"Comment te dire adieu"
Bon sour!
Those of you that have read my ramblings for some time will know that life hasn't always been a bed of roses for me over the last two years.
You'll know how I suffered at the hands of depression.
You'll know how (though perhaps not why) I felt the swift & forceful retribution that karma dealt me.
You'll know how low & unattractive I felt as my female company drought dragged on for over a year.
I am a little worried.
Right now I feel like I am living a charmed life.
Everything is just going so very swimmingly.
I can't help but feel that something catastrophic must be round the corner because, right now, I am having far more pleasure than I deserve.
The weekend has been brilliant.
Even if you take out all the sex (of which there was enough to probably earn me porn star status!), just being able to share this wonderful city during this blissfully beautiful festival of lights weekend with somebody Nice has been just plain peachy!
I wish I could tell you more but, alas, time is short.
Thanks for all your wonderful comments, I appreciate & adore every one of you.
I have to go now but know this:
I am as happy as a pig in merde!
Be well & hopefully I'll be able to spend some quality time with you soon.
Au revoir.
Those of you that have read my ramblings for some time will know that life hasn't always been a bed of roses for me over the last two years.
You'll know how I suffered at the hands of depression.
You'll know how (though perhaps not why) I felt the swift & forceful retribution that karma dealt me.
You'll know how low & unattractive I felt as my female company drought dragged on for over a year.
I am a little worried.
Right now I feel like I am living a charmed life.
Everything is just going so very swimmingly.
I can't help but feel that something catastrophic must be round the corner because, right now, I am having far more pleasure than I deserve.
The weekend has been brilliant.
Even if you take out all the sex (of which there was enough to probably earn me porn star status!), just being able to share this wonderful city during this blissfully beautiful festival of lights weekend with somebody Nice has been just plain peachy!
I wish I could tell you more but, alas, time is short.
Thanks for all your wonderful comments, I appreciate & adore every one of you.
I have to go now but know this:
I am as happy as a pig in merde!
Be well & hopefully I'll be able to spend some quality time with you soon.
Au revoir.
At 7:04 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
That sounds so wonderful!
Enjoy your joy...don't spoil it with worry.
You deserve happiness, mon cher.
At 8:34 pm,
Alecya G said…
Flash, everyone deserves happiness. So I guess I should echo Spins, enjoy your happiness. You should remember that there may be something you did karmically right. Maybe you just don't know what it is. Son't wait for the shoe to drop, if you do you might be bitter when you realize it never did.
At 9:53 pm,
LB said…
take every bit of happiness where you can find it, my friend.
be careful what you wish for. Just enjoy it, and don't worry.
At 10:53 pm,
swisslet said…
I can only echo what the others have said here mate: don't risk souring what you have by thinking about what might or might be about to happen to you. In the words of the mighty Wayne from Wayne's World: Live in the Now!
At 10:59 pm,
Charby said…
Just make the most of it so that if the bad times ever come again and hopefully they wont!
You'll be able to remember the good stuff and know that it will get better again and don't worry about the good stuff! Just enjoy it!
At 11:44 pm,
sunshine said…
Awwww. It happened to you too! I'm so very happy for you. You finally see what we always have seen about you (not your porno status) that you simply ROCK. Take care of yourself and enjoy the happy times as they come and deal with the unhappy ones IF they come. Good things DO come to those of us who wait.
At 1:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
I find its best to accept whatever is being thrown at you and deal with it as best we can. That way you don't have to find answers to the good stuff, just concentrate on enjoying it.
It's my estimation that you're a good person that's had a few bad hands. And now you've got a good one, run with it.
At 9:58 pm,
Hyde said…
Now that's the kind of post I love to read on my birthday! Congrats, Flash. :) Enjoy it.
At 10:05 pm,
Anonymous said…
Ahhh, my little flashy friend, every pleasure has its pain, but it is a circle, you will never just experience one or the other.
Let me speak as a Mystic for a moment. Flash your future holds more positiveness, than negative. not only will you survive you will excel my brother, you will excel.
At 12:57 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi mate its D.O.G, I'm glad to see your life turned upside down (this time for the better). Its about time you had a break and it looks like your having a good time. Im happy to see the happy man truly happy (hope you know what I mean) you always will be better at writing then my but I'm having ago!. Take it easy and don't ever think of the 'what ifs ' its all about the now and enjoy it as it comes. hope to see you at the works christmas party but if not Merry Christmas and don't forget to quit smoking for new years, have a good un. p.s can you tell your friends I'm not a bad person and as for feeding me to the rabits that's just mean!! all the best D.O.G p.p.s this counts as my christmas card
At 4:30 pm,
adem said…
I'm really happy for you mate. keep up the good work!
At 3:42 pm,
Erika said…
There are, in fact, THREE things you can count on in life: death, taxes, and change.
Things will change, Flashman, I guarantee it. Things will get worse and better and different, no matter how much you like the current situation. The key (and I have yet to figure this out) is to just accept that and enjoy the now without worrying about its inevitable fluctuations.
I'm mighty glad to hear you sounding so happy, though. You deserve it.
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