"Ask me, ask me, ask me"
Before I go on may I thank you all for your participation & for indulging my egocentric tendencies.
What's your most sublime, awful, wonderful guilty pleasure? What do you adore that makes you at once cringe and revel?
This question is most deserving of a long, detailed answer which would reveal a lot about my inner workings & subsequently give you all a chance to know me a little better. Sadly the most succinct way to answer it is with just two words: Dream Girl.
If you could take back or undo ONE thing that you've said or done in your life, what would it be and why?
Ooh, this is so tricky. I've had lots of time to ponder this one & it's still a big jumbled mess. It's one of those timeline scenarios isn't it? If I left Temper Tantrum when I first realised that she was eroding me then I wouldn't have my beloved son.
There are also things that I should undo given the choice because they were wrong or bad things to do. However, being wrong or bad doesn't mean that they weren't fantastic times, they were, so therefore I could never erase them. In my time I have on occasions betrayed people close to me for my own ends which I am deeply ashamed of but I still wouldn't undo those betrayals because I'm selfish & would not go without those experiences.
There was a time on a stag weekend in Blackpool when I slept with somebody who I found very unattractive, both mentally & physically. I thought of wiping that choice but I learned a valuable lesson that night. My rock bottom self esteem was still as low as could be afterwards & since then I know now that even when carnal instincts operate on their own there must be some attraction or you end up hating yourself even more than you did already.
So, Hyde, all this waffle & still no answer. To be honest as cliched as it is I'm not sure I'd want to change anything as all those shitty times go towards making me who I am today.
Actually, scratch that, I should have tried it on with Fit Arse In Jeans that night!
If you could change the colour of the sky, what would you make it? And I mean from dawn progression to night time slumber - the whole range of possible shades and textures etc...
Again I've given this one much thought & I have to commend you on your choice, it's certainly something I've never even considered before.
So, daybreak would morph from the blackness of night to a dark red, like that of a nice wine, and then into a lovely bright orange (though I'd probably regret that when I'm on lates & trying to have a lie in). The tricky bit comes next, I'd like the bulk of the day's sky to be blue. I know it's boring but I just cant picture a beautiful summer's day in the park, playing footy with Reckless & the kids or having a lie down & a crafty canoodle with a lover or even being at the top of a mountain without that gorgeous blue that nature has already given us. Trouble is how do we get from orange to blue? maybe it should just switch in an instant at around 10 am or perhaps blobs of blue slowly appear in the orange like a lava lamp effect until we have just blue, I dunno. Dusk should see the sky going a a deeper blue followed by an hour or two of a luscious prince-esque purple before descending back to black. That would be sweet.
The Duke Of Jokes:
DM - better when Alan was in them?
undoubtedly & sadly, Yes. I think Alan's contribution was vastly underrated by us all & it's shown. Though Martin's songs are still of a fine quality the way that they're presented has lacked Mr. Wilder's deftness of late. I don't think the abomination that is "The dead of night" would've have gotten out if Al was still on board. That's not to say that they've lost it, since's Alan's departure we've still had "Barrel of a gun","It's no good","Home","Useless", "Love thieves","Surrender", "Dream On" & "Goodnight lovers" which are all as good as anything that came before them. Proof of the pudding is in the eating though & as I'm sure you can remember there was a time when I could recite all the lyrics to all the songs backwards! Now I couldn't even tell you how the chorus goes of, say, "Freestate".
What is your favorite body part on yourself? And Why?
I would say my ears because they allow me to bathe in music & conversation but they are a little pointy in a Vulcan kind of way.
I would say my smile because it displays my happiness to the world but it also displays my far from perfect teeth. Bugger.
Maybe my hair, I've still got most of it & it's still in it's original colour but it goes stupidly curly if I let it grow.
So, rather unsurprisingly I will have to say my nob. It gives me pleasure, it's been known to bring pleasure to others & it's the only part of me where being fat is a good thing!
Before we get to the question, can I just tell you, I love you but if you'd have commented on the right post I'd have my first ever double figure comments section! (wink)
I remember reading once that you was adopted when you were little, so I'm asking have you ever tried or wanted to find your birth parents?
