Beware of the pixies!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

"Easy to disturb with a thought, with a whisper, with a careless memory"

Ok, whilst skipping through blogland I came across one of these quiz-type-things that everybody seems to do. The ones I've tried previously haven't really been accurate for me, but this one is pretty spot on. And guess what folks I'M WACKY!!

You are a WECF--Wacky Emotional Constructive Follower.
This makes you a Candle burning at both ends.
You work until you drop, and you play until you can stand to work again. Not sure about that work till you drop stuff!
You have so much enthusiasm that you can find it hard to control on your own, and you appreciate the guidance that channels your energy and lets you be your best.In a relationship, you require lots of attention and support. You often over-contribute and end up feeling depleted and cheated. You may benefit from more time alone than you grant yourself.
Your driving force is the emotional support of others--especially affection. You can run on empty for miles if you have positive energy behind you.
Without it--as it occasionally must run dry--you are depressive, listless, and difficult to motivate.
You need a lot of affection. Get it any way you can, but never at the cost of your self-respect or well-being.
Of the 17026 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 7.9 % are this type.

Well I have to say that's a pretty accurate snapshot of that part of me.

I was having a sing earlier out the back of work. I stood on my pretend little stage while my I-pod provided the tunes for me to sing to my pretend little audience (as you do) & something struck me.
"Everybody hurts" came on & whilst I was singing away, my thoughts turned to the karaoke night & then naturally to Sexy Shy Smile. The thing that engaged my mind though was thus: I'm very aware that Sexy Shy Smile has only had a walk on part in my life & I've totally accepted this. However, even after her tiny fleeting appearance has long since been consigned to history I've a suspicion that I will always think of her when I hear "Everybody hurts". I'm sure for almost all of you songs evoke memories & certain songs will remind you of certain people. I couldn't help but think that Sexy Shy Smile has got very lucky there in getting such a big tune that gets heard a lot, kinda disproportionate for the size of her role in my life.
This in turn makes me wonder about the people whose lives I've passed through or ridden along with & whether they have a Flash song & what it would be?
Probably "Sexy MF"


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