"Who gives a damn about the profits of Tesco?"*
* I have officially given up on the French lyrics, I feel it was a good effort on my part but I cant be arsed with it any longer!
I've still got a bloody headache even now! 48 hours after ending my dubious consumption of powder & fluids, I still feel a bit grim.
It was a good birthday celebration, though in the grand tradition of Flash's birthdays, hardly anyone turned up. There was Reckless, Dream Girl (they NEVER let me down, god bless 'em), Nice, Lil' Mum & me. It was not the turn out that I'd envisaged. It was particularly disappointing considering I'd spent a shedload of money in Tesco's on Saturday afternoon on copious amounts of assorted alcohol. 70% of which remains in my flat, untouched. Bah!
I fear that it's the coke that has left me with the unshakeable headache, though it may well have been the tequila. I decreed that we should play "I never" with tequila slammers. Oh, how very bloody clever. I found myself having to drink every bloody turn & then when it was my turn I couldn't think of anything I'd never done. "I never" is obviously a game to be played by less adventurous sorts or to be played using Tizer instead of tequila.
On Friday night, Nice looked after The Boy so I could go out with all the lab boys back home. Our chemical supplier took us ten pin bowling. Despite coming last, it was a hoot. It was great just to see the guys again. The Silver Fox, Crisp Fiend, Delusions Of Grandeur (who really didn't seem himself, one suspects all is not well with him) & our relative newcomer who I don't think I've mentioned yet; Another Forest Fool. Another Forest Fool (I know it's a crap name, sorry) is a thoroughly nice fella who has fitted into our team seamlessly & he's coming out to Lyon to replace me when my stint is finished. He'll be here with me during my final week so I can show him the ropes; i.e. All the best pubs.
We had 2 games of bowling, quaffed many a beer & chatted loads. For me, it was great just catching up with the guys. It was also nice in a very selfish kind of way to hear that not all as gone well in the lab since I've been out here. Missed in a professional capacity, who'd have thought it!?
Prezzies! Though I only got 2 they were both great. The Boy got me the Arctic Monkeys album. I have to say on just 1 or 2 listens it sounds very good indeed. Worthy of all the hype? Peut etré.
Nice went very lavish & initially got me a digital camera. Sadly it didn't work very well so it was swapped for a portable DVD player. Result! No longer do I have to sit through endless repeats on BBC prime in my hotel room. It's great. I then, as part of my Tesco's spend-a-thon, decided to buy me some DVDs. I got the second Lost boxset, the Back to the future trilogy & Extras.
As I type I'm about 4 hours into a 15 or 16 hour shift. I'm getting used to the money now. My bank balance has never looked so healthy, I tell thee.
So, eventually the much delayed Flashy awards will take place soon, when I can arrange it with my co-host, the lovely Charby. Those few of you who were at 2004's ceremony will remember the red carpet scenario. This year I thought it might be cool if you'll all send me pictures of yourselves wearing the kind of outfits fitting of a glittering showbiz event of the stature of The Flashy's. It doesn't have to be a photograph it can be a drawing if you'd like to retain some anonyminity. It'll be a week or two yet but get them in as soon as you can. Best outfit wins a special Flashy prize!
I've still got a bloody headache even now! 48 hours after ending my dubious consumption of powder & fluids, I still feel a bit grim.
It was a good birthday celebration, though in the grand tradition of Flash's birthdays, hardly anyone turned up. There was Reckless, Dream Girl (they NEVER let me down, god bless 'em), Nice, Lil' Mum & me. It was not the turn out that I'd envisaged. It was particularly disappointing considering I'd spent a shedload of money in Tesco's on Saturday afternoon on copious amounts of assorted alcohol. 70% of which remains in my flat, untouched. Bah!
I fear that it's the coke that has left me with the unshakeable headache, though it may well have been the tequila. I decreed that we should play "I never" with tequila slammers. Oh, how very bloody clever. I found myself having to drink every bloody turn & then when it was my turn I couldn't think of anything I'd never done. "I never" is obviously a game to be played by less adventurous sorts or to be played using Tizer instead of tequila.
On Friday night, Nice looked after The Boy so I could go out with all the lab boys back home. Our chemical supplier took us ten pin bowling. Despite coming last, it was a hoot. It was great just to see the guys again. The Silver Fox, Crisp Fiend, Delusions Of Grandeur (who really didn't seem himself, one suspects all is not well with him) & our relative newcomer who I don't think I've mentioned yet; Another Forest Fool. Another Forest Fool (I know it's a crap name, sorry) is a thoroughly nice fella who has fitted into our team seamlessly & he's coming out to Lyon to replace me when my stint is finished. He'll be here with me during my final week so I can show him the ropes; i.e. All the best pubs.
We had 2 games of bowling, quaffed many a beer & chatted loads. For me, it was great just catching up with the guys. It was also nice in a very selfish kind of way to hear that not all as gone well in the lab since I've been out here. Missed in a professional capacity, who'd have thought it!?
Prezzies! Though I only got 2 they were both great. The Boy got me the Arctic Monkeys album. I have to say on just 1 or 2 listens it sounds very good indeed. Worthy of all the hype? Peut etré.
Nice went very lavish & initially got me a digital camera. Sadly it didn't work very well so it was swapped for a portable DVD player. Result! No longer do I have to sit through endless repeats on BBC prime in my hotel room. It's great. I then, as part of my Tesco's spend-a-thon, decided to buy me some DVDs. I got the second Lost boxset, the Back to the future trilogy & Extras.
As I type I'm about 4 hours into a 15 or 16 hour shift. I'm getting used to the money now. My bank balance has never looked so healthy, I tell thee.
So, eventually the much delayed Flashy awards will take place soon, when I can arrange it with my co-host, the lovely Charby. Those few of you who were at 2004's ceremony will remember the red carpet scenario. This year I thought it might be cool if you'll all send me pictures of yourselves wearing the kind of outfits fitting of a glittering showbiz event of the stature of The Flashy's. It doesn't have to be a photograph it can be a drawing if you'd like to retain some anonyminity. It'll be a week or two yet but get them in as soon as you can. Best outfit wins a special Flashy prize!
At 12:44 pm,
Charby said…
Ooh a competition to show off my (non-existant) MSN paint skills!
At 4:01 pm,
LavaLady said…
A belated Happy Birthday, Flash!
Your celebrations were much better attended than mine, so don't feel bad.
Welcome to 35!
At 4:22 pm,
Anonymous said…
You left Nice w/ the boy? That's progress. I guess she's a keeper for a little longer than you expected.
Happy Happy
At 5:09 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I have just the dress! Woohoo!
At 6:24 pm,
Erika said…
Happy Birthday, Flash, but... coke?... really?... I'm not sure how I feel about that.
No, I'm pretty sure.
Why on earth would you do that to yourself?
At 8:03 pm,
Hyde said…
It sounds like you guys had fun! Coke and tequila are quite a combo. As for the Flashy Awards, I have NO idea what to wear! I'll have to go scour my closet. Or perhaps splurge for something new!
At 9:34 pm,
Mark said…
oooh, whilst I remeber, there's always 29th June, if you're still in France?
At 12:06 am,
Charby said…
I sent one to your gnucru one flashy cos its the only email i have for you!
Let me know if oyu get it!
At 1:36 pm,
Anonymous said…
Just dropped by to see how a fellow Lesbian is doing.
At 11:35 pm,
adem said…
Happy 35!!!
I've emailed what I'll be wearing to the awards ceremony to your gnucnuflash email.
I can't wait!!
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