Good one Charbs. I've always known I was adopted, always. It's forever been something that has been a curiosity to me rather than a burning desire to know. When I was 21 I got hold of my original birth certificate which presented me with more questions than it answered. It told me that they were married, that my father was born in Liverpool & was a driver in the Royal Corps of Transport & my mother was Irish. That was the extent of it.
Finally last year I decided to go for it. The law in the UK states that anyone adopted before 1974 has to go to a counseling session before they can have access to their birth records. Northamptonshire county council are currently sorting this out, they rang me just before Christmas to say that they had my records but couldn't schedule a meeting yet because they are understaffed & very busy. Naturally they have to prioritise the adoptions of kids that are needing parents right now. So I'm waiting at the moment.
I really don't know what I hope to gain from it, like I said it's more curiosity than anything. Questions, is there a history of mental illness?, what time was I born?, why didn't you want me?, Do you realise you owe me 35 years worth of Christmas & Birthday presents? Are you millionaires?
I'm also very scared that I've left it too late & I'll only find a tombstone. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that at the end of the 60's my Irish (so possibly catholic & against contraception) mother became pregnant with her 8th or 9th child that they simply couldn't afford to keep. This course of events would make her at least 35 on having me & therefore 70 today.
So I don't know what I'm looking for really, but I do know that I've felt honour bound not to talk with my folks about it. My mum doesn't like it when it comes up, bless her.
Some time last year when visiting Yorkshire an old school friend The Gentle Giant came for a drink with my Dad & I wanting to ask us about adoption as he & his partner have been unable to conceive. My Dad said that he & my Mum would recommend adoption to anyone & that they loved me no more or no less than my sister (who was made normally) & I said that because of the way I'd been brought up to know about it since day one, I'd never given it a thought & as such my Mum & Dad are MY Mum & Dad.
When I hear any more I will let you all know.
Well that would seem to be it, I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have & that nobody feels let down. Any latecomers (Yes, you Gladys!) will still get answers if they wish.
Right I'm off to go comment myself on that post to take it to 10!
What's your most sublime, awful, wonderful guilty pleasure? What do you adore that makes you at once cringe and revel?
This question is most deserving of a long, detailed answer which would reveal a lot about my inner workings & subsequently give you all a chance to know me a little better. Sadly the most succinct way to answer it is with just two words: Dream Girl.
If you could take back or undo ONE thing that you've said or done in your life, what would it be and why?
Ooh, this is so tricky. I've had lots of time to ponder this one & it's still a big jumbled mess. It's one of those timeline scenarios isn't it? If I left Temper Tantrum when I first realised that she was eroding me then I wouldn't have my beloved son.
There are also things that I should undo given the choice because they were wrong or bad things to do. However, being wrong or bad doesn't mean that they weren't fantastic times, they were, so therefore I could never erase them. In my time I have on occasions betrayed people close to me for my own ends which I am deeply ashamed of but I still wouldn't undo those betrayals because I'm selfish & would not go without those experiences.
There was a time on a stag weekend in Blackpool when I slept with somebody who I found very unattractive, both mentally & physically. I thought of wiping that choice but I learned a valuable lesson that night. My rock bottom self esteem was still as low as could be afterwards & since then I know now that even when carnal instincts operate on their own there must be some attraction or you end up hating yourself even more than you did already.
So, Hyde, all this waffle & still no answer. To be honest as cliched as it is I'm not sure I'd want to change anything as all those shitty times go towards making me who I am today.
Actually, scratch that, I should have tried it on with Fit Arse In Jeans that night!
If you could change the colour of the sky, what would you make it? And I mean from dawn progression to night time slumber - the whole range of possible shades and textures etc...
Again I've given this one much thought & I have to commend you on your choice, it's certainly something I've never even considered before.
So, daybreak would morph from the blackness of night to a dark red, like that of a nice wine, and then into a lovely bright orange (though I'd probably regret that when I'm on lates & trying to have a lie in). The tricky bit comes next, I'd like the bulk of the day's sky to be blue. I know it's boring but I just cant picture a beautiful summer's day in the park, playing footy with Reckless & the kids or having a lie down & a crafty canoodle with a lover or even being at the top of a mountain without that gorgeous blue that nature has already given us. Trouble is how do we get from orange to blue? maybe it should just switch in an instant at around 10 am or perhaps blobs of blue slowly appear in the orange like a lava lamp effect until we have just blue, I dunno. Dusk should see the sky going a a deeper blue followed by an hour or two of a luscious prince-esque purple before descending back to black. That would be sweet.
