"Nurse me into sickness, nurse me back to health"
I am still ill (to paraphrase the great Moz).
I reckon I have a chest infection. I am coughing lots, sometimes when I cough particularly hard it gives me an intense headache. This makes me double up.
I feel weak & I have little appetite (which could be quite a good thing). I have not had a cigarette yet today. Fags only exacerbate the problem.
Thing is though, I am an addict. My body physically craves & demands nicotine even though it's going to affect my healing process. I have not been so strong over previous days & I fear my resistance will fade in the end & I shall be forced to suckle upon the teat of the stinking black temptress as she beckons me towards her comfortable bosom.
As I am ill I have done a lot of lying on the sofa with a duvet & a movie. I have just finished watching 28 Days Later. Now some of those people are ill. I actually thought it was quite a good film. It was cleverly made & it held my attention. It was also quite thought provoking.
For those who don't know, the basic premise of the story is thus: Guy wakes up in hospital after 28 days to find the whole country all but deserted. Those left are infected with a deadly plague which renders them zombie like. Guy tries to survive, meets other survivors, etc.
I'll leave it there. It did make a favourable impression on me though, another tick for the British Film Industry.
So to Blogland. I ask this; Are we infected? Is our little corner of the blogosphere suffering with some indeterminable ailment? I've been musing to myself on this since my return from France when I was able to totally re-immerse myself back into Blogland.
I feel that something isn't right. I haven't got a clue what it is but everything seems slower, there's less vitality. Everywhere I go comment sections are more sparsely populated than they used to be, updates seem less frequent &, oh I don't know, something just doesn't feel right.
I am not alone with these feelings, before posting this I have checked privately with a couple of fellow bloggers who also feel the same.
Don't get me wrong I'm not sounding the death knoll on anything, perhaps it's just the complete randomness of life manifesting itself in this odd manner.
Or perhaps I'm just being a spaz.
Or am I simply one of the infected?
I reckon I have a chest infection. I am coughing lots, sometimes when I cough particularly hard it gives me an intense headache. This makes me double up.
I feel weak & I have little appetite (which could be quite a good thing). I have not had a cigarette yet today. Fags only exacerbate the problem.
Thing is though, I am an addict. My body physically craves & demands nicotine even though it's going to affect my healing process. I have not been so strong over previous days & I fear my resistance will fade in the end & I shall be forced to suckle upon the teat of the stinking black temptress as she beckons me towards her comfortable bosom.
As I am ill I have done a lot of lying on the sofa with a duvet & a movie. I have just finished watching 28 Days Later. Now some of those people are ill. I actually thought it was quite a good film. It was cleverly made & it held my attention. It was also quite thought provoking.
For those who don't know, the basic premise of the story is thus: Guy wakes up in hospital after 28 days to find the whole country all but deserted. Those left are infected with a deadly plague which renders them zombie like. Guy tries to survive, meets other survivors, etc.
I'll leave it there. It did make a favourable impression on me though, another tick for the British Film Industry.
So to Blogland. I ask this; Are we infected? Is our little corner of the blogosphere suffering with some indeterminable ailment? I've been musing to myself on this since my return from France when I was able to totally re-immerse myself back into Blogland.
I feel that something isn't right. I haven't got a clue what it is but everything seems slower, there's less vitality. Everywhere I go comment sections are more sparsely populated than they used to be, updates seem less frequent &, oh I don't know, something just doesn't feel right.
I am not alone with these feelings, before posting this I have checked privately with a couple of fellow bloggers who also feel the same.
Don't get me wrong I'm not sounding the death knoll on anything, perhaps it's just the complete randomness of life manifesting itself in this odd manner.
Or perhaps I'm just being a spaz.
Or am I simply one of the infected?
At 3:27 pm,
shorty said…
I hope you get well soon, I was sick for over two weeks, I don't know if you have what I had, but it does eventually go away, you need to stick it out.
I am one of those lazy bloggers you spoke of. It's not that I'm not around, I am, in full force, it's just that I'm in a funk for writing. I have a lot to say, more than I ever had, but I feel a sense to hang onto my privacy for now. Lately, I log onto blogger and start a entry, then I sit there with it half completed and think why am I doing this...why am I bringing these people down with my silly daily non worthy writings. I know it's not really for those readers but for myself. However, don't fear, an update is near : )
Send me an email or something, please.
At 4:52 pm,
adem said…
I have nothing of interest to say. I use my blog for sharing my experiences and when I have something important to say.
I have stopped posting daily now and I don't think that helps. I don't know how to change this. Maybe I should post more regularly althoug ha lot of it will be crap.
At 5:02 pm,
HistoryGeek said…
I order you to get better. The less smoking the better...that should help - better yet if you just use the being sick as a way to get through the withdrawls (that's how I did it. I figured if I had to feel like crap, then there should be a purpose.) Have you been to see the doctor? Because you may have bronchitis and need some medication. Whatever is happening you have approximately 13 days to be well!
Okay, tirade over.
At 7:27 pm,
swisslet said…
right, well first thing to say is hope you feel better soon (moaning about a cough and still smoking? tsk)
next thing to say is that some of us are still plodding along with regular updates on our tedious lives! I've also just found paul daniels' weblog (and it really, really is him too).... so the blogorama is still out there in all its epic diversity if you are but prepared to go and look for it!
At 7:39 pm,
Mark said…
i don't know about anyone else, but I know work has been utter cunt.
At 9:58 pm,
Charby said…
I feel so lazy with everything too.
Nothing of excitement has been happening in my life and I'm all caught up in a unmotivated funk.
At 4:02 am,
P'tit-Loup said…
Maybe folks are just busy. While I do read lots of blogs, I don't always comment. That does not make the reading less enjoyable or inspiring. Sorry you are sick, but I did enjoy your lyrical allusion to cigarettes. I must say that is still one of my most difficult achievements, quitting that damned temptress!
At 8:36 am,
LB said…
I can honestly say that since I have given up the "must read everyones blog and write something daily" routine, and gone to a "post something when you have something to say", I feel like there has been a weight lifted off my shoulders.
The whole blog thing not being the "be all and end all", and doing other things with my time has been *great*.
At 1:48 pm,
Dzesika said…
No, I think you're right about the blogging ...
It goes through phases. And I'm guilty of going through a slack phase at the moment, as Real Life keeps getting in the way. Have debated giving the thing up altogether - still debating, we'll see what happens. It's just that there are definitely stages in which I'm too busy actually living a life to document it ...
At 3:41 pm,
Hyde said…
"suckle upon the teat of the stinking black temptress"-- I love it!
I'm sorry you're feeling sick. I seem to have a never ending cold myself.
As for the health of the blogging community, my life may be atrociously repetetive, but I still post nearly every day! I have noticed though, that comments peaked in November and have thinned out quite a bit ever since...
Feel better soon!!!
At 4:38 pm,
Anonymous said…
As an ex-smoker I can relate to wanting a cigarette even when you're coughing up a lung from being sick. But cutting back would probably help you get better faster.
I'm jealous of your trip to France!
At 10:18 pm,
weenie said…
Sorry to hear you're unwell - hope you get better soon.
At 1:54 am,
Alecya G said…
Get better Flash. It has been quiet, but I think its been busy for everyone. It has for me, at least....
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