well who needs politicians?"
So much to say...
The modern world is sometimes a truly wonderful thing, is it not?
Last Friday I was reading my newspaper of choice (The Sun, I'm sorry!) when in their review section I saw a familiar name. "State of the union" by David Ford got a very good review (5 out of 5, fact fans). David Ford? I thought excitedly; It must be him, it must be!
Long time readers may remember a certain Mr.Ford from an acceptance speech on this very blog after winning a Flashy. He used to be the lead singer/main man in the dear departed Easyworld. That acceptance speech was the last I'd heard from him.
Anyway after seeing the review, I looked on t'internet & found his website. I gleefully discovered that the single was released in just 3 days time, with a whole album coming out a week later! HURRAH!
Seconds later I discovered that he was playing live in Northampton the following Sunday (yesterday). Yay, Yay, thrice yay!
On the Monday after work, I went over to I-tunes to download the single when I discovered that the album was there! A week before it's due date! Ace!
A click later I became the proud owner of "I sincerely apologise for all the trouble I've caused".
Last night I went to the gig. I went with Nice, Reckless & of course Dream Girl. It was fab!
It was a very small, intimate show. The tiny stage boasted a tree, a park bench & an old fashioned street lamp. It worked really well & gave out exactly the right kind of ambiance for his chilled out, emotional fayre. I hoped he'd play an Easyworld song or two, but he didn't. He did play his "award winning" cover version of "Young hearts run free" though.
The guy is a god in my eyes but the man & his music will always evoke my strongest feelings for Dream Girl. Towards the end of last night's show he was talking about how it's a strange life, "playing songs to people you don't know or sometimes, like tonight, to people you do know" as he said that he peered out from the stage in the direction of Dream Girl & I. That was a nice moment.
So in just 9 days, I'd gone from knowing jack shit about David's whereabouts or plans to owning the new album & seeing him play it live.
To quote a certain galactic smuggler; "Good, I hate long waits".
Despite having missed everybody dearly, I have quite enjoyed my little blog break. Sometimes (only sometimes) blogging can be a little bit of a chore. I'm now utterly revitalised & plan on sticking around.
In terms of work on Album2, I feel it's been a success. Probable opening track; "A pylon in the rain" is 90% complete musically & I'm very happy with it. I had hoped to get a couple of songs done but I'm not disappointed because I'm so happy with the results of "Pylon". So now with that & "Skin hunger" being close to completion, that's 2 down at least 8 to go!
Do you know what I miss the most about being with Temper Tantrum (other than being with The Boy all the time)?
Well, believe it or not & I know I'm in the minority here but I miss my in-laws.
I always got on really well with her family & last Wednesday I was given yet another reason to like them. As you'll no doubt remember, my last Flashmobile blew up on the way home from seeing Coldplay in July. I have been without wheels since then.
TopBruv & his lovely wife have now (as of Saturday) embarked on a year-long round the world trip. I'm very envious.
They had a little old banger that they wouldn't be needing & offered it to me for a ton. Result.
I had to journey down to Watford to get it & it was nice to share a quick coffee with OhGawd (ex-mother-in-law).
Anyway I got to see them before they went on their trip & I've got a new Flashmobile.
It's a reddish/orange Fiat Uno & it'll do the job short term.
My legs are extremely happy.
My legs aren't the only part of my body that is extremely happy!
Things with Nice are going along very nicely.
Bless her, she should be in the running for girlfriend of the year. She takes me how I am & doesn't get bothered about whether I've washed up or not, She loves to sit & watch football, she digs the tunes, she is great in the bedroom, she shows a genuinely interest & liking for MY music, she does all the skinning up, she likes something a little stronger when the time is right & yesterday she returned from some "event" in Milton Keynes with a photo of Erika Eleniak (Shawni in Baywatch, fact fans) signed to Flash. What more could a guy ask? Nothing, I reckon.
Bloody shame then that I'm not falling in love with her. I honestly don't see that changing either.
It's kind of strange but cool aswell. I seem to have found pretty much what I've been wanting for a while, someone I can enjoy being with but without all that destined-to-end-in-tears-love-bollocks.
I've been a little perplexed as to why I'm not falling head over heels for Nice but I think that it's simply a case of my heart lying elsewhere.
Buddy With Boobs has just told me something funny. Things are grim at hers as the wheels of divorce slowly set into motion. FuckwitHusband is currently sleeping on an air bed. An air bed that Buddy With Boobs poked a small hole into after being told that "all my friends said I should have hit you for leaving me for another man".
He he he..
So, how are you?
The modern world is sometimes a truly wonderful thing, is it not?
Last Friday I was reading my newspaper of choice (The Sun, I'm sorry!) when in their review section I saw a familiar name. "State of the union" by David Ford got a very good review (5 out of 5, fact fans). David Ford? I thought excitedly; It must be him, it must be!
Long time readers may remember a certain Mr.Ford from an acceptance speech on this very blog after winning a Flashy. He used to be the lead singer/main man in the dear departed Easyworld. That acceptance speech was the last I'd heard from him.
Anyway after seeing the review, I looked on t'internet & found his website. I gleefully discovered that the single was released in just 3 days time, with a whole album coming out a week later! HURRAH!
Seconds later I discovered that he was playing live in Northampton the following Sunday (yesterday). Yay, Yay, thrice yay!
On the Monday after work, I went over to I-tunes to download the single when I discovered that the album was there! A week before it's due date! Ace!
A click later I became the proud owner of "I sincerely apologise for all the trouble I've caused".
Last night I went to the gig. I went with Nice, Reckless & of course Dream Girl. It was fab!
