Beware of the pixies!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

"I'll have a white celebration"

It's here!
Please have a listen & let me know what you think.

Ps. I'm off up to Yorkshire now, I may not get the chance to blog for a few days so be well my chums.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

"All the love you bring won't mean a thing unless you sing, sing, sing, sing"

Bloody typical!

This morning at work I sneezed.
I actually sneezed 3 times in succession & on the third one I coughed simultaneously, as I did it I felt something in my throat go. I don't know if this makes sense but it feels like my tonsils stretched a little bit & I can now feel them when I swallow. It's not particularly bad just a little sore.
This however was not gonna stop me from completing my mission to have "White celebration" finished & uploaded tonight.
Except it has.
I cant bloody sing!

The music is all complete though & I'm dead chuffed with it.

The Champions league final was a cracker, wasn't it? I think Gabby Logan summed it up best when she said "superlatives were invented to describe nights like this".
We had a scouser in the lab today carrying out some calibrations, but he was an Evertonian. He was with us about 2 hours & during that time he must have got 5 or 6 texts from his red mates, goading him. That's what footy is all about, a good bit of banter!

Now, Delusions of Grandeur is a reasonably bright lad (to hear him tell it he'd make Einstein look like a div), yet this morning he came out with a corker; the average height of German men is 6 foot 2 inches! Yeah, right! With that magical tool that is the internet he was soon disproved, 5' 8" apparently. Proving him wrong was joy enough but then I discovered that the average height of the whole planet's men is just under 5' 7 and a half "! Hurrah! From this day forth I shall no longer consider myself short, oh no, I am of above average height. Just. Whoo, & indeed, hoo!

Now I don't know about anyone else but as I plod through the business of the day I am forever composing posts or having ideas for posts, in my head of course.
Frustratingly many of these disappear or prove to be inappropriate at the time of posting, sometimes I simply can't be bothered if I know they're gonna take a lot of time.
Some of these over the last couple of days include:
The Blackpool post
The Never Be Old post
The three degrees of masturbation post
& the I miss breasts post.

Maybe I'll get round to some or all off them someday, maybe I won't!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

"Don't you worry"

First up thanks to those of you who expressed concern for me, it's very touching.
However, despite the tone of yesterday's post, I really am fine.
I just felt the need to make that declaration so that I can get on with the things that make me happy rather than the things that continually frustrate me. If you bang your head against a wall for long enough it just becomes numb, y'know?

Speaking of numb, my arse feels as though it has gone away to another dimension. The reason for this is that since I got in from work at 2.15 I've been sat right here working on "White celebration". It's about 75% complete. I had hoped to complete it all in one go & have it uploaded tonight but it was not to be. It should be finished soon though. It's a bit different. It still obviously sounds pretty electronic, in fact I've kind of embraced the electronic on this one instead of trying to make it sound like a band. It's all a bit techno!

Next week I am on holiday. Part of the parenting arrangement I have with my ex-wife is that we both have two weeks per year when we have The Boy exclusively. We are gonna go up to Yorkshire for a few days (Drink matey?) & also go to Blackpool for the day. It'll be nice to get away for a bit & lovely to spend a whole week away from work.

I bloody know I had something else to say tonight but can I bloody remember now?

And since typing "No" I've just spent about 7 minutes staring blankly at the screen & still it doesn't come back.

I better bugger off then, Cheerio!

Monday, May 23, 2005

"All you defeatists raise your hands"

To whomever it may concern,
I, Flash of Crapsville, hereby give 48 hours notice of my intention to desist from having non-platonic relationships with women. I feel that over the past 19 years I have given loyal & diligent service to womenkind, however I have become tired of the pretence, the futility &, most of all, the rejection. I feel my life will be much more fulfilling if I concentrate my energies on more rewarding activities such as making music & becoming a better blogger. I take with me many fond memories of my time involved with affairs of the heart & I hope some of the ladies whose lives I have touched will be able to look back & feel a similar fondness. All that remains is to thank those few whose faith has remained & wish the rest of the men better luck than I've had.
Yours defeatedly,

PS. I'm fine, thanks for asking.

