"I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing"
Ok Cheryl, well remembered!
Twas the Christmas party of 2002 & I was bang in form. There are 2 central characters in this tale who've never previously got a mention: Mr.Dull & Minx.
Mr.Dull was a former colleague of mine. He used to work in the lab with me & as the name suggests he made ditchwater look positvely riveting. He was also my travelling companion when work sent me to the States in 2000 but that's a story for another day.
Mr.Dull & I never really saw eye to eye. We never argued or fought, we just tolerated each other. We were polar opposites, he was the anti-flash!
Minx was his girlfriend at the time & our Health & safety manager. She was about my age & very attractive though she possesed the most annoying, whiny voice you could ever hear. In the months leading up to christmas we had worked together quite alot & I had become her right hand man. We had also forged quite a good friendship based on some serious flirting & me becoming something of a confidente to her. It became clear that Mr.Dull was just as boring in the bedroom has he was in the laboratory.
So at the party, I was in fine fettle. If memory serves me correctly I had a pill just before it kicked off. This only served to allow me to drink lots & lots without falling down or being sick & it heightened my desires. At one point in the evening I walked in the ladies for a nose (not typical behaviour, I assure you) & found Buddy With Boobs & Minx engaged in some sort of giggle fest. "Ooh, we were just talking about you" gushed Minx as she spotted me. "I better let you carry on then" I said with a wink. I walked out feeling great.
As the night went on it appeared that Mr.Dull was seriously sulking with Minx. She told him to stop being so silly & carried on regardless. I remember us dancing, dancing closely whilst gently touching each other. I remember the dancing getting a bit dirty & I cooled it off when I noticed Mr.Dull glowering at us.
A little later most of the party goers moved up to the club (Crapsville's No.2 Nightclub & site of my recent New year's eve disaster), not long afterwards Buddy With Boobs started feeling a bit ropey, so I said I'd walk her home. Before I left though I collared Minx. I had to move in really close to her because of the noise in there. I put my hand on the small of her back & whispered in her ear "Would it ruin our professional relationship if I told you how much I really want to fuck you tonight?". She laughed and hugged me. As she did she also kissed me on the neck, which sent me near delerious. Not being one to forget my responsibilities to my friends, I then then escorted Buddy With Boobs home. She only lived 10 minutes from town & I lived only 2 minutes from her. So after I said my goodbyes to her I headed home. I must have got about 10 paces when I turned on my heels & went straight back to the club. I got in there to see Minx's face light up as she spied me. Some more dancing ensued, more touching & lots more of that "Oh my god, I want you so much" eye contact. Eventually it was time to go home. Mr.Dull & Minx were heading in my direction so we all walked together. It was on this walk where the stunt was pulled. After a while Minx complained about her shoes killing her & somehow convinced a puffer-jacket clad Mr.Dull to give her a piggy back. This coincided with us walking through a narrow alleyway where I found myself behind them. I started stroking her bum, then I lifted her little skirt up & for the following 2 minutes or so I managed to caress her rudest bits as we walked. A short while later we stopped at the point where our paths split. Minx claimed she really wanted a kebab & told Mr.Dull to go back up town to get one for her. It was never spoken but I know that this was a plan to get rid of him just long enough for us to have a shag in the bushes. He wouldn't & we didn't. Instead we said our goodbyes & that was that. Despite being very frustrated I was extremely happy & actually felt attractive & sexy. Not a common feeling. I floated the last 2 minutes home on a little cloud of self-satisfied ego stroking.
I am utterly proud & equally shameful of the fact that I actually managed to play with another man's girl's "hoo ha" without his knowledge while he had her on his back.
Minx left Mr.Dull just after that Christmas & was soon shagging the company's general manager! She left the company soon afterwards too. Shame, I liked Minx.
I hope I hadn't hyped it up too much.
Twas the Christmas party of 2002 & I was bang in form. There are 2 central characters in this tale who've never previously got a mention: Mr.Dull & Minx.
Mr.Dull was a former colleague of mine. He used to work in the lab with me & as the name suggests he made ditchwater look positvely riveting. He was also my travelling companion when work sent me to the States in 2000 but that's a story for another day.