It was a very small, intimate show. The tiny stage boasted a tree, a park bench & an old fashioned street lamp. It worked really well & gave out exactly the right kind of ambiance for his chilled out, emotional fayre. I hoped he'd play an Easyworld song or two, but he didn't. He did play his "award winning" cover version of "Young hearts run free" though.
The guy is a god in my eyes but the man & his music will always evoke my strongest feelings for Dream Girl. Towards the end of last night's show he was talking about how it's a strange life, "playing songs to people you don't know or sometimes, like tonight, to people you do know" as he said that he peered out from the stage in the direction of Dream Girl & I. That was a nice moment.
So in just 9 days, I'd gone from knowing jack shit about David's whereabouts or plans to owning the new album & seeing him play it live.
To quote a certain galactic smuggler; "Good, I hate long waits".
Despite having missed everybody dearly, I have quite enjoyed my little blog break. Sometimes (only sometimes) blogging can be a little bit of a chore. I'm now utterly revitalised & plan on sticking around.
In terms of work on Album2, I feel it's been a success. Probable opening track; "A pylon in the rain" is 90% complete musically & I'm very happy with it. I had hoped to get a couple of songs done but I'm not disappointed because I'm so happy with the results of "Pylon". So now with that & "Skin hunger" being close to completion, that's 2 down at least 8 to go!
Do you know what I miss the most about being with Temper Tantrum (other than being with The Boy all the time)?
Well, believe it or not & I know I'm in the minority here but I miss my in-laws.
I always got on really well with her family & last Wednesday I was given yet another reason to like them. As you'll no doubt remember, my last Flashmobile blew up on the way home from seeing Coldplay in July. I have been without wheels since then.
TopBruv & his lovely wife have now (as of Saturday) embarked on a year-long round the world trip. I'm very envious.
They had a little old banger that they wouldn't be needing & offered it to me for a ton. Result.
I had to journey down to Watford to get it & it was nice to share a quick coffee with OhGawd (ex-mother-in-law).
Anyway I got to see them before they went on their trip & I've got a new Flashmobile.
It's a reddish/orange Fiat Uno & it'll do the job short term.
My legs are extremely happy.
My legs aren't the only part of my body that is extremely happy!
Things with Nice are going along very nicely.
Bless her, she should be in the running for girlfriend of the year. She takes me how I am & doesn't get bothered about whether I've washed up or not, She loves to sit & watch football, she digs the tunes, she is great in the bedroom, she shows a genuinely interest & liking for MY music, she does all the skinning up, she likes something a little stronger when the time is right & yesterday she returned from some "event" in Milton Keynes with a photo of Erika Eleniak (Shawni in Baywatch, fact fans) signed to Flash. What more could a guy ask? Nothing, I reckon.
Bloody shame then that I'm not falling in love with her. I honestly don't see that changing either.
It's kind of strange but cool aswell. I seem to have found pretty much what I've been wanting for a while, someone I can enjoy being with but without all that destined-to-end-in-tears-love-bollocks.
I've been a little perplexed as to why I'm not falling head over heels for Nice but I think that it's simply a case of my heart lying elsewhere.
Buddy With Boobs has just told me something funny. Things are grim at hers as the wheels of divorce slowly set into motion. FuckwitHusband is currently sleeping on an air bed. An air bed that Buddy With Boobs poked a small hole into after being told that "all my friends said I should have hit you for leaving me for another man".
He he he..
So, how are you?
At 6:29 pm,
sunshine said…
I'm doing well.
Glad you got to the show...I remember his comment on that entry.
Glad you and NICE are getting along well. I know what you mean though, liking someone, but really questioning if it could ever really be love? Or, maybe, this is love and it doesn't hit you square on, but creeps up on you.
The other place your heart lies, has got to stay that way. You had that moment...you will always have that moment. Keep the spirits high w/ Nice and keep the doors of communication open.
I wish you the best there and am still waiting not so patiently for my email.
At 6:31 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Blogger had me worried for a moment with an evil "down for maintenance" message.
Yay! Flash is back!
It sounds like a good week for you with lot's of little and big surprises. It will be great to hear the new music when you put it all out.
What's going on with me? Life synopsis...Work is chaos, the business is okay, way too many social events last week have left me needing down time, worrying about a friend who was in an accident (but is now thankfully home), squeezed in movie and shopping yesterday as "me" time...that about sums it up.
At 6:45 pm,
Flash said…
Sunshine, I sent you an e-mail this morning!
I swear!
At 7:31 pm,
Charby said…
Guess who's back? Guess who's back,
Flashy's back!
At 8:46 pm,
LavaLady said…
Hey Flash - I need something translated - "Skinning up". For the life of me, everything I've guessed it is can't be right...
At 9:05 pm,
Charby said…
I think its the same as rolling a joint LL. Not being a druggie I don't know all the lingo though.
At 9:46 pm,
Anonymous said…
Oh I knew all about that Ford fella gigging in Northampton and his new single. :P
Found out yesterday didn't I?
Check > http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,2774-1801810,00.html
At 10:06 pm,
swisslet said…
hello mate - nice to have you back.
My ex got on very well with my family, and I was (mildy) weirded out one christmas about 5 years after we broke up when I spotted a card with some very familiar handwriting in it and a new address etc. On reflection, I thought it said a lot about my parents as people that they kept in touch, although I was happier when my dad finally stopped calling C. "Rachel".
I also got on with exs parents, siblings and associated partners and so on. Sadly they were ties that were severed when I broke up with her.
Not wanting to end on a downer.... great news about album 2 mate, great news.
At 10:20 pm,
Dzesika said…
She should have poked holes in his condoms as well as his airbed!
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