"I don't know who you are but you're a real deadringer for..."
I made an ickle snowman at work today.
He was great. No else saw him, he lived out the back near the waste water plant.
His tenure was alas very short, he lived a few hours at most but I loved that snowman.
The first time I went past him after making him I gave out a involuntrary "Hee hee" like a giddy little boy.
I took a photo of him. If I can do the Hello thing from Funny Dance's computer I'll post him after this. It's a poor photo (due to all the bloody whiteness everywhere) but it captures his spirit which you can see from the glint in his cheeky blue eyes.
Other madness today: DodgyNutGrabber (a friend from work) had me help him with an errand after work. His car was in for a service & he asked me if I'd go out to one of the villages to pick his kids up. Now given that DodgyNutGrabber is sorting me out a new computer with a much better processor & loads of ram (By the way, Chapstick, that was a very kind offer & if this doesn't work out I may take you up on it) I thought it only fair that I lent a hand. His kids are 3 boys aged 6, 9 & 11. We stopped for DodgyNutGrabber to get something from a shop. Whilst he was in there the 9 year old opens conversation thus:
"You look like the man in a film we saw the other night"
"Yeah?" (fearing Hellboy or some other beastly character)
"Yeah, the man who can read women's minds"
(Gleefully) "Do you mean "What women want?""
"yeah, that's it!"
"And do I look like that man, the one who reads women's minds"
"Yep, you do"
Ladies & Gentlemen, I, your world-weary correspondent am a deadringer for Mel Gibson!!!!
Out of the mouths of babes, eh?
Work on "confessions..." has been abandoned until technology can meet my needs. I had a session on Monday which I thought went well. I got the lead vocals done for 8 of the 12 songs. Again, when I later listened back I wasn't happy. The opening track;"We both know" sounds pretty good still, but I know I can do better. And it's not like the guy from the record company is giving me a hard time, is it?
That's it for now I'm afraid. Funny Dance & They Used To Be Even Bigger aren't going to the hospital now so I feel a bit rude sitting in the office. I better go & socialise.
Look out for the snowman!
He was great. No else saw him, he lived out the back near the waste water plant.
His tenure was alas very short, he lived a few hours at most but I loved that snowman.
The first time I went past him after making him I gave out a involuntrary "Hee hee" like a giddy little boy.
I took a photo of him. If I can do the Hello thing from Funny Dance's computer I'll post him after this. It's a poor photo (due to all the bloody whiteness everywhere) but it captures his spirit which you can see from the glint in his cheeky blue eyes.
Other madness today: DodgyNutGrabber (a friend from work) had me help him with an errand after work. His car was in for a service & he asked me if I'd go out to one of the villages to pick his kids up. Now given that DodgyNutGrabber is sorting me out a new computer with a much better processor & loads of ram (By the way, Chapstick, that was a very kind offer & if this doesn't work out I may take you up on it) I thought it only fair that I lent a hand. His kids are 3 boys aged 6, 9 & 11. We stopped for DodgyNutGrabber to get something from a shop. Whilst he was in there the 9 year old opens conversation thus:
"You look like the man in a film we saw the other night"
"Yeah?" (fearing Hellboy or some other beastly character)
"Yeah, the man who can read women's minds"
(Gleefully) "Do you mean "What women want?""
"yeah, that's it!"
"And do I look like that man, the one who reads women's minds"
"Yep, you do"
Ladies & Gentlemen, I, your world-weary correspondent am a deadringer for Mel Gibson!!!!
Out of the mouths of babes, eh?
Work on "confessions..." has been abandoned until technology can meet my needs. I had a session on Monday which I thought went well. I got the lead vocals done for 8 of the 12 songs. Again, when I later listened back I wasn't happy. The opening track;"We both know" sounds pretty good still, but I know I can do better. And it's not like the guy from the record company is giving me a hard time, is it?
That's it for now I'm afraid. Funny Dance & They Used To Be Even Bigger aren't going to the hospital now so I feel a bit rude sitting in the office. I better go & socialise.
Look out for the snowman!
At 9:46 pm,
Chapstick said…
Crap, now every time that i think of you, I'm going to get a mental image of Mel... *shudder*
And the offer is still open, there is a ton of good hardware just sitting here, I've got a few nice processors from computers whose motherboards got fried, and theey're just sitting here.
At 3:24 pm,
shorty said…
Atleast he didn't say you were the Mel from "Man without a face".
Just kidding.
Miss you
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