PPS. What's the difference between an egg & a wank?
You can beat an egg! *Badum teesh*

Sunday, May 22, 2005

"what do I havr to do?"

Warning! Very very drunk & pilling a little bit.

Best 0-0 ever?

Poor iold covbblers"

What do I habe to do to make the opposite sex realise that I'm worthy of further explonatin?

Saturday, May 21, 2005

"And if I'm wasting my time..."

AdamAnt tagged me & I haven't done one of things for ages, so why the hell not...

Three names I go by:

Three screen names that I have had:
Flashywashywoowoo (Notice a theme here?)

Three things I like about myself:
I am almost always optimistic (too!)
I'm mostly able to make people smile or laugh
I am a big bundle of contradictions

Three things I don't like about myself:
My self centered-ness
How lazy I can be
I am a big bundle of contradictions

Three parts of my heritage:
English (Yorkshire)

Three things that scare me:
Big bugs
Failing my son
That I'll never have sex again

Three of my everyday essentials:

Three things I am wearing right now:

Three favourite musical artists:
Depeche mode

Three of my fave songs:
Enjoy the silence
Stockholm Syndrome
Paranoid Android

Three new things I want to try in the next 12 months:
SHIT this probably says a lot about the rut I've fallen into but I really can't think of anything right now. How very troubling.

Three things I want in a relationship:
Mutual respect & understanding

Two truths and a lie:
I was on the same bill as Shed Seven
I had a very short conversation with Princess Diana
I had sex in a public telephone box

Three physical things that attract me to the opposite sex:

Three things I can't do without:
The Little Fella

Three of my fave hobbies:
Blogging & all blog-related activities
Making music

Three places I want to go on vacation:
New York

Three things I just can't do:
Be quiet
Grow up
Let it go

Three things I want to do before I die:
Perform my music to an arena (a room would do) full of people who want to be there
Achieve something of note
Have sex again

Three celebrity crushes:
Jennifer Aniston
Becky the weather girl

And there you have it.

Friday, May 20, 2005

"Come into the darkness, kiss everything else goodbye"

Well at 12.30 this afternoon, some 12 hours behind schedule, I finally sat down to watch Revenge of the Sith.
It was fan-chuffing-tastic.
From start to finish it was totally enthralling, strangely though I found it quite unsettling in places. Even though we all know what's going to happen, I wasn't quite prepared for what I saw.

Trust me, anyone who tells you this film is less than brilliant should not be trusted & should probably be chopped into bits by a lightsaber; but that is not the Jedi way.

I'm going again on Sunday to take The Boy, ah parenthood...

"I think you owe me a great big apology"

So we get to the cinema & my friend who booked the tickets goes to sort them out.

The tickets were for last night.

Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

"As they make their way across the universe"

Just a big old bunch of randomness for you today...

FlirtyDirty got the sack & the word on the street is that the job that the girls were brought in for is about to be knocked on the head. So that will see the end of Lil' One & Nice Not Hot too. Bloody shame, besides the outrageous amount of flirting that's been going on I genuinely like them all. They have changed the social dynamic of the smoking booth & given me a real purpose when I'm on dayshift. That being the role of the oracle of the years. Every day on Northants radio at 9am they do "The workday windback", which is where they play several records from one year & you have to guess the year. Everyday at 9 I prick up my ears & with my vast *ahem* knowledge I deliver the answer to the girls usually by the end of the first song. They subsequently ring up & win. Every single day. To the point where they are almost local celebrities on the county's airwaves.
They never win at all when I'm on lates.
Nice Not Hot has even become a fan of "Confessions of an idiot".
I'll miss them.

Speaking of "Confessions...", I checked out my stats today at soundclick and it answered yesterday's question for me. Though all of the songs have been played at some point, many have not been downloaded at all, including the title track.
I officially give up.

Again I am working till 4am, yup another 14 hour shift.
I am steadfastly thinking about the money.

