"He buzzes like a fridge"
So in response to a comment from the lovely Ka, I feel the need to clarify my position on drugs.
I like drugs.
There, I've said it. Actually, I make no bones about it & I never have. I have limits & I've always been very rigid in staying within those limits.
As I'm sure you all know, I'm rather partial to a spliff now & again. I don't consider myself to be a stoner, though I feel I maybe did cross the line a couple of years back which prompted one of my own personal 10 commandments to live by.
I like the way it makes me feel. What sucked me in, in the first place, was how it made me laugh uncontrollably. I love laughing, it's great, on a par with sex & wonderful live music as one of life's simple but fantastic pleasures. I also like how relaxed it makes me feel. I very much enjoy doing it in company. I've had many a smashing time with friends & loved ones where we've all been a bit (or a lot) stoned.
Then there's Wiz or Speed or whatever you people call it. Obviously I like the effects of wiz too but more often than not it's used as an aid for staying awake rather than for it's effects alone. I do like the effects though, the sensation of buzzing, the feeling of hyperactivity, etc.
Then there is my own personal favourite; E. I bloody love Ecstasy, it makes me feel wonderful. There's the buzz of wiz but with a wonderful feeling of well being & a massive amplification of feelings of love to all around. I'm sure I've made my feelings about E pretty clear in the past. Obviously there are some negatives you have to weigh in to the equation. I have been known, once or twice, to have complete memory blackouts whilst under the influence of E. One time, several years ago, myself & my posse went to a gig at the Planet in Coventry to see the the Wannadies. Now I remember the journey to Cov, I remember dancing about before the band, I remember Vodka slush puppies ( Yum!), I even remember accidently seeing my ex-wife's very attractive friend naked through a crack in her bathroom door when we'd gotten back to her place but I have absolutely no recollection of The Wannadies whatsoever. I'm told that they came on & played a good little set but I never bloody saw them. Their appearance that night was not recorded in my brain. It was most odd.
This has reminded of another E-related memory loss story. Twas the first night of my first ever London Baby! weekend. It's A London Thing & I had several beers inside us & I'd been introduced for the first time to KindaPoshLoadsaDosh. He had word that I had some pills, so we decided to have them that night & he'd get some more the next day, which he never did. Anyhow, much later we retired to his gaff. This was a top floor apartment in the centre of London which he shared with his very hot cousin. We landed there in the early hours & I was shown my bed for the night. The next thing I know, I'm in the hallway outside the apartment wearing just my boxers. I was quite alarmed by this & I also desperately needed a pee, which I assume was the reason I had ended up where I was. One E addled drunk in an unfamiliar flat in the dark trying to find the loo! I had obviously got through the wrong door. I suppressed my need for a pee after discovering that there was nowhere to go. I had gone up & down the lift several times but the whole place was too plush, the lift was carpeted so I knew it was not the done thing to pee there. The other problem I had was how to get back in. My inate politeness was forbidding me from banging on the door of the apartment in the early hours because these people were essentially strangers. So I sat outside the door in my underwear clad state & waited. I drifted in & out of sleep until finally several hours later I heard noises from within. I timidly knocked on the door & was greeted my the vision of the hot cousin wrapped in just a towel. I explained what I thought had happened & she welcomed me in amid scenes of much mirth. While they laughed, I peed.
Obviously with E there is a potential danger of popping one's clogs. However, I liken it to playing Russian roulette with one bullet & a couple of million chambers. They are odds that I'm happy to gamble with.
I have occasionally had acid / LSD. I do like it but it's unpredictable & I'm not mad keen on the amount of time the effects stay with you.
So to Cocaine. It may surprise you that I have only done coke about 6 or 7 times. I like it, it makes me buzz & it gives me a feeling of extreme confidence. This, in an ego-maniac like me, is not always a good thing! To be honest though, I've often felt a little disappointed by Coke. For the amount of money it costs I always expect it to be much better than it is. This last occasion I think the vast amounts of Tequila I consumed nullified the effects of the coke anyway. That's not to say I've never had a good time with it, the reason why I got some in for my birthday was because of the blissfully wonderful New Year's eve I had on it ( & because I couldn't get any E).
Ther is one other appeal to Coke that shows me up to be a very shallow individual. It holds a kind of bizarre romanticism. The rolled up 20 pound note & the pureness of the white powder against the mirror. This is what rock stars do.
I know that is stupid & wrong on many levels but if I can't be honest here there's little point in having this blog.
