"Je suis un rock star"
I’d just got myself comfortable, which wasn’t difficult considering I had 3 seats to myself. The plane had taxied to the start of the runway & I had put my book down. I like to give take off my full attention.
The aircraft starts down the runway & I feel myself being thrown backwards into my chair by the force of the plane’s rapid acceleration. On we go, getting faster & faster as the great metallic bird prepares to leap into the sky.
Then the brakes are slammed on!
For a split second, & it really was just a split second, I was as scared as I had ever been. Real tangible fear. I could feel all my muscles tensing, my eyes widening & my heart rate quickening.
It soon subsided down to mild concern as the plane slowed, my worry now was that we may overshoot the runway & things could get a bit bumpy.
My worry turned out to be unfounded as we headed back to the terminal.
The pilot informed us that there had been a minor problem with the fuel regulation equipment on one of the engines which had led him to abort take off. Then we disembarked & the plane was taken away to be tested.
I got back on the same plane an hour later & finally flew back to Lyon.
I fly again today. I’m going home for the festive season & I’m not coming back till January 3rd. I’m very happy with this state of affairs. It is lovely to come home at the weekends but it’s all very manic & not at all restful. I’m looking forward to chilling out.
I land at Heathrow at 13.50 today & get the train to Northampton. There my first task will be a visit to Toys R us so that I can finally buy my boy some prezzies.
I can’t wait! I love Lyon but I’ve had enough for this year.
The aircraft starts down the runway & I feel myself being thrown backwards into my chair by the force of the plane’s rapid acceleration. On we go, getting faster & faster as the great metallic bird prepares to leap into the sky.
Then the brakes are slammed on!
For a split second, & it really was just a split second, I was as scared as I had ever been. Real tangible fear. I could feel all my muscles tensing, my eyes widening & my heart rate quickening.
It soon subsided down to mild concern as the plane slowed, my worry now was that we may overshoot the runway & things could get a bit bumpy.
My worry turned out to be unfounded as we headed back to the terminal.
The pilot informed us that there had been a minor problem with the fuel regulation equipment on one of the engines which had led him to abort take off. Then we disembarked & the plane was taken away to be tested.
I got back on the same plane an hour later & finally flew back to Lyon.
I fly again today. I’m going home for the festive season & I’m not coming back till January 3rd. I’m very happy with this state of affairs. It is lovely to come home at the weekends but it’s all very manic & not at all restful. I’m looking forward to chilling out.
I land at Heathrow at 13.50 today & get the train to Northampton. There my first task will be a visit to Toys R us so that I can finally buy my boy some prezzies.
I can’t wait! I love Lyon but I’ve had enough for this year.
At 10:23 am,
weenie said…
Hope your visit to Toys R Us isn't too much of a nightmare.
Happy Xmas and all the best for 2006!
At 10:36 am,
Dzesika said…
Have a fantastic holiday, you rock star!
Roll on 2006!
At 12:53 pm,
Teresa Bowman said…
Joyeux Noel, M. le Flash.
And here's to all sorts of Good Clean Fun in the New Year!
At 1:41 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hope you had a good flight and a safe trip home. Have a very Merry Christmas with the Boy and Nice, God knows you deserve it.
At 3:12 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I would say safe travels, but by now your travels should be done. Enjoy your holidays...are those actual days off? That would be a good break for you.
You are a rock star, indeed!
At 4:04 pm,
LB said…
(Christmas, that is, not the Toys R Us trip)
At 4:49 pm,
Anonymous said…
'You got back on the same plane an hour later"
Now that takes balls!
At 6:24 pm,
sunshine said…
I wish you the merriest of holidays and enjoy your friends, family and all other loved ones.
Perhaps 2006 will be our year?
At 7:00 pm,
Alecya G said…
Happy Christmas Flash! I hope you have an excellent time home, and have lots of fun buying presents. It so much fun, isn't it? *sigh*
Be sure to make a stop beneath the mistletoe!
At 10:45 pm,
Anonymous said…
Give us a shout fella if you venture up Yorkshireland ;)
To Flash & all his blog viewers - HAPPY CHRISTMAS FOLKS!
Today's message is brought to you by Stella Artois & the word "twivx"...
At 10:31 am,
Babs said…
Merry Christmas!!
{And if that had happened to a plane I was on I would've, well, I wouldn't have flown. You're a good man, Charlie Brown}
At 2:02 pm,
adem said…
How very rock and roll!! Toys R Us!!!!
I think we take planes for granted and I've luckily only had a few scary moments....
Merry Christmas Dude!!!
At 2:37 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
Come back, Flashy, come back!
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