Mr.Dull & I never really saw eye to eye. We never argued or fought, we just tolerated each other. We were polar opposites, he was the anti-flash!
Minx was his girlfriend at the time & our Health & safety manager. She was about my age & very attractive though she possesed the most annoying, whiny voice you could ever hear. In the months leading up to christmas we had worked together quite alot & I had become her right hand man. We had also forged quite a good friendship based on some serious flirting & me becoming something of a confidente to her. It became clear that Mr.Dull was just as boring in the bedroom has he was in the laboratory.
So at the party, I was in fine fettle. If memory serves me correctly I had a pill just before it kicked off. This only served to allow me to drink lots & lots without falling down or being sick & it heightened my desires. At one point in the evening I walked in the ladies for a nose (not typical behaviour, I assure you) & found Buddy With Boobs & Minx engaged in some sort of giggle fest. "Ooh, we were just talking about you" gushed Minx as she spotted me. "I better let you carry on then" I said with a wink. I walked out feeling great.
As the night went on it appeared that Mr.Dull was seriously sulking with Minx. She told him to stop being so silly & carried on regardless. I remember us dancing, dancing closely whilst gently touching each other. I remember the dancing getting a bit dirty & I cooled it off when I noticed Mr.Dull glowering at us.
A little later most of the party goers moved up to the club (Crapsville's No.2 Nightclub & site of my recent New year's eve disaster), not long afterwards Buddy With Boobs started feeling a bit ropey, so I said I'd walk her home. Before I left though I collared Minx. I had to move in really close to her because of the noise in there. I put my hand on the small of her back & whispered in her ear "Would it ruin our professional relationship if I told you how much I really want to fuck you tonight?". She laughed and hugged me. As she did she also kissed me on the neck, which sent me near delerious. Not being one to forget my responsibilities to my friends, I then then escorted Buddy With Boobs home. She only lived 10 minutes from town & I lived only 2 minutes from her. So after I said my goodbyes to her I headed home. I must have got about 10 paces when I turned on my heels & went straight back to the club. I got in there to see Minx's face light up as she spied me. Some more dancing ensued, more touching & lots more of that "Oh my god, I want you so much" eye contact. Eventually it was time to go home. Mr.Dull & Minx were heading in my direction so we all walked together. It was on this walk where the stunt was pulled. After a while Minx complained about her shoes killing her & somehow convinced a puffer-jacket clad Mr.Dull to give her a piggy back. This coincided with us walking through a narrow alleyway where I found myself behind them. I started stroking her bum, then I lifted her little skirt up & for the following 2 minutes or so I managed to caress her rudest bits as we walked. A short while later we stopped at the point where our paths split. Minx claimed she really wanted a kebab & told Mr.Dull to go back up town to get one for her. It was never spoken but I know that this was a plan to get rid of him just long enough for us to have a shag in the bushes. He wouldn't & we didn't. Instead we said our goodbyes & that was that. Despite being very frustrated I was extremely happy & actually felt attractive & sexy. Not a common feeling. I floated the last 2 minutes home on a little cloud of self-satisfied ego stroking.
I am utterly proud & equally shameful of the fact that I actually managed to play with another man's girl's "hoo ha" without his knowledge while he had her on his back.
Minx left Mr.Dull just after that Christmas & was soon shagging the company's general manager! She left the company soon afterwards too. Shame, I liked Minx.
I hope I hadn't hyped it up too much.
At 9:04 pm,
shorty said…
And that men is why God created skirts...it's really more for our benefit than yours.
Excellent story...now I have to remember to remind you of the states story in a few weeks.
At 10:42 pm,
GJC said…
"Ego-stroking"? Somehow I don't think that was the only kind of stroking going on after that encounter. :P
Can I say, I'm blushing after reading that?? (Not that there's any challenge in making me blush--I'll blush at a goldfish if it looks at me the wrong way.)
At 1:44 pm,
Anonymous said…
That story is absolutely hilarious. Gawd love those "did I really do that?" moments.
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