Poor Kylie has got breast cancer. This is where the whole unreal world of celebrity falls on it's arse. Though I undoubtedly feel for her & hope that she makes a full recovery, the news has affected me no more or less than it would if it were a random work colleagues' Auntie Julie. In fact I'd probably feel more because it would be having an effect on somebody I knew.
No matter how many times I've gazed lovingly & longingly at her, no matter how much of a lovely woman she has always come across as in interviews, I DO NOT KNOW HER & she does not know me. I find it hard to feel any real emotion about it other than the sadness that all decent folk feel when we hear bad news about people we don't know.
Do you know what I mean?
For instance, a Bangladeshi ferry as sunk today claiming the lives of 200 people. Now this is clearly a tragedy that we would all wish we could reverse. However I will not shed a solitary tear for those lives lost & I dare say you will not either. If just one of the people who I care about were to die, I would weep uncontrollably.

So Humbert is doing his stuff just over my shoulder. "I ran" by A flock of seagulls just came on, I thought it was The Bravery.
I'm not sure what that says about either band or, for that matter, myself. Hmmm.

Just over 48 hours to go till I take my seat for Revenge of the Sith.
I sure lots of you are getting giddy like I am.
I did plan to watch The Phantom Menace tonight & then Attack of the Clones tomorrow.
I think I may have to kibosh that plan due to these crazy hours I'm working. Bugger.
Still all thing Star Wars have been taking up a lot of my headspace.
My personal order of preference for the films is:
Return of the Jedi
The Empire Strikes Back
Attack of the Clones
A New Hope
The Phantom Menace

I know "Empire" is universally acclaimed as the best one but Jedi has always done it for me.
The final hour is absolutely exhilarating.
Want to know what pisses me off the most about Star Wars & it's not Jar Jar Binks (We'll come to him in a minute)?
In the special edition of Jedi, why oh why has the soundtrack been fucked about with?
The bit in Jabba's palace sounds daft enough but right at the end when everybody is partying on Endor. I bloody loved that tune! Why replace it for something inferior? I just do not understand. And it pisses me off because who's gonna be watching videos in 5 or 10 years time?
So I'll never hear it again. Bastards.
On the whole I do like the special editions though. The explosions look great! And I thought the appearance of Hayden Christensen as Anakin joining Yoda & Obi Wan as spirits was great (though I do feel a little sympathy for the original actor).
So to Binks...
I quite like Jar Jar Binks.
There I've said it, out loud, in public.
I do feel that a lot of us from my generation get a little precious about it all. My son is obsessed with Star Wars & he's only 5. He loves Jar Jar, he makes him laugh. I have no doubt that a whole new generation of kids who have joined us in our love of these films, were helped along a bit by the Gungan clown. Very clever Mr. Lucas is, hmm.
Youssa follow me now, okeyday?
I also think the casting has been top notch. Samuel L. Jackson, Hayden Christensen & Ewan McGregor have all been fantastic.
So which character would you want to be (or were you, in the playground)?
I think it's pretty obvious who I would be, after all I am a lovable scoundrel & almost every vehicle I've piloted has been a hunk of junk.
Now I just need a Princess Leia complete with gold bikini.
Any offers girls?

Monday, May 16, 2005

"Give it all up & then shuffle off your mortal coil"

Remember Ask Flash?
Well it's time to turn the tables with Flash asks.
Today I seem to be full of questions, so who better to ask than you lot?

1. Women with shaved heads; Can they still look attractive?

On Saturday morning whilst chewing the fat with Reckless & Dream Girl she toyed with the idea of dying her hair (always a time for fear, trust me), "if it goes wrong" she argued "I could always shave my head!". I at this point let out a big "urgh", this in turn led to a debate about shaven headed women. I stand firm that it just doesn't look good on any lady. Sinead O'Conner? Nope, not for me. I did have to concede that the strange was-it-a-boy-or-was-it-a-girl-character on Monkey had a very beautiful face, despite a lack of hair. Then, would you bloody believe it? Natalie Portman turns up at Cannes with a No.1 crew cut!!!
And in my eyes she looks pretty damn awful, just weird.
Incidentally, Reckless did dye his hair. Bright red & it looks pretty cool.

2. Can you get a cheap last minute flight by hanging about at the airport & waiting for some luckless soul to not turn up, like you can with package holidays?