The major risks with Coke are only really associated with regular use & like I say; I use it very, very sparingly.
So, in answer to Ka's question; because I like it, simple as that.
I also feel the need to point out that I have never touched Crack or Heroin. The former holds zero interest to me & the latter simply scares the bejesus out of me. I have often said though that were I ever to be given 6 months to live on medical grounds that I would have a go then. Nothing to lose.
I'm flying home later this morning, I have to go back again because Funny Dance & his brood are in town this weekend. The reason for this is the christening of The Early Birds, who incidentally had their first birthday on Wednesday. Reckless & Dream Girl are godparents which is cool. I bagged LeedsBoy for my godchild some 13 years ago.
Tonight Funny Dance is gonna pop round for a drink, a smoke, a chat & a play on the X-box. That is gonna be ace! We haven't just hung out for a very long time.
The christening has thrown up a very odd thing. One of the other guests is a very prominent figure from my dim & distant past. For the first time in nearly 14 years I shall be face to face with Monochrome Baby; My girlfriend of 4 years from 88 to 92 & the reason I left Wakefield & moved to Crapsville. It will be very strange to see her again, though I am kind of looking forward to it. I'll let you know how it went.
Keep the piccy's coming in for the Flashys folks, I've had a handful so far & by crikey you all look fine!
Oh, one more thing, I am 36 years old. My post title was not intended to deceive but it seems it had that effect. I'm sorry.
Right, I've got a meeting to attend & then a plane to catch.
Au revoir mes amis!
I like drugs.
There, I've said it. Actually, I make no bones about it & I never have. I have limits & I've always been very rigid in staying within those limits.
As I'm sure you all know, I'm rather partial to a spliff now & again. I don't consider myself to be a stoner, though I feel I maybe did cross the line a couple of years back which prompted one of my own personal 10 commandments to live by.
I like the way it makes me feel. What sucked me in, in the first place, was how it made me laugh uncontrollably. I love laughing, it's great, on a par with sex & wonderful live music as one of life's simple but fantastic pleasures. I also like how relaxed it makes me feel. I very much enjoy doing it in company. I've had many a smashing time with friends & loved ones where we've all been a bit (or a lot) stoned.
Then there's Wiz or Speed or whatever you people call it. Obviously I like the effects of wiz too but more often than not it's used as an aid for staying awake rather than for it's effects alone. I do like the effects though, the sensation of buzzing, the feeling of hyperactivity, etc.
Then there is my own personal favourite; E. I bloody love Ecstasy, it makes me feel wonderful. There's the buzz of wiz but with a wonderful feeling of well being & a massive amplification of feelings of love to all around. I'm sure I've made my feelings about E pretty clear in the past. Obviously there are some negatives you have to weigh in to the equation. I have been known, once or twice, to have complete memory blackouts whilst under the influence of E. One time, several years ago, myself & my posse went to a gig at the Planet in Coventry to see the the Wannadies. Now I remember the journey to Cov, I remember dancing about before the band, I remember Vodka slush puppies ( Yum!), I even remember accidently seeing my ex-wife's very attractive friend naked through a crack in her bathroom door when we'd gotten back to her place but I have absolutely no recollection of The Wannadies whatsoever. I'm told that they came on & played a good little set but I never bloody saw them. Their appearance that night was not recorded in my brain. It was most odd.
This has reminded of another E-related memory loss story. Twas the first night of my first ever London Baby! weekend. It's A London Thing & I had several beers inside us & I'd been introduced for the first time to KindaPoshLoadsaDosh. He had word that I had some pills, so we decided to have them that night & he'd get some more the next day, which he never did. Anyhow, much later we retired to his gaff. This was a top floor apartment in the centre of London which he shared with his very hot cousin. We landed there in the early hours & I was shown my bed for the night. The next thing I know, I'm in the hallway outside the apartment wearing just my boxers. I was quite alarmed by this & I also desperately needed a pee, which I assume was the reason I had ended up where I was. One E addled drunk in an unfamiliar flat in the dark trying to find the loo! I had obviously got through the wrong door. I suppressed my need for a pee after discovering that there was nowhere to go. I had gone up & down the lift several times but the whole place was too plush, the lift was carpeted so I knew it was not the done thing to pee there. The other problem I had was how to get back in. My inate politeness was forbidding me from banging on the door of the apartment in the early hours because these people were essentially strangers. So I sat outside the door in my underwear clad state & waited. I drifted in & out of sleep until finally several hours later I heard noises from within. I timidly knocked on the door & was greeted my the vision of the hot cousin wrapped in just a towel. I explained what I thought had happened & she welcomed me in amid scenes of much mirth. While they laughed, I peed.
