"They say start as you mean to go on"
Fucking bitches,.
HEY i know at least 2 women read this so please explain:
At around 11:30 i run into who i sahll now simply call Bitch.
After brief conversation it is made clear by Bitch that she has always found me attractive & that new years shag is firmly on the agenda.
By midnight your correspondant is clearly aware that thid looks dodgy.
On several occasions the Flashman says to Bitch: "Look if you've changed your mind that's cool, just tell me so I can get on with my new years eve" Bitch consistenly tells me to be patient & soon she will be coming home with me.
Bitch continues said line of conversation till about 01:30 when she tells me to go & get a drink.
On returning from bar Bitch is nowhere to be seen.
People, especially those amongst you who do not have a penis, please fucking tell me why a woman would continue to make it clear that she wants nothing morwe than to make sweet love with the flashman, only to keeep fobbing me off until she makes her escape.
It's not like i did'nt say to her " Look if you've had a change of haert, tell me & I'll leave you alone" only to be re-assured (on numerous occasions) that she did want to go home with me.
Fucking Bitch then promptly disappeared!
Honestly folks I must have given her a get out on at the very least 6 occasions. Only to be told with a little kiss or stroke that she really wanted me as soon as her "Nephew" had disappeared.
Fucking Bitch.
Womenkind I demand that you defend yourselves because right now I cant help thinkling that you're all full of shit & that I don't fucking deserve this!
HEY i know at least 2 women read this so please explain:
At around 11:30 i run into who i sahll now simply call Bitch.
After brief conversation it is made clear by Bitch that she has always found me attractive & that new years shag is firmly on the agenda.
By midnight your correspondant is clearly aware that thid looks dodgy.
On several occasions the Flashman says to Bitch: "Look if you've changed your mind that's cool, just tell me so I can get on with my new years eve" Bitch consistenly tells me to be patient & soon she will be coming home with me.
Bitch continues said line of conversation till about 01:30 when she tells me to go & get a drink.
On returning from bar Bitch is nowhere to be seen.
People, especially those amongst you who do not have a penis, please fucking tell me why a woman would continue to make it clear that she wants nothing morwe than to make sweet love with the flashman, only to keeep fobbing me off until she makes her escape.
It's not like i did'nt say to her " Look if you've had a change of haert, tell me & I'll leave you alone" only to be re-assured (on numerous occasions) that she did want to go home with me.
Fucking Bitch then promptly disappeared!
Honestly folks I must have given her a get out on at the very least 6 occasions. Only to be told with a little kiss or stroke that she really wanted me as soon as her "Nephew" had disappeared.
Fucking Bitch.
Womenkind I demand that you defend yourselves because right now I cant help thinkling that you're all full of shit & that I don't fucking deserve this!
At 12:11 pm,
Charby said…
Yup, the woman's a bitch and a prick-tease and all.
Here's the hug you requested, in a super-bear-hug style!
At 3:35 pm,
shorty said…
My opinion...I'm assuming that this BITCH is someone you have known, and if my assumption is right, you must have done her wrong at somepoint, whether you know it or not. If that is the case, she was simply taking her revenge and figured she would ruin your NYE.
If you never met her before then she is just a BITCH.
Should have spent it in the states!
Happy New Year, welcome to another year of blogging!
At 9:00 pm,
GJC said…
Yeah, we're a fucked-up lot, ain't we?
None of us ever believes that "giving you an out" thing--we're mostly used to "if you've changed your mind..." being code for "Stroke my ego first". No different than what a lot of us do, though.
The sad thing is, she probably thought she was being NICE. Jeez. But alas, Bitches are rampant. Wish they'd just hook up with Assholes and leave the rest of us alone.
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