Once again, I've been looking for flights for my trip to New York. I have a strict upper spend limit which I have to stick to & it appears that all the prices have rocketed up way above that.
I'm sick of putting this trip off, so if any of you know about this sort of thing, please enlighten me.

*Whispers* Am I allowed to talk about "Confessions..."?
3. I'd just like to know if any of you that didn't get a CD copy of the album, have downloaded it from Soundclick. And if so; Any thoughts?
The reason I ask is that one such wonderful person did & proclaimed that I "rock", it just made me wonder about the rest of you.

4. What's your favourite intro to a song?

Humbert just played me mine which prompted the question: "Regret" by New Order.

Now I apologise for this in advance as it's hardly a cheery topic, sorry.

5. What happens if one of us, perish the thought, dies?

Honestly, how would anyone know if I popped my clogs tomorrow? The posts & the comments would obviously stop, after a while I'm sure someone would e-mail me. The Duke of Jokes & my girls would ring, but there would be no answer.
Over at Tequila mockingbird's blog there has been growing concern as she hadn't posted anything at all for over a month. Her comments had got up to 200 or something, with people getting genuinely worried about her. I've just been over there & she's not dead (which is good news) but she's brought up the same subject (which is bad news, cos I've been pondering this for some time now but it will look like I've nicked the idea).
As I've said before I find it impossible to read everyone's words on a daily basis without forming an emotional bond, so don't any of you buggers just stop blogging or I'll assume you've shuffled off this mortal coil & weep buckets when you may well have just run off with the milkman to start a new life in Scunthorpe.
So What's the plan for the demise of a blogger?

Feel free to answer any, all or none of my queries.
I do want to know the answers but ultimately it's just a way off passing the time on this 14 hour shift that doesn't end till 4am.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

"You're not right in the head & nor am I & this why I like you"

I arrived at Euston station at 7.15, I looked around a bit & there she was, well, I thought it was her. I'd only seen one photo & it didn't really look like the girl in front of me. Still, I gingerly approached and said "Charby?"
It was she.

We headed to a nearby pub (the same one where I murdered Will Young's "Leave right now" on the last London baby! trip) & Charby produced a wonderful little yellow card that made our drinks mega cheap. Ace!
Though I think we were a little nervy at first, it didn't much time or alcohol before we were chopsing away like good un's.
I think we had 5 drinks in there & in all honesty I was getting pretty tiddly by the time we moved on. That girl can bloody drink, I tell you!

We popped back to Euston to see what time my last train back to Northampton was. Quarter to Midnight.
We then went to a pub somewhere in London, maybe it was Oxford street. I cant bloody remember. All too soon it was time to get Charby to Charing Cross so she could get back to Charbyland in deep dark SE London. We had a hug on the platform & it was suggested that I come to see the sights of Charbyland. Figuring I was already likely to miss that train I thought why the hell not, the night was young & we were having fun.
We got off the train in Charbyland & crashed straight into another pub, it's fair to say we were both pretty hammered by this stage.
The lure of Chips proved too great & we crossed the road to get some nosh. Apparently you "can't beat a saveloy". Then a short bus ride & some drunken holding each other up walking & we were at Charby's house (complete with scaffolding, Fact fans).
Some more hugs & that was our night together over.
I had a fabulous time. We talked & laughed loads.
My companion made it so easy to have fun. She's bright, funny, cheeky & cute. And she's in possession of a smile so wonderful that it could illuminate the capitol & (Sorry Charbs but I am a guy!) a tidy little arse!

My adventure however didn't stop there. I got on a bus to Trafalger Square. That journey was liberally littered with several texts from Charbs fretting about how I'd get home & where I would sleep. Bless her.
As I told her many times; I'm big enough & ugly enough to look after myself! After all I am 35 years old!!!
I got off the bus in Trafalger Square & tootled up Charing Cross road. It felt like I was on a London baby! night but without the lads!
There I was still quite pissed, passing the Astoria & the fountain that Fountain Dweller & I once hung out in. A little further up the road (now Tottenham court road) I came across some very familiar phone boxes. The very phone box where 2 years ago a certain drunken female companion of mine could wait no longer & had a "squat". I spotted a 24 hour internet cafe just before I got to Euston. I deliberated whether or not it would be a good idea to dump myself in there with a steady flow of coffee & to blog with the events of the evening still fresh in my fuzzy mind. I didn't.
Big mistake.