Obviously with E there is a potential danger of popping one's clogs. However, I liken it to playing Russian roulette with one bullet & a couple of million chambers. They are odds that I'm happy to gamble with.
I have occasionally had acid / LSD. I do like it but it's unpredictable & I'm not mad keen on the amount of time the effects stay with you.
So to Cocaine. It may surprise you that I have only done coke about 6 or 7 times. I like it, it makes me buzz & it gives me a feeling of extreme confidence. This, in an ego-maniac like me, is not always a good thing! To be honest though, I've often felt a little disappointed by Coke. For the amount of money it costs I always expect it to be much better than it is. This last occasion I think the vast amounts of Tequila I consumed nullified the effects of the coke anyway. That's not to say I've never had a good time with it, the reason why I got some in for my birthday was because of the blissfully wonderful New Year's eve I had on it ( & because I couldn't get any E).
Ther is one other appeal to Coke that shows me up to be a very shallow individual. It holds a kind of bizarre romanticism. The rolled up 20 pound note & the pureness of the white powder against the mirror. This is what rock stars do.
I know that is stupid & wrong on many levels but if I can't be honest here there's little point in having this blog.
The major risks with Coke are only really associated with regular use & like I say; I use it very, very sparingly.
So, in answer to Ka's question; because I like it, simple as that.
I also feel the need to point out that I have never touched Crack or Heroin. The former holds zero interest to me & the latter simply scares the bejesus out of me. I have often said though that were I ever to be given 6 months to live on medical grounds that I would have a go then. Nothing to lose.
I'm flying home later this morning, I have to go back again because Funny Dance & his brood are in town this weekend. The reason for this is the christening of The Early Birds, who incidentally had their first birthday on Wednesday. Reckless & Dream Girl are godparents which is cool. I bagged LeedsBoy for my godchild some 13 years ago.
Tonight Funny Dance is gonna pop round for a drink, a smoke, a chat & a play on the X-box. That is gonna be ace! We haven't just hung out for a very long time.
The christening has thrown up a very odd thing. One of the other guests is a very prominent figure from my dim & distant past. For the first time in nearly 14 years I shall be face to face with Monochrome Baby; My girlfriend of 4 years from 88 to 92 & the reason I left Wakefield & moved to Crapsville. It will be very strange to see her again, though I am kind of looking forward to it. I'll let you know how it went.
Keep the piccy's coming in for the Flashys folks, I've had a handful so far & by crikey you all look fine!
Oh, one more thing, I am 36 years old. My post title was not intended to deceive but it seems it had that effect. I'm sorry.
Right, I've got a meeting to attend & then a plane to catch.
Au revoir mes amis!
At 6:06 pm,
shorty said…
I absolutely LOVED this post.
It was in true Flash style. Honest, to the point, heartfelt.
I have a crush....just kidding : )
Enjoy the weekend home, only a few more and you'll be home for good.
At 7:49 pm,
LB said…
PC Bargain here, would you kindly accompany me to the station, please, young man.
Heh heh heh.
The big problem with coke is the following day, peering through your own eyes at everyone in the world looking at you thinking "He Did Coke Yesterday". Paranoia is *not* the word....
At 7:51 pm,
Alecya G said…
shorty...take a number...;)
I agree with you though. And I love how you make no bones about your recreation Flash. Good for you.
I haven't indulged in over 4 years, but I still remember the feeling I got when I used to do it, and sometimes I find myself missing that insane self-confidence you described.
I've always been afraid of needles, so its sniffing or pills for me or nothing else.
Bravo Flash, for being completely yourself and unashamed.
At 8:21 pm,
Hyde said…
Mmm... You're making me miss E. It's been a while. I'm feeling sick of the coke though. I find it's only really good these days after a lot of alcohol and only with a lot of chatter/conversation. We'll have to party together one day, though...
At 10:47 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I'm a bit paranoid about drugs...although I've smoked a bit of pot now and then. I think this is the result of a sister who was a bit out of control when I was younger (and therefore kind of scary).
I'm going to send you that picture on Monday....
At 2:54 pm,
Anonymous said…
I don't consider Cannabis to be an ordinary drug. It is one of those natural non synthetic drugs that have undiscovered medical uses.
I think that the problem with mind altering substances, this includes Alcohol. Is that when these substances are abused they have great ramifications.
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