"It's just one of those days"
No real single topic today, just random stuff.
Unbeknownst to me the pair that I pulled on this morning have had their elastic removed by forces unseen. I have spent the whole day pulling them up, probably spending more time bent over than a 24 hour hop scotch champion. Excellent timing on my part, having to wear the fucking things for 18 hours straight. Grrr.
Actually today is one of those days where, despite being in quite a cheery mood, little things are pissing me off big time. Our "canteen" here at work is basically a 20 foot square room with some tables & chairs. Coffee machine at one end, fridge & microwaves at the other. The bin lives next to the coffee machine. In has bin there all day (tee hee) but come 8 o' clock it's next to the fridge! WHY? Who moves the bin & why & more to the point why do I let it irk me so?
Then there's Total Cock. Who is enough on his own but when I'm trying to have a fag I have to listen to how he spent yesterday shooting. Yes, for fun this retard goes out & shoots down crows out of the sky & rats too (though not out of the sky, obviously). They're vermin apparently, I beg to differ. I would much rather share my company with a rat than a twat.
What does the word pinhole suggest to you?
Well here it means a tiny hole on the surface of the painted part through which you can just see the bare metal. It's a problem for us in the lab & tells us that something on our plant is wrong. Fair enough?
So why do people insist on dragging me over to look "at these pinholes" on work, causing me to look perplexed knowing, as I do, that my plant is in spec & well maintained. Only for me to find that the pinholes are raised bumps under the surface of the paint. It's rust.
Now not only am I pissed off at the suggestion that I have neglected my duties to the point where pinholes could occur, I'm enraged that some braindead losers have painted rusty work when the whole point of our paint (& indeed our whole operation) is that it protects the parts from, you guessed it, RUST!
And it's too bloody cold today!
And did I mention my socks?
Whilst out & about round my plant earlier, listening to my pod, I was aurally injected with 9 minutes of pure adrenalin. The live version of "Take it easy, Chicken" by Mansun came blazing in without warning, it's white hot riff instantaneously taking me back to all the times I saw them live. 9, I think. Now I realise that most of you (if not all) don't have the foggiest idea what I'm talking about but when has that ever stopped me?
They always finished with "Take it easy, chicken" & it was always, always heavenly. It's arrival told us that the end was near & after an hour or so of moshing this would be quite welcome. The end was not here yet though, this was the test. I know I'm waffling on but for that whole 9 minutes I could smell the sweat, feel the elbows digging into my ribs, feel my voice trying to get words out but being overtaken by breath. A powerful memory & a tune that never, ever gets skipped.
Another tune that I never skip has just come on, some may be surprised by this: "No regrets" by Robbie Williams. Now I love that song & it's a fine example of how songs can come to represent something to the listener that the writer did not intend. I only found out recently (even though it was painfully obvious, once I was aware) that it was written about Take That & the Robster's feelings about it all. For I though it's about She Who Changed Everything & always shall be. It's one of my wishes that one day someone will say to me: "Flash, that song on your album so makes me think of the time I did blah with blah, etc"
By 'eck I'm on a waffle fest tonight, eh?
One more thing, in a thinly veiled effort to register more comments than normal, I would like to play a game with you all. It's not really a game actually but it sounds like one...
Ask Flash.
That's right readers, one question each & I promise to answer all as honestly/ cleverly/ wittily as I possibly can*
So come on, indulge me!
I'll post my answers tomorrow night, so don't hang about.
You wont mind if I post in between would you?
*This does not apply if The Duke Of Jokes pipes up with some hideously embarrassing query regarding the long forgotten stupidity of my childhood, unless I want it to.
Unbeknownst to me the pair that I pulled on this morning have had their elastic removed by forces unseen. I have spent the whole day pulling them up, probably spending more time bent over than a 24 hour hop scotch champion. Excellent timing on my part, having to wear the fucking things for 18 hours straight. Grrr.
Actually today is one of those days where, despite being in quite a cheery mood, little things are pissing me off big time. Our "canteen" here at work is basically a 20 foot square room with some tables & chairs. Coffee machine at one end, fridge & microwaves at the other. The bin lives next to the coffee machine. In has bin there all day (tee hee) but come 8 o' clock it's next to the fridge! WHY? Who moves the bin & why & more to the point why do I let it irk me so?