I got to Euston just in time to be ushered onto the Bus (Every bloody time I go near London on a train on a sunday, it's always a fucking rail replacement bus!) to Milton Keynes. Marvellous I thought, I could have a kip on the bus & from MK to Northampton should be a doddle.
So I woke at the front of Milton Keynes Central at 3.33am. Ok, checked first bus to Northampton not till 10, so I'll go inside the station.
No you wont! The pissing station is shut!
A taxi rolled around & I asked him how much to Northampton. 35 bloody quid? you're having a laugh mate.
So I stood, & walked & stood some more. I was starting to get a bit cold too.
God bless Humbert! Without him I would've gone nutty!

At 5am some staff emerged & opened up the station, hurrah!
At least then I was warm but I discovered I had a further 2 hours to wait.
So I sat.
Eventually I got back to Northampton a 7.45am, I went straight to the cafe where Reckless works. He fortified me with Coffee, a fry up & a News of the World.

Though I wasn't happy about how my return journey panned out, it has not in any way tainted the memory of a smashing night with a top bird!
Cheers Charby, you'll have to come up here now.

I would say to you, come & see the best that Crapsville has to offer, but you already have!

Friday, May 13, 2005

"Equally cursed & blessed"

Well, here's a first.
I'm actually blogging from Reckless & Dream Girl's house.
It's about 11 & they've gone to bed, already. bloody lightweights!
She got very drunk, very quickly.
God, I think I love her the most when she's drunk.
You see, when she's drunk her guard falls away. She opens the door just a tad.
And I love it.
And it hurts but it's the sweetest pain.

I'm quite drunk & stoned myself now.

Hey did you see?
Did ya?
I today clocked up my 5000th hit.
And I love it.

I'm listening to Humbert.
He's playing "My idea of fun" by Mansun to me.
And I love it.

Tomorrow I'm off to hang out with Charby!
It's such a strange feeling.
But then, so is having friends that you kinda talk to everyday that you've never met.
I'm really quite excited by the whole thing, it's like a little adventure!
Adventure rocks!
And I love it.

The enter key.
I love it


"I was just guessing at numbers & figures"

C'mon be honest!
Who's seen my new "about me" bit & added all the amounts up to see if they made 100?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"Singing we're gonna miss you when your gone"

Did anyone watch the Grange Hill thing on channel 4 last night?
I thought it was crap but it had one moment that really struck me on a personal level.
Way back when I were just a lad Fay Lucas from Grange Hill was the first girl I ever got mushy about. Ah, she was just so lovely, not like the girls in my school who were all invariably mean. She had lovely blond hair, blue eyes & a radiant little smile... & she still has! Only now she comes complete with breasts, a shapely bot & a cheeky glint in her eye! Excellent!

I have to tell you about Funny Dance. As you know, my baby making friend & his wife; They Used To Be Even Bigger recently had The Early Birds (Who should be coming home any day now, yay!). He already has 4 kids so the keen mathematicians amongst you will have figured out that makes 6. Add on to that the two adults & you've got one very crowded 3 bedroom house.
They Used To Be Even Bigger's folks have a five bedroom detatched house that they are looking to rent out as it's too big for them.
Obviously, they didn't need to look too hard for willing tenants.
There is however one big detail I haven't mentioned:

140 miles away from here.
Now I am a good friend & I can see clearly that this is a good opportunity for them, they need the room & I think they will all enjoy a fresh start. So I will give my full support to them.
That doesn't mean I have to bloody like it though does it?
It all seems a little bit wrong. When I moved to this shithole when I was 18, it was a big deal for me & for the family & friends I left behind in my home town of Wakefield (Just 10 miles from Leeds, Ka. Did you go there?). My circle of friends here had all been here for some years & Reckless was even born here.
So when Funny Dance departs for a life of carrot crunching & cider swilling, who is gonna be the only fucker left in this abyss of a town. Yup, just me.
It's not even like I can up sticks. Crapsville will be as much a hometown to my son as Wakefield is for me & I'm not going to move away from my little fella, no sirree.
There is no timeframe on the move yet but it all has to be sorted by September so the kids can start a new school. I'm so gonna miss the kids. Leeds Boy & LuLu (his first set of twins) are now 13. I've watched them grow up, I've been there from holding them as tiny babies to the teenagers they are now. As I'm sure you can imagine I've always been cool uncle Flash. I was just getting ready for the times when they would call on me if they'd had a row at home or if they needed some advice that they couldn't ask their parents. Now I'm gonna be lucky if I see them 3 or 4 times a year. They are gonna grow up into adults away from my gaze, it makes me sad. I'll miss all the kids, but I've always had a soft spot for those two.
It's just as crap as when Reckless & Dream Girl buggered off to Durham but at least then I still had Funny Dance here. I know Reckless & Dream Girl are only 16 miles away & I see them lots but it's gonna be really shit having nobody here on my doorstep.
What the fuck am I gonna do the next time I run out of petrol or my computer goes tits up??
It's not good.

Happily I do have some positives on the horizon.
This Saturday I should be spending the evening in London. I shall be, for the first time, actually meeting one of my fellow bloggers face to face! Flash & Charby are gonna be hanging out & no doubt getting quite blotto! I've just spoke to her on the phone. Strange to hear the voice behind the words. I am most excited though, it'll be really cool.

Then next Thursday night I shall be finishing work at midnight, jumping in my car, tootling off to Northampton where I will be meeting up with 3 guys from work. What are we doing in Northampton at that time of night, I hear you ask.
Going to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith that's bloody what!
The tickets are booked for the 12.30 showing & I'm now starting to get quite giddy about it.

Next Saturday is Cup Final day, Yay!
In world of Flash this means going to the pub just after lunchtime & drinking all day & all night.
You may recall that last year's cup final day ended in the prelude to the shag that ended my longest sex drought ever.

Here's hoping that history may just repeat itself.


If you haven't already you really must go and read Adamant's story.
You must.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"And I don't want to sound like one of the boys, that's not what I'm trying to do"

I'm a smoker.
If I run out of fags & haven't had one for a while it's perfectly acceptable within smoking circles to ask an acquantaince or even, in extreme cases, a stranger; "Please can I have a cigarette, I'm dying for one as I haven't had one for ages"
Generally a ciggy will be forthcoming.

How come it's not acceptable to ask the same question but with shag instead of fag?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

"This is my book & this is how it reads"

I don't read books.
I don't really know why this is.
It's not like I don't enjoy reading, I consume magazines & I always have. I clearly remember my first copy of Smash hits. Actually all I recall is that it featured a then unknown to me Toyah on the cover & contained in it's glossy bright pages the "songwords" to Spandau Ballet's "To cut a long story short" (Which incidentally was the first song I really, really loved). I didn't miss another issue then until maybe 87 or 88, when Record Mirror seemed much more suitable. Never liked the NME back then, I thought the journalists were vindictive, pompous twats who used big & strange words just because they could & not to actually convey anything. Years later when the NME became my bible I still despaired of the writers.
Also, like most of us from what I can gather, I sit here gobbling up word after word, night after night on this very chair from this very screen. I spend an enormous amount of time reading.
In the training part of my job I have found, to my amazement, that there are more illiterate people around than I'd ever thought possible. I always wonder not just of how they get by in life but how they feed their minds & their souls without reading.
Anyway, I digress.

So, it's not that I don't like reading. Nor is it that I haven't previously enjoyed reading books. Though as I type I can only recall doing so 2 or 3 times since I was a child. Strange, reminiscent of the 2 or 3 times I've took acid in my life: I thoroughly enjoyed the experience but just don't seek doing again.