The Duke Of Jokes:
DM - better when Alan was in them?
undoubtedly & sadly, Yes. I think Alan's contribution was vastly underrated by us all & it's shown. Though Martin's songs are still of a fine quality the way that they're presented has lacked Mr. Wilder's deftness of late. I don't think the abomination that is "The dead of night" would've have gotten out if Al was still on board. That's not to say that they've lost it, since's Alan's departure we've still had "Barrel of a gun","It's no good","Home","Useless", "Love thieves","Surrender", "Dream On" & "Goodnight lovers" which are all as good as anything that came before them. Proof of the pudding is in the eating though & as I'm sure you can remember there was a time when I could recite all the lyrics to all the songs backwards! Now I couldn't even tell you how the chorus goes of, say, "Freestate".
What is your favorite body part on yourself? And Why?
I would say my ears because they allow me to bathe in music & conversation but they are a little pointy in a Vulcan kind of way.
I would say my smile because it displays my happiness to the world but it also displays my far from perfect teeth. Bugger.
Maybe my hair, I've still got most of it & it's still in it's original colour but it goes stupidly curly if I let it grow.
So, rather unsurprisingly I will have to say my nob. It gives me pleasure, it's been known to bring pleasure to others & it's the only part of me where being fat is a good thing!
Before we get to the question, can I just tell you, I love you but if you'd have commented on the right post I'd have my first ever double figure comments section! (wink)
I remember reading once that you was adopted when you were little, so I'm asking have you ever tried or wanted to find your birth parents?
Good one Charbs. I've always known I was adopted, always. It's forever been something that has been a curiosity to me rather than a burning desire to know. When I was 21 I got hold of my original birth certificate which presented me with more questions than it answered. It told me that they were married, that my father was born in Liverpool & was a driver in the Royal Corps of Transport & my mother was Irish. That was the extent of it.
Finally last year I decided to go for it. The law in the UK states that anyone adopted before 1974 has to go to a counseling session before they can have access to their birth records. Northamptonshire county council are currently sorting this out, they rang me just before Christmas to say that they had my records but couldn't schedule a meeting yet because they are understaffed & very busy. Naturally they have to prioritise the adoptions of kids that are needing parents right now. So I'm waiting at the moment.
I really don't know what I hope to gain from it, like I said it's more curiosity than anything. Questions, is there a history of mental illness?, what time was I born?, why didn't you want me?, Do you realise you owe me 35 years worth of Christmas & Birthday presents? Are you millionaires?
I'm also very scared that I've left it too late & I'll only find a tombstone. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that at the end of the 60's my Irish (so possibly catholic & against contraception) mother became pregnant with her 8th or 9th child that they simply couldn't afford to keep. This course of events would make her at least 35 on having me & therefore 70 today.
So I don't know what I'm looking for really, but I do know that I've felt honour bound not to talk with my folks about it. My mum doesn't like it when it comes up, bless her.
Some time last year when visiting Yorkshire an old school friend The Gentle Giant came for a drink with my Dad & I wanting to ask us about adoption as he & his partner have been unable to conceive. My Dad said that he & my Mum would recommend adoption to anyone & that they loved me no more or no less than my sister (who was made normally) & I said that because of the way I'd been brought up to know about it since day one, I'd never given it a thought & as such my Mum & Dad are MY Mum & Dad.
When I hear any more I will let you all know.
Well that would seem to be it, I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have & that nobody feels let down. Any latecomers (Yes, you Gladys!) will still get answers if they wish.
Right I'm off to go comment myself on that post to take it to 10!
At 12:34 pm,
Charby said…
Thanks for answering, I feel like I understand the World of Flash Experience more now.
It was a great Idea and one I might have to pinch in future!
I'm gutted though, the whole idea of me posting there was to try and prevent you from reaching double figures!
I couldn't have you reaching that milestone before me!
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