Then there's Total Cock. Who is enough on his own but when I'm trying to have a fag I have to listen to how he spent yesterday shooting. Yes, for fun this retard goes out & shoots down crows out of the sky & rats too (though not out of the sky, obviously). They're vermin apparently, I beg to differ. I would much rather share my company with a rat than a twat.
What does the word pinhole suggest to you?
Well here it means a tiny hole on the surface of the painted part through which you can just see the bare metal. It's a problem for us in the lab & tells us that something on our plant is wrong. Fair enough?
So why do people insist on dragging me over to look "at these pinholes" on work, causing me to look perplexed knowing, as I do, that my plant is in spec & well maintained. Only for me to find that the pinholes are raised bumps under the surface of the paint. It's rust.
Now not only am I pissed off at the suggestion that I have neglected my duties to the point where pinholes could occur, I'm enraged that some braindead losers have painted rusty work when the whole point of our paint (& indeed our whole operation) is that it protects the parts from, you guessed it, RUST!
And it's too bloody cold today!
And did I mention my socks?
Whilst out & about round my plant earlier, listening to my pod, I was aurally injected with 9 minutes of pure adrenalin. The live version of "Take it easy, Chicken" by Mansun came blazing in without warning, it's white hot riff instantaneously taking me back to all the times I saw them live. 9, I think. Now I realise that most of you (if not all) don't have the foggiest idea what I'm talking about but when has that ever stopped me?
They always finished with "Take it easy, chicken" & it was always, always heavenly. It's arrival told us that the end was near & after an hour or so of moshing this would be quite welcome. The end was not here yet though, this was the test. I know I'm waffling on but for that whole 9 minutes I could smell the sweat, feel the elbows digging into my ribs, feel my voice trying to get words out but being overtaken by breath. A powerful memory & a tune that never, ever gets skipped.
Another tune that I never skip has just come on, some may be surprised by this: "No regrets" by Robbie Williams. Now I love that song & it's a fine example of how songs can come to represent something to the listener that the writer did not intend. I only found out recently (even though it was painfully obvious, once I was aware) that it was written about Take That & the Robster's feelings about it all. For I though it's about She Who Changed Everything & always shall be. It's one of my wishes that one day someone will say to me: "Flash, that song on your album so makes me think of the time I did blah with blah, etc"
By 'eck I'm on a waffle fest tonight, eh?
One more thing, in a thinly veiled effort to register more comments than normal, I would like to play a game with you all. It's not really a game actually but it sounds like one...
Ask Flash.
That's right readers, one question each & I promise to answer all as honestly/ cleverly/ wittily as I possibly can*
So come on, indulge me!
I'll post my answers tomorrow night, so don't hang about.
You wont mind if I post in between would you?
*This does not apply if The Duke Of Jokes pipes up with some hideously embarrassing query regarding the long forgotten stupidity of my childhood, unless I want it to.
At 9:50 pm,
shorty said…
I have those same socks!
In the states, people who can't see pinholes are called...PINHEADS
I'm sure every song on that album will remind me of someone.
My question to you needs some thought, I'll wait to see what others ask.
See I didn't go anywhere. : )
At 10:20 pm,
Erika said…
Okay, here's one for ya': What's your most sublime, awful, wonderful guilty pleasure? What do you adore that makes you at once cringe and revel?
At 10:29 pm,
Anonymous said…
*This does not apply if The Duke Of Jokes pipes up with some hideously embarrassing query regarding the long forgotten stupidity of my childhood, unless I want it to.
All I desire, temptation!I'm off to think of some *grin*
At 2:46 am,
GJC said…
I love that Mansun song. :)
Somehow I can't think of any question bratty enough to ask, so I'm saving my token til later.
At 1:40 pm,
Hyde said…
My question for you:
If you could take back or undo ONE thing that you've said or done in your life, what would it be and why?
At 5:12 pm,
Charby said…
How bout.....
Erm... No....
Or how about?.....
If i've only got one question it's gotta be a good one.
Come back to me ok?....
At 6:55 pm,
Anonymous said…
Can't think of any childhood tings so my question:
DM - better when Alan was in them?
At 7:48 pm,
shorty said…
What is your favorite body part on yourself? And Why?
At 10:48 pm,
Flash said…
Double figures! La la la!
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