I've always felt some sort of inferiority complex (shocker!) when it comes to books. Feared that those people who do read books would look down upon me. Conversations with new people or folks from outside my regular social circles fill me with dread when the topic finds it's way to books. They'd be all like:
Oh, I just finished Soandso's new novel, it was really great
Yeah, I'm about half way through Blahblahblah. I wasn't sure at first but I'm really getting into it now, I'm starting to think It may be as good as wordsonpaper.
Oh I LOVE that, what about you Flash?
Erm, well, I... erm... I don't really read books, sorry.

And then they look at me with the same expression of suspicion & pity that I would wear if you replaced the soandsos & blahs with Snow Patrols & British Sea Powers & someone told me "I don't really listen to music"
Then I sit there thinking to them, "Don't you dare think I'm intellectually lesser than you now just because I choose not to read books. You would be so wrong to think that, go on ask me a question- I bet I can answer it! I'm bloody clever, me! I am, I AM!"

I always tell myself that I don't have time to read a book, no just too much to do in my oh so busy little world. To illustrate the folly of this statement I shall talk you through how I have spent this day, Sunday the 8th day of May 2005:

Got up at around 8, made The Boy some breakfast, had a fag* & a coffee, watched The Boy playing Star Wars Battlefront (which is ace!), had another fag, swapped dressing gown for clothes, another fag & then we went out at 9.45.

*Just so as you know, when The Boy is here I sit with my upper body out of the living room window to smoke. Always.

We then drove the 12 miles to Rugby where we went to a couple of car boot sales & returned here just after midday. I then cooked his lunch (which took 2 minutes as his Mum had sent a pre-cooked meal for me to microwave for him) & played on battlefront myself while he ate. At 1 o'clock I watched the event's of the last day in the championship unfold on score interactive with a ham & cheese sandwich & a coffee. I checked a blog or two at half time.
The Boy managed to amuse himself in his room with his toys until it had nearly finished. The last few minutes were permeated with several "How much longer is this on?"s & the odd "Sorry Dad" after accidentally clobbering me with his lightsaber.
Then for another hour or so we played Battlefront together, which was excellent. We were on opposing sides & when we'd run into each other we would endeavour to blow the living shit out of each other. The character's name appears over them when you see them , which is quite handy as there are bloody loads of clone troopers & battle droids running about & they all look the same. His is called Anakin & mine is called Flash, no really. I was told I couldn't call it Dad because he's still deeply pissed off that our character in Knights of the old republic would utter things like "I am Dad, Jedi Knight". So he was much happier with Flash.
Digressing again, my apologies.
At half 5 I took him home to his mum, picked up some milk & returned home. Since then I have made 2 coffees, put a load of washing on, browsed on I-tunes to see if I wanted to buy anything (I didn't), plugged Humbert into my bedroom stereo so I could record some new tunes onto a minidisc for Reckless, opened up Reason & listened to to the newly constructed intro & first verse of "White celebration" (which is all a bit techno! I know!), thought about starting on the chorus, closed Reason, checked soundclick to see if anyone listened to my tunes yesterday (they didn't), spent about 40 minutes in the bath & then started writing this post.
Point being; I reckon today, I could have spent roughly 4 hours book reading without my life suffering any effects of neglect.
So I don't have time for reading books, eh?

The last novel I read was called "The best a man can get". I forget the author but it was a great read. I totally enjoyed it & related to a lot of it. I only did read it though because I kind of had to. It had been Reckless' "prison" book, given to him by a kindly policewoman to make his 16 hour stint in chokey a bit more bearable. He was only in the cells at the local cop shot but to hear him tell it, he did porridge!
When he came out blinking back into freedom the next day, he insisted that both Dream Girl & I devour it as soon as possible because it was brilliant.
Dream Girl went first & I followed a week or so later.
I remember thinking as I closed it for the last time that I should do it more often. That was 2 and a half years ago.

Over the last few weeks I've been feeling a gentle but nagging itch. I like to soak in the bath for ages & while I bathe I like to read. I have tired of reading old issues of Q. So I figured the time was right to get a book.
What bloody book though?
I don't have a type or a favourite author. I also don't have any particular genre.
I was going to ask you guys for recommendations & I may still in time, but today at the second car boot sale I paid 50p for a book, a novel.
Nick Hornby's Hi fidelity.
Something I'd always thought would appeal to me.

