"Les yeux sans visage "
This morning at work has been a very quiet time. I’ve just been sat in the office doing some of my paperwork.
I brought my I-pod with me today; I had the Maximo Park album on during my morning ride on the metro, which was great. I love that album.
Then as I typed away at work I decided to give the still instrumental version of one of my own new tracks a whirl. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned it before, it’s called "A pylon in the rain", it’s likely to be the opening track on Album2 & it sounds chuffing brilliant, even if I do say so myself.
I enjoyed it so much that I decided to have a listen to all my other stuff.
Did you hear that?
That was the sound of modesty going out of the window.
I am a very talented man.
I listened to all 13 songs through the headphones & I thoroughly enjoyed them.(I think headphone listenage works best with my music) Even the "lesser" ones made me feel very proud. The sound issues didn’t trouble me at all & my usual self-criticism of my voice was nowhere to be seen. In fact I thought my voice sounded bloody ace on most of the tracks.
Every single song made me realize more & more that I really do love my own music.
And surely that’s the whole point.
Were I to pop my clogs tomorrow, I would be quite pleased that I’d left my little musical legacy for the world & most importantly for The Boy, who I hope hears it all when he’s older & thinks " Cor! Dad was a bit special, those songs are great"
One of the few downsides of my stint in Lyon is that work on Album2 will not happen.
Having said that, I have brought my little keyboard with me & I plan to do some writing whilst I’m here. If I can’t find inspiration from this wonderful place then I might as well give it all up as a bad job.
It’s occurred to me whilst I’ve been typing these words that some of you may not have a clue what I’m on about. Apologies to long time readers but I ought to clarify…
In March I "released" my self composed, self produced debut album under my artistic guise of Gnu Cnu*. It’s called "Confessions of an idiot". It’s available to download by clicking on the link in Flash’s faves called Flash’s utterly ace tunes (modesty obviously made a bolt for the window that day too!). You can also get hold of a CD by e-mailing me with a postal address I can ship it to. I followed that with a stand alone track called "White celebration" which later appeared on special edition copies of "Confessions…"
*There has been some confusion apparently on how to pronounce Gnu Cnu, well it’s easy it’s like the animal; a gnu in a small one man boat; a canoe.
Usually I’d apologise for touting my musical wares & blowing my own trumpet but not today. Today I am confident, nay, cocky!
Cocky I may be but this is not an ego trip nor am I fishing for compliments but I’d like to ask a few things of "my humble little audience".
Please, if you do choose to answer, be as honest & frank as you can be.
Does anybody still listen to "Confessions…"?
Is anybody looking forward to Album2?
Has anyone got any particular songs that they love or hate?
Or perhaps a lyrical snippet that makes you purr with wonderment or cringe with sheer embarrassment?
Are any of you new types going to take the plunge or have you already?
What do people think of the artwork?
Has anyone got any other comments or opinions about my music that they’d care to share?
Or Has anyone got any burning questions about my music?
This really, truthfully isn’t an ego-stroking exercise, I simply find myself in a Gnu Cnu mood & I’m curious as to how listeners think about my stuff now.
I await your opinions with relish.
I brought my I-pod with me today; I had the Maximo Park album on during my morning ride on the metro, which was great. I love that album.
Then as I typed away at work I decided to give the still instrumental version of one of my own new tracks a whirl. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned it before, it’s called "A pylon in the rain", it’s likely to be the opening track on Album2 & it sounds chuffing brilliant, even if I do say so myself.
I enjoyed it so much that I decided to have a listen to all my other stuff.
Did you hear that?
That was the sound of modesty going out of the window.
I am a very talented man.
I listened to all 13 songs through the headphones & I thoroughly enjoyed them.(I think headphone listenage works best with my music) Even the "lesser" ones made me feel very proud. The sound issues didn’t trouble me at all & my usual self-criticism of my voice was nowhere to be seen. In fact I thought my voice sounded bloody ace on most of the tracks.
Every single song made me realize more & more that I really do love my own music.
And surely that’s the whole point.
Were I to pop my clogs tomorrow, I would be quite pleased that I’d left my little musical legacy for the world & most importantly for The Boy, who I hope hears it all when he’s older & thinks " Cor! Dad was a bit special, those songs are great"
One of the few downsides of my stint in Lyon is that work on Album2 will not happen.
Having said that, I have brought my little keyboard with me & I plan to do some writing whilst I’m here. If I can’t find inspiration from this wonderful place then I might as well give it all up as a bad job.
It’s occurred to me whilst I’ve been typing these words that some of you may not have a clue what I’m on about. Apologies to long time readers but I ought to clarify…
In March I "released" my self composed, self produced debut album under my artistic guise of Gnu Cnu*. It’s called "Confessions of an idiot". It’s available to download by clicking on the link in Flash’s faves called Flash’s utterly ace tunes (modesty obviously made a bolt for the window that day too!). You can also get hold of a CD by e-mailing me with a postal address I can ship it to. I followed that with a stand alone track called "White celebration" which later appeared on special edition copies of "Confessions…"
*There has been some confusion apparently on how to pronounce Gnu Cnu, well it’s easy it’s like the animal; a gnu in a small one man boat; a canoe.
Usually I’d apologise for touting my musical wares & blowing my own trumpet but not today. Today I am confident, nay, cocky!
Cocky I may be but this is not an ego trip nor am I fishing for compliments but I’d like to ask a few things of "my humble little audience".
Please, if you do choose to answer, be as honest & frank as you can be.
Does anybody still listen to "Confessions…"?
Is anybody looking forward to Album2?
Has anyone got any particular songs that they love or hate?
Or perhaps a lyrical snippet that makes you purr with wonderment or cringe with sheer embarrassment?
Are any of you new types going to take the plunge or have you already?
What do people think of the artwork?
Has anyone got any other comments or opinions about my music that they’d care to share?
Or Has anyone got any burning questions about my music?
This really, truthfully isn’t an ego-stroking exercise, I simply find myself in a Gnu Cnu mood & I’m curious as to how listeners think about my stuff now.
I await your opinions with relish.
At 8:02 pm,
Anonymous said…
I really wish we could do something musically together. But I am not set up technically to do computer to computer recordings.
Maybe one day.
At 9:52 pm,
Anonymous said…
I'm still waiting to get me Confessions pressie (you know the one I mean Flash)
And yes I'm looking forward to Album2 - Woohoo!!
Glad you're having a good time in SurrenderMonkeyLand ;)
At 11:55 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I still pop in Confessions...I don't think that my faves have changed much.
Like any music I listen to the songs have all grown on me over time.
You have a right to be proud of what you've accomplished. And I'm definitely looking forward to Album2.
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