So I started it at bathtime. I'm only four chapters in & I totally love it so far.
I hope that it may just becoming the "to cut a long story short" of my book reading years.
I suspect that it could become my favourite book ever!

But then, I don't read books.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

"Through my TV through my TV, all my problems go"

Saturday night on Flash's testosterone telly:

Die Hard
Kylie live
Match of the day

Top that!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

"With love from me to you"

Truly sincere thanks to you all.
Your comments have perked me up no end, I want to expand but I don't know how to with becoming excruciatingly soppy & daft.
So I wont, but really, thanks.

PS. Spinsterwitch- I am SO gonna write a song called "Skin hunger"

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"I want to be a happy boy"

Be warned, limited happiness here.

I feel myself at a low ebb. I'm not in the pits of despair but I do feel very low.
I spent almost all of the weekend with The Boy. I'm sure I don't need to tell you just how much I love my little fella, but sometimes the company of a child isn't enough.
I think this is the root of my problem; company.

With Cutieboy's recent hospitalisation (He's home & on the mend now) I've come to realise just how dependent I am on Reckless & Dream Girl for company. Having not hung out for a couple of weeks, I've realised how utterly reliant I am on them. I spent the day with them yesterday which was really nice but once I drove away I found myself feeling much the same.

Then there's this whole blog malarkey. Which has got me to the point of extreme obsessional behaviour. Over the last couple of weeks I've found myself checking for comments & for updates on the blogs I read at an alarming rate. Even going back to other blogs to see if anyone's commented on my comment! See I've been using you guys for some sort of company too. (This may explain why it's all been a bit crap lately. Honestly, I read back over January's posts the other day & it was a much better blog back then.)

It's all a bit strange, one cannot read into people's daily lives, their highs & lows, their stories & events without becoming emotionally attached. Well I cant.
As much as I enjoy having my online friends, & I do consider you friends, it's not like a hands gonna come out of the monitor & ruffle my hair, is it? Nor can I see anyone smile or frown at what I've had to say.
It's not real, is it?

The real world sucks though, I simply don't seem to meet anybody unless they get a job at my work. I'm painfully aware that I should probably join a club or go to nightschool or something but it's practically impossible to do anything like that whilst on the shift pattern I am on.
I went out on the lash on Saturday, with Crisp Fiend. I hadn't been out for a while so I was mad for it. I even had a couple of E's that FlirtyDirty had acquired for me. Wanna know what happened?
Absolutely nothing of any consequence whatsoever.
I had hoped that maybe in the times when my memory had not worked that something exciting had occurred but Crisp Fiend told me today - Nothing.
I'm terrible at approaching people, particularly women. I get so scared & self-conscious that my appearance will instantly put them off that I seldom bother & when I do it's usually in an apologetic way. Incidentally, I don't consider myself to be a minger, I'm just an average looking tubby short mid 30's bloke. I didn't approach anybody on Saturday, just sat with my friends.
What pains me the most about all this is (& I do hope you agree) I know I'm quite an interesting & engaging character. If I'm introduced to someone then 9 times out of 10 we'll get on like a house on fire pretty damn quickly. I'm starting to waffle now.

Then of course there's my old problem of not getting any physical connections with anybody. Reckless was at work yesterday morning while Dream Girl & I had a really good talk, even after he came home it became one of those times that we sometimes share, when it's obvious (to each other) that there is more than friendship between us. Despite that though I don't receive any little strokes or hugs.
It feels like I'm absolutely starving, every now & again I'll get thrown a few crumbs (like the Buddy With Boobs incident the other week) & I'll gorge myself on them. All too soon I'll be starving again until I get to a point where even a few crumbs will suffice because I know that will quell the pain for a short while. Jesus, I could do with a meal, y'know?

As if all that weren't enough my i-pod is now known as Humbert.

I'm sorry for bringing this before you. I'm guilty for feeling so shit about what is a very small problem when compared to what others have to go through.
Usually after a post like this I'd sign off with something like; normal service will be resumed soon.
This time I'm afraid I can't make any promises.